Can only buy one, which one should i get Sup Forums?

if you have a buddy to play with, Div OS without question.
if not, probably better off spending time with PoE.

DOS is the good one out of those two.


Alright since im getting mixed messages: which one has the better story?

Divinity if you got a friend to play with and who can play trough a campaign longer than it should be.
Pillars of eternity if you got no friends to play with.

Poe + 2 expansions

both of the stories are kinda meh overall
the main difference is the gameplay, Div OS was built for Co-op and is turn based, the combat system is one of the best in the crpg genre, probably even the best.
PoE uses the more traditional Rtwp like BG/Icewind Dale etc

>great combat
>really, fucking amazing combat
>combat is GOAT
>shit story

>massive world filled with lore
>poorly written lore, but lore
>fun and interesting characters
>mediocre combat

Divinity OS is another cRPG carrying on and furthering the long tradition of the genre.
Pillars OE is nu-cRPG. It's less evolved from past examples as it is built for those with only a faint understanding of cRPGs to allow them to say they've played one.