What do you think of ProJared? I've never watched the guy before, apart form his Dark Souls 2 video a few minutes ago

What do you think of ProJared? I've never watched the guy before, apart form his Dark Souls 2 video a few minutes ago.

Whilst I think saying it plays better than Dark Souls 1 is a load of shit, he was quite critical of the game. Why is matthewmatosis credited for being the guy to point out the flaws of Dark Souls 2, and not ProJared?

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He's alright. His voice teeters on boring but his content is interesting enough to keep watching.
He has some extreme shit taste, but he speaks his mind.
He can express some real underlining SWJ bullshit views sometimes and that gets annoying.

>underlining SWJ bullshit

I've watched just about everything of his, including having streams running in the background, don't recall him ever being the slightest SJW.

Fuck off with your eceleb shit

u mad?

I don't remember when or which video, but he has said something along the line of "why does female character wear revealing clothes, that's so sexist."

Jew with punchable face.

those damn sweejus

Just watch this

i also watch him often and never really saw him as an SJW. Even if he was the slightest bit of SJW, I could care less.

Everytime i see him

>Critics all agree Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 3
>Sup Forums ignores and memes their way into denial anyway
DS3 shitters are cancer.

I watch his hydlide and two worlds reviews like once every 6 months. Aside from his giant jew nose he seems like a pretty good guy. Also, I enjoy his play channel where he doesn't over exaggerate how scary horror games are. He's just like "Wow, spooky."

>muh SJW

He's liberal, like what the typical Westerner is. It's not anything surprising.

>b-but there is a difference!

>muh favorite youtube friends said this about my favorite game so it must be true!

>DS2 rated 91 by critic review on Metacritic
>DS3 rated 89



>Thinks stupid unrefined opinions are more important than t rained professional opinions.

Started off pretty good giving his own take on YouTube review.

Really hit his stride around his dragon ball z retrospective, but has fluctuated between good and bad since. More bad than good lately.

Also he looks like his wife.

Are you really this dumb?
Only one you should trust is yourself and realize other people have different opinions and theres nothing you can do about that and accept it, if you learn something new from a different mans opinion, great, if you learn something from a critics opinion, also great, but if you treat their opinions above your own you should just kys

He's genuinely one of the weirdest looking fucking people I've ever seen.

Also pretentious as hell with terrible opinions, but god DAMN, that face,

Wow dude. That's really insightful. How many subscribers do you have on your youtube channel again?

>Sweet Weewee of Jesus?

He's a jew.
He's not that bad, I specially liked his Fire Red Nuzlocke

Your mum is the only one
If i would ever do youtube it would be no commentary no idea what i would post and it doesnt really matter since i dont

>you're not allowed to like this person who's popular on the internet
>oh, but you like movie and television celebrities? well that's completely different and fine

you people sound like idiots

This is a VIDEOGAME board for VIDEOGAME discussion, not about people playing games

The typical American is not liberal, sorry.

He gets paid to advertise Capcom games and has no problem with reviewing them anyway. Haven't watched him since he gave Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate a 9/10 without bothering to mention that he's basically on Capcom payroll. He also deleted a bunch of videos that he got paid to make for Monster Hunter so he either didn't like them or wanted to cover that up.

I might seem stingy for giving a shit but his fans will defend him to the death with the dumbest reasoning. I don't want to hear the opinion of someone who got paid by the developer, but apparently since he's "such a huuge fan!!" it's okay for some people.

This thread is for discussing this guy's reviews, specifically his Dark Souls 2 review.

Only normie autists are interested in celebrities

>Sup Forums
>let's talk about a guy who specializes in discussing video games
>"durrr this has nothing to do with games"


Sorry, I can't trust somebody who thinks Slenderman is at all scary.

He's ok, if only for his objective and critical opinion on SA2.

you're literally the autist here

>"hey user, whaddya think of (so and so)?"

>"pff, you simple minded sheeple, as if I'd enjoy someone who entertains people. please leave my presence unless you have a more intelligent question to ask me."

>"o-okay, user.."

It's most obvious in his Ride to Hell video when he talks about the sex scenes.

He became another "let´s player that occasionally does le funny review with shitty jokes". I liked the one minute reviews or the thoughts he gave on almost every new game or indie title that came out. He hasn't uploaded one in years.

>What do you think of ProJared?
By that logic we should talk about anyone who ever played a single videogame in his life, if you said you were discussing his reviews and so on then sure but you're not, you're focusing on a dude and your only excuse is that he plays videogames

honestly I find him incredibly obnoxious but not as bad as that peanut butter gamer faggot.

Is this guy still a thing? Anyways OP what I think is anyone who shows their face on their gaming channel is shit

Wait so TotalBiscuit is an SJW now?

your logic fucking sucks, dude

both are shit.

Projared was only decent for his mon hun tutorials, but since he tried to be a funny cunt in those I wouldn't recomend any of them to anyone especially when you could just watch gaijin hunter instead who knows way more shit about the games

Enjoying entertainment is not the same as following everything the entertainer does in his life

I remember when he appeared on that TV show about mobile games

>has .hack//infection, mutation, and outbreak
>no quarantine

Fucking casual

>He has some extreme shit taste
His MGR review was terrible and he pretty much said the game was shit because it didn't play like a MGS game

I never once said anything about following everything they do.

All I said is that it's not wrong to be a fan of a person of celebrity/famous status and discuss them

Typical clickbait youtuber
I won't watch any youtuber that uses clickbait thumbnails.

I love some of his older videos like Mystic Quest and the Two Worlds series
His lets plays are utter shit

to be fair, he really didn't the show and what the writing was like and only did it for the life experience, to be able to say, "hey, i was on TV once"

>thumbnail is just him smiling or frowning with the game in the back

How is this clickbait? The only thing that's gotten clickbait lately is his gaming channel

*like the show

>clickbait thumbnails
such as?

I liked his video game store sitcom he made for screwattack when he started. His opinions are hit and miss but he's not that much of a cuck.

Idk he's pretty ugly and annoying to look at

he said projared not your mom

>By that logic we should talk about anyone who ever played a single videogame in his life, if you said you were discussing his reviews and so on then sure but you're not, you're focusing on a dude and your only excuse is that he plays videogames
I am - I made the thread asking why matthewmatosis is given all the credit for being critical of Dark Souls 2, when ProJared released a somewhat critical review a month beforehand.

The fact that everyone ITT ignored that part is irrelevant.

He's one of the very few people that I still regularly watch. I legitimately enjoyed his Alone in the Dark 94' playthrough even though his jokes tend to not stick well and I'm pretty sure he's gay for Peanut Butter Gamer whoever that fag is. He's okay I guess, he's not annoying enough for me to feel off about it.

The way that game treats its women is actually sexist and retarded though, so it's not like he was wrong.

Did someone hurt your feelings because they said mean things about your youtube friend?

I think someone hurt your feelings because you just accused me of being upset because I made an ironic mom joke

user calm down, it's just a taiwanese picture board

>Peanut Butter Gamer
The shittiest member of Normal Boots. Everyone else is cool.

>Your Mom! lol!
Wow, I wonder how long it took for you to think that one up. The reason you don't have a youtube channel is because you know your opinions are shit, you have no creativity, and you know nobody would even like your videos.

All that user did was state his opinion and all the eceleb apologists can say is ur mad xD or ur mum xD

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>Whilst I think saying it plays better than Dark Souls 1 is a load of shit

That is a massive load of shit and invalidates anything else he has to say.

Fuck off, Jared.

Your mother never loved you.

I like him and the Completionist/Beard Bros

I think he has a very malleable face

>Bioshock Infinite is one of the most gripping games I have ever played

He is fucking shit tier and you are retarded if you are a fan of his.

He's weird and kinda anoying, but his videos are quite good and he likes Monster Hunter, that's cool.
He is like Spoony minus the insanity

>What do you think of ProJared?
I think he's annoying and sometimes can't believe he has a fan base

>Why is matthewmatosis credited for being the guy to point out the flaws of Dark Souls 2, and not ProJared?
Because he uploaded a 45 minute video pointing out damn near every flaw that did a great job of helping people realize why the game felt so off/bad to them

I just wish he could finally decide to tell how sucky Kingdom Hearts is: he foreshadowed this for a long time now.

He's not bad except for his attempts at humour, i honestly don't know why he thinks there has to be jokes in his videos and i just used the word joke very loosely there

>i could care less

This. I like Jared better when he actually takes his reviews seriously.

>Likes Bioshock Infinite
Instant shit taste

His normal channel's videos have gotten pretty lazy as of late, just seeming slapped together from footage of whatever he's been playing on his secondary LP channel, which he is obviously giving far more time and attention to because it's more profitable. He honestly hasn't released a single memorable video all year.

The one minute long shameless ad for some mobile game cancer in his recent Alone in the Dark video was absolutely inexcusable.

Only time I ever watched him was when he was on Nintendo Minute at E3 this year. He was cringe the whole time...

Especially when he started acting like an impatient child at the end, asking the Nintendo staff when BotW is coming out. Like god damn dude do you seriously think these people would announce something like that out of the blue during a random youtuber guest segment?

Alienheaded shit kid


Imagine Jontron but five times less fat. In exchange, he's five times more obnoxious.

I don't know why I don't laugh at Jontron as much anymore. It seems that the skinnier he gets, the less funny he becomes.

>Whilst I think saying it plays better than Dark Souls 1 is a load of shit

Uh, it DOES play better than the original Dark Souls.

I like his D&December stuff but other than that I just ignore him

when did he go SJW?

Daily reminder



No thanks.

He's a fag

he's talking about projared you fucking idiot.

Dark Souls 2 is straight up just better than Dark Souls 1
I have about 100 hours in both and it's like night and day.

Yes and he accused ProJared of doing something that TotalBiscuit did, and TotalBiscuit isn't considered an SJW.

I mostly prefer DS1 over 2 [actually I vastly prefer DeS over both of them by a mile], but I can admit 2 is the more consistent, more content, overall better game. The only thing I don't really like is the rolling and stamina was made more difficult, which is fine, I just have to play differently then a rolling havel ninja.

He's falling for the let's play shit.

He's so fucking tall and skinny
he looks almost alien
chill dude though

Christ, kill yourselves.

Stay in your DaS2 shitter containment threads.


Only if Lauren shows up.