So I've never played the Serious Sam games...

So I've never played the Serious Sam games, but I've always wanted to give the series a shot because from what I've seen it seems right up my alley. Decided to buy the complete bundle since it was only 10 bucks.

What am I in for? Which one should I start with? Any tips for a first timer?

Also Serious Sam thread I guess

SS3: BFE is story-wise (yeah I know, >story), and overall designed to give rookies like you a bit softer landing to the series tempo and gameplay. The first few maps are fairly tame in comparison what's coming up, but there's still tons of secrets to be found and dozens of enemies to be blown.

Then you start getting better weapons.
And to compensate that, you get more enemies, and tougher enemies rushing towards you.

Then some more. And a bit more.
Ultimately, it's you VS ~1000 boogies. Literally. No cover, no regen health, no upgrade trees, no bullshit.
Had literal "rip & tear" long before it came a meme via BD and D4.

I'd recommend starting with the Hard difficulty. No, that's not the highest one.
Remember to adjust the "3D rendering resolution" to match your screen / to "Unlimited" otherwise, and set "Color Mode" to the "Vivid".

>SS3: BFE is story-wise a PREQUEL to the series
fix'd. Should read before I post.

Thanks for the info user. One more question, is there any reason to play the original First Encounter and Second Encounter over the HD releases? The bundle included all of them

ss3 is decent but the worst

the make it easy for you
play the first encounter first
second encounter second

ignore ss2

If you ignore ss2 then ss3 isn't the worst.

Just play the hd versions and if you dont like children cartoon tier visuals skip 2, all are good fun games tho modders have made tons of maps and shit if you ever want to play something other than the campaigns

>One more question, is there any reason to play the original First Encounter and Second Encounter over the HD releases?
Not necessarily.
Some purist criticize some visual style and minor gameplay changes of the HD ports, but overall you're getting pretty much the same experience, in more modern coating.

>ss3 is decent but the worst
Nah son. It's easily one of the best FPS games to be released this decade. Far superior than those shitty nu-Doom and SW games at least.


The HD versions are very competently done, they weren't dumbed down in any way so there's nothing wrong with playing them over the originals.

However, if I remember correctly there are like one or two rooms in Second Encounter where you're supposed to walk on the ceiling or walls or something, but it doesn't work in the HD version.

worst of any of the games people give a shit about i mean