Walk into Gamestop to pick up Titanfall 2

>walk into Gamestop to pick up Titanfall 2
>some t-shirt wearing pajama-pantsed Nintendrone customer is at the register complaining to the qt associate
>mad about some weeb 3DS game reservation that had two weeb figures with it (ya'll probably know the one) that they couldn't find, but then they do
>he asks the qt cashier to see a Charmander plushie
>he then asks to see another because this one "has flaws"
>says "I'm somewhat of a perfectionist"
>sides approaching orbital drop zone
>decide to chime in and say "if you really were a perfectionist you'd get the Squirtle plushie instead" (even though I have a Charmander bias thanks to X and Y)
>he scoffs confidently and says "No"
>asks to see all 4 Charmander plushies
>children walk in saying trick or treat, but there's no candy (flavor detail)
>he then brags about his game collection to another associate who rolls his eyes
>Nintendude leaves with weeb game and doll in hand
>qt cashier visibly frustrated

Fucking Gamestop. Just stay home if you can't carry yourself in public.

nice blog

Whoa good shit man

Fuck you faggot. Acquire taste.


Looks like shit

>getting mad

Nice samefag

Did you fuck the frustrations out of the cashier bro?

Cool story bro.

>work at big w
>guy calls up to check the price and availability of a video game
>I can tell it's the manager of eb games from across the street calling for a price match again
>he tries to disguise his voice for some fucking reason, puts on accents and shit

Sorry there isn't a punchline here. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I leave him on hold while I scratch my balls but I need something better.

The fuck do you live? Canada? EB/Gamestop doesn't price match in the states

It's ok man

No, I was in there 10 mins earlier with my gf. It's not normal to offer dick to make someone feel better, user.


EB still price matches? Those nignogs sell for like 30 bucks more than everyone else, not even sure why people go there still.

>be me
>walk into gamestop
>pick up World of Final Fantasy
>pay for it
>enjoy the game

Fucking gamestop am i right guys

Tell him that Ic's are carrying him.

>Titanfall 2
stopped reading there.

>buying candy for Halloween
>already working through the York patties
>decide to stop by Gamestop
>gonna get Mortal Kombat and challenge trick-or-treaters to fights
>walk in, greet friend that works there
>he asks me if my dog is supposed to be walking around by himself
>explains that my dog came in and stole a Star Ocean case but he'll give me the disc if he wants it
>my dog is dead
>"nah man he was just here, only your dog would knock over the Battlefield display intentionally"
>spooked as shit
>buy both games, drive home
>front door is cracked open
>all the lights are off
>TV is on Lifetime channel, Grey's Anatomy is on
>episode where George dies
>anyway, start looking around house for dog
>hear noise coming from linen closet
>grab handle
>slowly open it
>dog fucking tackles me
>fucker faked his own death just to scare me
>he steals the rest of the York patties

Can I trade in dogs at Gamestop? Cats would never do this shit

Post a picture of your new charmander plushie too, faggot.

Literally happened today
>walked into Gamestop just to kill time while I wait for the bus to arrive after having to get my modem replaced
>get greeted the second I walk in
>employee walks over to me
>Oh god please no
>Tell him yeah, asks me for my phone number
>He whips out a fucking tablet with their rewards program on there and looks up my account
>"So what are ya, PS4 or Xbone One?"
>I have a PS4 and PC
>Oh, uh cool...(My brithday was on the 3rd)
>Guy immediately starts shilling me the latest AAA garbage like Skyrim Remaster, told him I had it on PC and said the remaster was garbage
>Shills Battlefield 1 and how he finally reached some rank for his medic class
>"Oh dude you want a real good FPS shooter?"
>Points to the PS4 copy of nu-DooM
>Told him yeah already got it on PC and physically too, I'll just browse around for a little then
>Actually go to the 3DS section and found SMTIV
>Starts the transaction for the game
>Casually talk about some vidya and I told him that I'm really a collector for physical games as opposed to digital
>After handing me my bag, he then hands me some promo card, I thought it was the Volcanion promo for Pokemon
>It's fucking Brian from Family Guy in his Banana suit
>He's now shilling some shitty mobile game that the card was promoting
Guy also told me he was 30 when he carded me for SMTIV
I'm actually in disbelief that there are people who are that old and act so goddamn nerdy it makes me cringe real bad

Isn't that a 10 year old RPG maker game?

you sound like a cunt

He successfully made you buy a game. How does this make you feel?

>Buying titanfall 2.

Good man. The campaign, along with Doom 4, are my fave FPS' of the year.

>walk into gamestop
>see qt cashier
>try to woo her with a nice smirk
>she immediately gets a face of disgust and leaves to go into the back room
>go to the wii u section and get bayonetta
>decide to get some yoshi plushies
>girl comes back with a horrified face
>i go up to her to buy the game and the plushies
>"h-have you signed up for our rewards program?"
>i start talking about how that program is a scam and that it would actually make my yoshis more expensive
>tell her about how gamestop is biased against the wii u
>"o-okay... is that c-cash or c-credit?"
>immediately i take out my wallet and my condom falls out
>tell her that it's for the yoshis to make things less awkward
>she looks at me like i just killed someone
>say just kidding and that it's gonna be for her
>she yelps and drops my yoshis
>pay for it and start running away

Fucking Gamestop.

Right back at ya

If I had a coupon that could take a significant chunk off of the price and disposable income, I wouldn't mind. It's just the way he fucking acted that really put me off.

>walk into gamestop
>those stores are always cramped
>accident my knee kid in the side
>he overreacts and screams OW
>made look down and see he is downie and has that natural downie red hue in his cheeks
>get dirty looks from fat ass parent
>go buy metal gear V ground zero edition
>cash it out without incident
>check game, its a habit
>greasy as hell, has hair stuck on it, Fucking pet owner most likely, scratches already
>drive home going faster then I should

>go dumpster diving at gamestop
>see something on the roof
>scale the wall to get to the roof
>see a pocket pussy connected to the store
>put my dick in it

Fucking Gamestop.

I chuckled

underrated post


>go to gamestop
>ask for a new version of EDF
>lady cashier brings a copy from the shelves and quickly looks for the disc to ring up
>ask her if its new since I just saw her try to give me a gutted copy
>"technically, yes, but this copy has a discount of $10"
>buy the game, walk away sort of satisfied
Fucking gamestop, kind of

I knew you shouldn't trust IC mains

It really isn't. It's just that this thread is so bad even that terrible story seems decent in comparison.

> walk into Best Buy
> grab titanfall 2 off a display case right at the entrance.
> walk to completely empty line.
> pay without answering a bunch of questions
> in and out in two minutes
> come home and still haven't played the game the last two days.

>titanfall 2

kill yourselves.

he lives in aus, and they still pricematch here.

Why? I'm not a PC fag so I don't have to bitch about Origin.

>be 18 year old 300lb neet
>return ooga booga for dreamcast to eb games
>game doesn't work on my dreamcast
>we'll replace it
>explain to him my dreamcast has problems playing some new games
>he implies I'm returning it because it sucked
>both guys have a laugh as they refund me
>haven't left the house since

Wait I was in Gamestop just last week and didn't get shilled about a mobile game. Weird. Fairly the chick who worked there went to high school with me and didn't bother wasting my time.

Niggas need to advertise that

The only fucking gamestop I ever had was the following

>walk into gamestop
>ask if they have [game]
>"we don't, we only ordered four copies of that game because rarely do people buy those kind of games"
>after asking, they confess that a lot of people have already asked for a copy of [game] and had been disappointed as well
>tell them that they should keep restocking the triple AAA call of duty copies they still have brand new from years ago in case they run out of magically
> leave store

Never again

Only buy physical copies through online sites like amazon

>"""adult""" """men""" actually purchase this shit

Pathetic. If I see any of you faggots on the street playing this or about to purchase it I'm beating the shit out of you no questions asked.

I doubt most people go outside to play Corpse Party tough guy.

Gamestop employee here
Can confirm that they make us do this shit but I want to reassure you that no matter how cheery we are talking to you, we all hate the shpeil

You think I give a fuck? I'll beat any weeaboo's faggot ass if I see them out in public. You deserve your ass beat for leaving such a faggy reply.

>Go to GameStop to pick up Titanfall 2
>GameStop closed all their stores here in March
>Go to Walmart
>They somehow don't have Titanfall 2
>End up buying it digital
Fucking GameStop

Should have given her the dick to take away the stress.

Serves you right for being a fucking weeb

I don't get it

f-fucking GameStop™!

>walk into gamestop with a friend
>grab [game]
> after waiting in line ask the cashier if they have battletoads and laugh alongside because we are retarded meme masters
>cashier doesn't get it
>politely say "sorry, its just a dumb joke about asking for a game that doesn't exist to employees of Gamestop, don't pay it attention"
> she gets angry and says if it is because she is a girl
> change my tone to an offended one and say "please, don't be so distasteful"
>she gets visibly embarrassed and doesn't say anything
>turn my attention to the other girl cashier, who checks my game


Fuck you 30 isn't old.

>tfw working at a game store and have to hassle every person who enters
>can't tell them how bad games really are they'll probably fire me
>have to hassle people about pre-orders and loyalty cards

It's pretty horrible shilling all this nonsense but it's always kind of fun when you have a nice conversation about vidya with some one


>walk into eb games to kill some time
>dweeb asks me if i need assistance
>politely say no thanks im just browsing
>goes back to talking to the stacey behind the counter
>says how hes starting his own youtube channel
>think to myself good for him i hope he makes a successful channel


>Work at Best Buy
>midnight release of Titanfall
>get this new "Gamer's Club Unlocked" deal that gets you 20% off of all new game purchases and 10% off of all used games
>also gives you a B2G1 free coupon and 50% off guide coupon
>two years for 60bucks
>kinda expensive, but 5 new games at 60USD each pays it off the two year cost
>it works on collector's editions
>people were buying the Titanfall CE that costs 250USD
>tell them they can get the membership for free since it knocks 60USD off of the cost of that stupidly expensive CE
>No, I don't want it
>...Are you sure? It's a free membership for 20% off all of your new video game purchases for two years since your current purchase pays it off in full right now.
>"I should have just went to Gamestop so I didn't have to hear about all this membership shit."

Something being funny or not depends on the timing

Even dead unfunny memes can be made funny by the situation

I think the no candy was probably the biggest letdown tbqh.

>walk into gamestop
>determined to buy Steins;gate for muh Vita
>go to the counter
>cutie cashier
>ask if they have Steins;gate for Vita
>she tells me that there is no game for the vita called Steins;gate
>i tell her there is
>she doesn't believe me
>go to another store and buy it
Fuck gamestop and their incompetent cute wage slaves

>be me
>go to EB Games
>wanna buy resident evil remake
>too young at the time
>tell me to bring an adult
>ask a black guy to buy it for me
>yeh, he's my son
>they sell me the game

When I was working at GameStation years ago a kid came in with his mum asking for Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, me and the other guy behind the counter we're just laughing the entire time over the name and he suggested the kid probably made it up

When they left we were still laughing went into the back to tell the manager so he starts laughing and looked it up found out it was real and we all just started laughing even harder

In hindsight that was a pretty dick thing for us to do

>no problem i will do everything for you
t. guy who bought anons game


>walk in GameStop
>see cashier
>she has a cute butt
>remember she has a poop inside her
>walk out disgusted

I did that a long time ago for some kids who wanted to buy The Warriors

wew lad.
You make them kids cry you know.

>go to EBGAMES
>ask if they have alot of sun and moon presales
>they say they have about 300+ and are doing a midnight release
>pre order sun, i dont usually pre order but ill be buying it anyways so w/e
>they 3 of them start sperging about pokemon
>i act as if i dont know all the new ones
>i tell them im just getting back into it
>pretend not to know what volcanion or geneset is
>the guy even apologizes for talking about the new ones because i pretended not to know what they were
>mfw im actually a huge pokefag
>mfw no one, not even EBgames employees, will know my power level

Parents used to ask me if COD was suitable for their kid and I'd always say no while the kid gave me a death stare

PQube doesn't send Steins;Gate copies to Gamestop.


gamestop employee's please give more stories about the spergs who come in and / or hangout there

i go to eb games maybe once a year if that and everytime, theres a fedora lord being autistic

>be 16
>want to play Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur on day 1
>go to gamestop with my dad
>employee tells my father that i am obviously to young for the game
>my father doesn't buy the game

>walk in GameStop
>see cashier
>she has a cute butt
>remember she has a poop inside her
>that's kind of hot

These kids looked 10 or under, I wouldn't of jewed you

Steins;gate Zero will will be sold at gamestop though.

hello gramps

I tried to preorder it today but it wasn't in their system

>go to gamestop with friend
>witcher 3 launch week
>friend asks for a copy of the witcher for xbone
>employee start talking about how good graphics and gameplay are
>am already pissed
>ask him if he at least plays on pc
>he says yes and tells me that he plays on ultra and tweaked it to the max with his hacker skills because his graphics card is superior
>ask which graphics card he owns
>he tells me that he doesn't know for sure but he thinks it is a nvidia card
>stop talking and leave

I can imagine they just misspelled it, happened at least 5 times to me.
Why can't everybody be interested in the Vita

I've spoke to 2 people about the Vita so far in the store I work at

One we were laughing about Gal Gun and how his wife always yells at him about the weird games he played

The other wanted one but we had none of the games he wanted in stock because no one really buys the Vita

Cut your hair hippie

I want to fuck that GameStop

It was an Amazon exclusive.

b-but user i thought it looked c-c-cute.

I could buy it in another store without any problem.
I live in austria.

I like to sit in my long coat and play GE2:RB and PS1 Classics.

g'day m8

lets throw another shrimp of the barbie

I said Austria not Australia senpai.

>go to gamestop
>find Bionic Commando for PS3 for $2.99 or something
>say fuck it, I'm gonna buy this
>long ass line
>some dude doing trade-ins holds up the line for 20 minutes
>only one clerk
>finally get to the front
>guy can't find the game
>fuck you I just waited in this line
>make him look for like ten minutes
>people behind me getting visibly agitated
>he apologizes
>ask if I can keep the case and manual at least
>he says sure and apologizes some more
>still leave a negative survey
Fucking gamestop get your shit together.

Yeah cunt lets get a bbq going cook us some roo burgers

pass a fosters ya drongo

Hana a best. Wonder how her feet smell

Stop mobbing other people on that anonymous forum you always hang out. No more internet for you today Oliver.

nice try ya dropkick cunt

Thanks user

I wonder how her pee must taste.

>go to gamestop
>employee greets me, asks me if I was interested in any games
>ask for yokai watch 2 FS
>gets the game out and starts transaction
>some other guy with a baby in a basket standing at the other register
>suddenly leaves gamestop leaving the kid there
>I stand there confused
>employee wraps up transaction
>dude comes back to the register to get his kid
>I leave relieved that I didn't witness a child abandonment

fucking gamestop

>Had to convince yourself to spend $2.99
>Hold up the line and make the clerk feel bad because he couldn't find some obscure 10 year old game from the bargain bin.
>Actual paying customers behind you who aren't peasants

You're a faggot my friend

n-no problem gamestop-senpai.

I'm not even into that but I'd drink it