Tyranny's going to be better than Pillars, right?
Tyranny's going to be better than Pillars, right?
If the writing is any indication then no.
Someone convince me that magic will be fun.
Something about how Pillars and the stat distribution there world makes me very annoyed.
No romance options.
>Play a gnome wizard in PoE
>Spell damage is based on strength
>Increase strength massively for fireball power
>Receive dialog options where you 3-4 foot gnome grabs people by the throat and lifts them off their feet using strength because of the stats
Excuse me but I thought Josh "Two Cucksheds" Sawyer wasn't involved in this videogame production.
stopped reading there, jesus fucking christ
Jesus fucking Christ. Where are the good writers? They're certainly not making movies nor writing books. Where the fuck are they.
Devs said they didn't have the time or resources to add it to the game.
This. The way they balanced class stats does not synergize well with the way those very same stats are used for dialogue at all. And even the classes themselves, because apparently the best wizard spells are the ones that make the damn things less wizards and more magically-infused swordsmen
>start to ask if it was written by a woman
>maybe it's signed
>it is
So games where Obsidian said were completely ruined by lack of time and resources (THOSE DAMN PUBLISHERS) such as KotOR2 and Alpha Protocol had romances but Tyranny won't due to lack of time and resources.
Really makes me think.
Really makes me think too.
Alpha Protocol was developed for 4 years, only after 2 years of "work" they thought of assigning project leads
Getting the neurons a firing.
Pillars proved that Obsidian hardly deserves the reputation they've attained.
When given the chance to make their own game, on their own time, with their own IP, they decided to make it bland and safe. Pretty disappointing.
And the worst is that the setting at large isn't even that bad. They just went and set the game in the most boring part of it.
And as if THAT wasn't enough, while even the goddamn worthless backwater of Dyrwood STILL has interesting things going on in it, most of them relating to Durance's backstory, the game just sidesteps that completely for a worthless story about a cult no one has any reason for caring about.
they should've ditched the Hollowborn autism and focused on St. Waidwen's Crusade, it was so goddamn good
certainly better than Thaos shenanigans
found the betas. scared of a strong woman?
Wut. The only thing I remember of Durances story was shit that happened years before the game takes place.
>a cult no one has any reason for caring about
Except for the whole hollowborn thing.
"What's the matter? You can stand the sight of strong Nord woman?" Fuck off Olfina, I'm sure Jon Battle-Born's dick is in need of some sucking.
Muscle girls are my fetish.
The game makes such a big deal of discussing at length what might have happened to Eothas, including the theory that he might have been reborn as a mortal as per the dictates of the Wheel, and then nothing.
Hell, we don't even get to see Ashhfall or find out more about the literal godslaying bomb that was built.
This was a feminist hambeast self insert, wasn't it?
please stop advertising your sjw trash here
So keep strength at minimum!
You lose out like 10% damage. That's the beauty of it, it's so well balanced nothing fucking matters. Fuck you Sawyer you cunt.
If it was, which is an option I'm not going to just cast away, congratulations, she wrote herself as a worthless savage member of a tribe of worthless savages.
What's the harm again?
what the fuck
We don't like she because it's a badly written character, judging for the pic. It isn't that hard
Eothas was buttfucked by the godhammer and is at least no longer a god.
The worst part is that this isn't even the worst they've written. All the party members are awful, except for the two guys, who are merely generic.
;_; why can't he just use ability modifiers like AD&D, I HATE that someone can make a character that works. The character creator should fuck them if they're not a RPG genius ;_;
>this isn't even the worst they've written
No yeah, it is.
Which one is the worst? I'm actually curious now.
Yeah, these companions are such shit.
>Edgy man made of fire who talks about burning things constantly
>Lame-ass wise cracking fighter, BUT A SKULL, so original
>Edgy half-demon thief, what is this a fucking anime
>Stupid purified succubus, what a load of feminist sex-shaming horseshit
>A lawful stupid suit of armor voiced by a black guy (because black people being lawful is realistic, right? fucking SJWs)
>A boring robot with no personality
God what a shitty game.
I personally found the white haired fallout character to be pretty awful.
Not sure what your point is.
updated my journal
Are you talking about that other game written by that one decent writer obsidian used to have?
>Cristoforo Avellone
negro he was a godsend
Eothas' prognosis is pretty grim. He is certainly no longer a god but it's is up in the air whether there was even any of his soul left.
I hear they plan a last minute name change to tranny and to pander completely to SJW propaganda.
his point is that judging characters based on 2 paragraph summaries of their personalities and lives is fucking stupid
no wonder you can't see his point, you're a god damn retard.
What's Avellone doing now after he left obsidian?
writing Div:OS2, Torment 2, Prey 2
>writing DivOS2
False. He wrote 1 (ONE) background (those things people never read at character creation)
>writing Torment 2
False. He's writing a companion iirc. Story isn't being written by him.
I'm looking forward to Tyranny, it'll be nice to play another cRPG. But I haven't found the will to finish PoE, the duke just got assassinated and i'm chasing Thaos is it worth finishing?
Writing DOS2
well Chris is not going to be a Lead Writer ever, he doesn't like it
Well, if you finished other new crpgs and you dont want to replay bg or planescape then yes
Just like Fall-From-Grace, this will be a shit tier character.
>A lawful stupid suit of armor voiced by a black guy (because black people being lawful is realistic, right? fucking SJWs)
You lost me there, try to be more subtle next time.
No him, but the 2 paragraph summaries are bad writted. That's the problem.
>Tyranny's going to be better than Pillars, right?
>doesn't seem to have a single good writer writer actually working on it directly
>visuals are very boring and lazy
>less money and development time gone into it so not expecting any amazing mechanics and gameplay
>Obsidian have splitted up pretty hard juggling a ton of games they're working on currently, with much larger projects in the mix
Yea I have 0 expectations that it'll even be decent, unfortunately
Speaking for the base game alone... more or less, but tending to the less.
There's a fairly interesting sequence where you have a conference with the gods themselves and get to know a bit more about them by direct interaction.
You also learn a pretty big spoiler about how they were created rather than being true members of the natural order.
Other than that there's nothing intensely compelling about it.
Some of the other writing is actually very good. I think we all know the real solution is stop letting women write anything.
1. That's not two paragraphs.
2. Those don't read like summaries but like their entire fucking backstory and character and it's all really poorly written, to boot.
I predict this game will be an underrated gem like Alpha Protocol.
You're retarded.
I can tolerate shit writing if the gameplay is good. Will the gameplay be good?
>fix him in the eye and tell him negotiations are over
Is this going to be another "glass him"?
that's right better pre-order it ASAP
its a crpg
I need google translate to figure out what your autistic ass is trying to say
I played Fallout 1 and 2 for the gameplay.
My point is that if PS:T released today, Sup Forumsirgins would likely be picking it apart and calling it SJW horseshit, especially since Chris Avellone has done many talks recently about including different genders and races in his game and is most likely about as liberal as Josh Sawyer and Tim Cain are.
I can see that happening with Fall-from-Grace, but you're making a crucial mistake in thinking that Sup Forums is one person and that thinking I follow some kind of hivemind. Bad writing is bad writing, no matter what people who consume it think of it or react to it.
>Pillars proved that Obsidian hardly deserves the reputation they've attained.
All Pillars proved is that all the good writers left and that Sawyer is a retard.
The spell crafting system looks cool
Since there's no Sawyerino to "balance' things out, there might be a chance for us to do some fun spells.
It's a polite way of saying "we won't do romances because they're always complete garbage, get a real women nerds"
You haven't seen any of the devs, have you?
you do know the person who said that (Josh Sawyer) has a wife, right?
Josh Sawyer had nothing to do with this one.
it was literally his forum post