it's live.
It's live
matts doing a stream with his mommy
I use to like his videos but after finding other youtubers like Joseph Anderson I realized he was pretty shit.
Don't even bring up Noah Gervais. That guy is digging way too deep to find stuff that isn't even there. Just check his Postal 2 video, a dev literally says he's flat out wrong.
What does this Joseph Anderson guy do so much better that it makes Matthew shit?
>Joseph Anderson
They're like the exact same stuff, user.
He doesn't only state the obvious.
Seriously, I liked the 6 hours Dark souls video but come on it could've been 2 hours if he didn't talk about the most basic and obvious game dev stuff.
he doesn't delay his videos because it's raining
Matthew confirmed a gobshite
Watching Joseph Anderson and Mathewmatosis's videos on Furi back to back really shows the difference in how they make videos.
While Mathew talked a lot about particularities of the game that were a problem for him ( Gun spam + counter, the walking, the two bosses not being varied encounters ) Joseph Anderson was able to speak from a slightly less personal viewpoint.
Joseph Anderson also uploads content on a weekly basis while Mathew is having trouble keeping up even with only having 20 minute reviews as of recently.
Noah Gervais is really shitty, he doesn't know how to do the technical side right ( Mouse clicks are audible in the Doom video he did ) and has a extreme liberal bias that doesn't really match up with his audience of people that are willing to watch 6 hour videos on game design.
Like said his Postal video was particularly awful.
From what I've heard from Digibro and the Horseshoe Crew, personal reviews are better because they admit to not being objective, tell others only to treat them as a viewpoint and to avoid clinging to their words, and are openly asking for criticism.
I totally disagree with the idea that Joseph was less biased in his review of furi- he was gushing almost the entire video about why he loved it so much, and said very little beyond simply that he enjoyed the combat.
MM's review was I think much more critical, which in my eyes makes it more valuable because he's able to pick apart the minutia and communicate how all the parts of the game coalesce into their sum
Spare me your elitism.
>Implying he's not one of the better anime analysts on YT
>Especially compared to trash like Glass Reflections
IT's not vidya fuck off
Why does everybody call him Glass Reflections? His name is GRArkada, or Tristan somethingorother if you wanna use powerwords
>anime analysts
That's not how I remember him
>trash like Glass Reflections
But he's fine, user.
He literally just tells people what they want to hear. The only time he's ever given his own opinion is when he called School Days his least favorite anime.
>better anime analysts
Serious question,
Who the fuck is this?
Yes, we all know he helped give the MLP fandom a sense of dignity. Nobody cares.
The what fandom?
Just checked him and even though I'm not into weebshit his video of "Turn your brain off" is pretty great.
Lurk moar.
The fuck is that
Google gave me 2 random results, one was in moonrunes
Should I be scared
I wish he had used "Do I hate fun?" as his title instead. I know he's looking for maximum clickbait potential, but it'd still be more honest.
How do I lurk, friend? Sorry, I am new to the Fourth Channel.
While I don't like the technical flaws either, NCG doesn't really come off as some kind of biased liberal to me. He just comes off as a human being turned mellow by extensive education and real world experience. Reminds me of Bobbin Threadbare.
Ironic shitposting, et cetera.
>Noah Gervais
I love the guy but the Postal 2 episode is embarrassing.
who is the gril?
Joseph Anderson is like a discount Matthewmatosis who dedicates 3 hour long videos to AAA cinematic experiences and defends them because even though what little gameplay is involved is mediocre they "look cool"
>taking digibrony seriously
He made an entire fucking video about pony mating habits
Holy fuck stop shilling your channel Joseph Anderson. You are a fucking terrible reviewer and you belong to the trash with this irish fuck.
Come on, man. He's clearly fallen out of that whole thing.
The only anime youtuber worth following is Demo.
Too bad he's posted only one video this year.
There are some other good "analysts", but they're nowhere near as popular.
Like this guy.
Many others have straight up quit years ago. I recall i liked JesuOtaku.
All in all, i feel like Demo is the only youtuber that grasped Evangelion for what it is.
Sup Forums lost all credibility when they started shilling this moron
Didn't Demo outright stop like a year ago though?
Just going by their Dark Souls critiques I feel that Anderson went into more depth regarding that series. Which is interesting because even in matts like 6 hour commentary he didn't really say all that much besides explain the basics of game design for areas.
I need to hear Matts analysis of Bloodborne.
No, he's still been streaming and stuff. He's just hibernating.
I will never be able to take anything he says seriously knowing that he made an entire video about pony mating habits. I'm sorry, that's just how it is.
I like the content and scripts of Gervais' analyses, for the most part, and he can put together impressively lengthy videos, but he really needs to work on his fucking production values.
Nope, i think he's just taking a break.
For a while he streamed a lot.
It's our Dark Lord, Martinmattossus.
>Look up that Postal video
>MarphitimusBlackimus is the lead designer of RWS
What the fuck? I've been subscribed to him for like five years and I never knew. Guess that's why he makes so much Postal content.
Gotta check that out.
It's super retarded, but everyone posts retarded shit that they regret on the internet at some point. At least he has the balls to keep the video up.
>Sup Forums us turning on our boy MatMat
>All these vidya reviewers
>Noone mentions Novacanoo
He's pretty much a kiwi Matthewmatosis. His Jak videos are especially good
God-tier Video Analysis Personalities
-Joseph Anderson
-Super Bunnyhop
Demo is pretty cool, just wish he'd come out of hibernation. Never got into Digibro. Something about him irked me.
Any youtubers I should look into that produce genuinely insightful reviews of video game mechanics or stories for autists like me?
Pretty new to this. Matthew, or however he is called, was 'okay' so far, Super Bunnyhop was pretty good, I guess. Anything else?
And Clemps.
>-Joseph Anderson
For every good Digibro vid, there are at least 3 vids where he rambles out of his ass
>Jak videos
Well, gonna have to check these out.
Dude, we've all made shitty things that we regret and change our minds about. That's what it is to be on the internet.
For example, I made a 50 part rant about how I hate FE13.
Every Digibro video is like forty goddamn minutes long because he just won't cut it up or edit it at all. I know he's said it's his style, but goddamn, I got video games to play, I can't sit through an hour long video of why K-On is the best anime on the planet.
this guy was probably hilarious when I was 16, but he's turned into a cringelord now.
Isn't he also the guy who tweets at people a bunch of shit obscenities?
k-on sucks. Yeah the girls are cute but its 2000's toonami/post-toonami kids forst sol.
I just watch the first 5 minutes, because you can get the gist of what it's gonna be like.
Dude, play your games and listen to him in the background. It's not too hard.
Also, what video games?
Hey, I love that video! It actually sounds like an experienced human being giving a lecture on the mindset of edgy teenagers.
>playing Valkyria Chronicles while listening to Digibro rant about K-On
That sounds awful. Gotta get immersed in the game world, you know?
>Valkyria Chronicles
Is that game good, anyways? I'm sure the gameplay is fine, but I've become uneasy about anime after playing FE14.
Goat Jesus grasped Eva quite well demo has recommended him a few times
Man that was embarassing
>dude my girlfriend lmao
How? I doubt anyone could understand Eva as well as Demo did, or give opinions on it as intelligent as Digi did.
Then again, I've seen GoatJesus's Magica video, so I doubt it should be anywhere close to as cringe as Bennett, but I'm still uneasy...
It's fun, and I don't think it's too anime. It's a decent amount of anime, but it still takes itself seriously enough to actually treat the main characters as soldiers and not high school students or whatever. Hell, they went so far as to actually give the main characters some decent looking military uniforms and not the anime bullshit the characters in the third game end up wearing.
This is a post commemorating Help Me, whose shitpost managed managed to transcend space and time, escaping a dead Sup Forums thread and ending up in a stream against all odds, years later
Just watch through the Eva stuff. Trust me it's nothing at all like Bennett
Guess I'll try it, then.
Is Drarbg's torrent on Piratebay reliable?
Jesus fuck, that was just fucking oh my god
What? The video is fine. I never cringed at any part of it. The only thing I thought iffy was implying Diablo 3 was a good game.
Not sure, I'm playing it on the PS3 since I've owned it for fucking forever and only now got around to it.
How old is female voice?
Probably late twenties.
hbomberguy is god-tier
Shit-tier you mean
sargon fanboy detected
Is Machew playing with tank controls? Could it be that he's a cooler guy than I thought?
don't play dumb
>But never the word NIGGER.
V I D E O G A M E S =/= e-celebs
>look at his MAL
>less than 1000 anime
>all those dropped anime
>states in his video he even dropped GitS SAC at some point only to watch it later
I think this guy just has ADHD and homosexuality.
how so?
They're good, check them out.
He did, but he's other videos are hit or miss with me.
iMatthewmatosis hit it big on Sup Forums because his Dark Souls 2 commentary is the average Sup Forums thread condensed in a video.
Lack of Knowledge
Strawman Arguments
Ignores valid theories which could contradict him
The Dark Souls 1 review which followed later to cash in on the audience he gathered through his DaS2 video exposed this even more as things than annoyed him in Dark Souls 2 suddenly were okay in Dark Souls 1.
Just like Sup Forums.
I read that in his voice.
He wasn't wrong though.
it took a lot of people another arguably even worse Dark Souls title to realise what Dark Souls 2 did right.