Singleplayer game

>Singleplayer game
>Has a tier list


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Forced multiplayer is the future, user. People only want to make games that 12 year old faggots can compete against one another in. Get ready for no singleplayer and every game being fucking VR!

A game being singleplayer doesn't magically not make Roy a shit unit.

>shrek game
>has a tier list

>Caring about tiers
>In a singleplayer game


Whether you care about optimization or not, certain options are often times going to be more shit than others. Categorizing them is just something people are going to do, getting upset over it is just autistic. Or are you going to sperg out when you see someone ask for what units are good, and someone lists the good ones?

Comparing high scores or whatever and methods to get them is a thing. And if those methods include what characters you can pick, tiering is a easy/autistic way to compare them

Not OP, calling them "tier list" is utterly retarded

>shrek game
>one of the characters is powerful enough to be banned

>these are good
>these are okay
>these are bad
There, you've effectively created a tier list whether you like it or not. The name doesn't matter because it's literally just that.

Optimization exists even in a single player game

You don't have to care about it, it's single player after all, but some still do

The point of tiers should be that to ensure a "balanced" experience only characters from the same tier should compete against each

Saying that one character in a multiplayer game is shit or god tier when there is no competition is fucking stupid

It's not my fault Donkey is so fucking overpowered fuck you laughing gif guy

Uh, no. Tier lists are there to show the viability of a character. That factor still exists in singleplayer games.

>fire emblem
>any fighting game
>fucking xenoblade



They're all viable


They're all viable in....get this..different tiers of viability
crazy huh?

>they're all viable

To varying degrees. It's the same in a multiplayer game; You can win with certain options, but they're going to be less effective at doing so. Tier lists are literally just listing things according to how good they are.

Donkey is shit you scrub

>min maxing in a singleplayer game
whats the point?

thanks for the reminder that Sup Forums will complain about literally anything

well pokemon lets you battle other players and fighting games aren't single player

some of us aren't comfortable with mediocrity like you are

Alright then, lets see you beat a Pokemon game with only magikarp, since they are all viable.

>mfw people can't handle red riding hood

Others are more viable.

>people reply

pokemon doesnt have multi now


damn, looks like i fell for the pretending to be retarded dank meme again

It has single player too, in game tiers exist for a reason

I don't know why posts like these don't scream obvious bait to you people.

>playing a singleplayer game
whats the point?

>tfw Krunch was my favorite character in DKR

It even has a tournament edition mod

there are ingame tiers for pokemon?


just spam the starter all the time and you soon 1 shot everything from being over-leveled

fun nab

r u stupid

So Starters are high tier then.

Not really, most starters have shallow as fuck movepools.
Good luck beating Red with that strat

Nice buzzword, there's no point in playing singleplayer games.

her apple game too redic

Compare The Lost and Isaac and tell me there's no tier difference.

It's to rank how good characters in a game are, stupid. Do you expect me to use trash units in Fire Emblem like Wendy or Gunter?

Masturbating is more fun than most single player games, and you get just as much done.

apparently not


>he plays bad games

Fuck off with that reddit tier spacing you humongous faggot

Why are you even here?




you forgot an epic reaction image


???? ?????? ?????


Call it any other thing but fucking tier list

>viability list

>difficulty list

Was it so hard that one had to fall for the meme?

You're right.




Why are you being so autistic about the name? Tier list fits well, because tier list is meant specifically to show the viability of each option. Doesn't seem like something worth getting upset over at all.

1: pokemon isn't a single player game

2: you are fucking retarded and brought this to yourself:

Tiers have levels because the fucking point of tiers is to ensure a balanced competition when characters of the same tier compete against each other

Don't go throwing the austistic tag on me, implying that my life depends on this discussion or anything. If it is retarded it is retarded, it won't make me loose any sleep, but I'm going to say what I think in this thread nonetheless because I'm bored

1. It has single player

2. He had to grind much more with Magikarp, so it was less optimal.

Tiers don't "insure a balanced competition", they're just there to indicate what level a certain option is in terms of viability. In many multiplayer games with tier lists, the competition happens without being restricted to "X tier fights X, Y fights Y".


I like Dawn but I really hate this image.

Now let's see it with no items, like a good pokemon can.

Nigga you are just playing asshard to not admit that everything is viable

Except that often you see competition based on restricting to tiers. Ej: pokemon

But not equally viable. The fact that so much extra work had to be done to make that Magikarp win over, say, a powerleveled starter speaks for itself.




In that case it is fucking retarded because using a magikarp only is common sense, nobody is going to be like "oh boy, I didn't know magikarp was so shit! Thanks to this tier list I now know!"

Any case of tier lists for single player games fall in one of the two following categories:

1-overridden by common sense

2-Insignificant due to all characters being viable

Example of first that I can think of is final fantasy X: all characters have a party role that you can ignore, but doing so will make you stupid

Example of second is seiken dentetsu 3. A party of all females is considered to be the most difficult, but even without any planning or though it is more than perfectly capable of curb stomping the final boss

? ??
?? ?

>Example of first that I can think of is final fantasy X: all characters have a party role that you can ignore, but doing so will make you stupid
Except Khimari

Final Fantasy 6 has characters that sit all along the spectrum of being good or average or garbage.

>single player game with online co-op
>has tiers assigned by clear times.
>best tier and worst tier have at most 1 or 2 minutes differences.
>autists still argue over it


Going purely via gameplay viability the only shit character is Lulu

Her overdrive is THE worst and her magic strength isn't even all that high. The second you send Yuna over to Lulu's sphere grid it's hilarious how much Lulu is eclipsed.

Again, common sense

And you can still use her in your party all you want all the way to the final boss

So? Even in multiplayer games nothing forces you to not use low tier characters. The game doesn't crash on character selection.


Sounds to me like you are describing a tier there, boyo.

Life is too short to be minimaxing on games

ITT: a bunch of teenage autists who are only used to the phrase 'tier list' being spouted by some faggot Dota player they watch on twitch get confused by people accurately using the term in other contexts.

SP games are for kids

Life is too short to be wasting time struggling with shit characters.

>moving the goalposts

That's why you see dwarf fortress in every daycare.

Autistic cucks will always be autistic cucks. I blame steam and its userbase for this disease.

Video games are for kids

>Any case of tier lists for single player games fall in one of the two following categories:
>1-overridden by common sense
>2-Insignificant due to all characters being viable

Well this is just a dumb thing to say.

Is it common sense to say that Squirtle is objectively the best starter in Pokemon Red and Blue?
How much information do you think is required to arrive at that conclusion?
What about Alakazam vs Hypno? What does common sense dictate there?

So common sense has very little to do with optimization.
Now, your second point is that something is insignificant.

Generally this is subjective, but we can break it down into logical terms:

If one team in Pokemon requires 5 or 10 hours of additional grinding so that you can beat the Elite Four with them as opposed to not having to spend that extra time because you picked a better team, is that insignificant?
Is saving 5 hours of grinding insignificant when all it takes spending 15 minutes looking up the tiers and picking better options?

That's all just if your general goal is to beat the game. If you're trying to beat the game as quickly as possible then not everything is viable. If one strategy takes 5 more hours than another, it's not viable for getting the fastest time.

So, the point is that there are a lot of conditions where the tiers aren't just common sense and there's a lot of instances where a tier list is valuable.

If you're just a casual scrub, none of this matters to you. You'll generally always be bad at video games and take twice as long to finish any game and justify it by saying "I'm playing the fun way" which is usually code for "I over grind my shitty team so I can try to face roll the content because my time isn't valuable to me and I'm shit at games."

I'm joking, nigger

Tell to a meleefag that it is absolutely viable to win against fox using ganondorf in a tourney

Whereas any character can perfectly beat the game and master hand, its not the same in multiplayer

You see it played by manchildren who are probably sore losers

Nigger, for most games, including pokemom, it is the 2nd case: insignificant

How better is grumpig over hypno is irrelevant due to both being viable for finishing the game. You are just talking in unfun terms to try to make it sound more difficult than it actually is

If you think reading strategy guides and memorising broken combinations and cookie cutter arrays is being good at videogames you are the literal definition of scrub


The retort you've been giving everyone is 'perfectly viable to finish the story'. ie: the easiest possible completion goal. A more accurate comparison would be casual online play.

Look I get it... you're incredibly defensive of your e-celeb ridden mobas. But you've got to understand that general concepts like viability tiers can broadly apply.

>tfw FF15

>e celeb ridden mobas
The fuck are you talking about

Nevermind, I don't even know what we are supposed to be arguing about anymore

>Is it common sense to say that Squirtle is objectively the best starter in Pokemon Red and Blue
No, it's retarded to say that.

>How better is grumpig over hypno is irrelevant due to both being viable for finishing the game.

What's the time difference? How much longer does it take using weaker sub-optimal options?
Finishing the game is a shitty metric, if it takes you 50% longer to beat a game using shitty options versus using better options. That's not insignificant, that's a shit load of wasted time to accomplish the exact same outcome.

>If you think reading strategy guides and memorising broken combinations and cookie cutter arrays is being good at videogames you are the literal definition of scrub

If you think using sub-optimal options/characters/strategies etc. is anything less than scrubby then I got bad news for you.

Imagine two equally skilled players trying to accomplish a goal, one picks sub-optimal shit and the other picks the optimal options. The player who picks the optimal options obviously does better.
Why be the scrub who picks sub-optimal shit and under performs?
Is it more fun for you to waste your time and under perform or do you just need an ego cushion for when you do shitty.
Do you like to pick shitty characters so when you lose you can comfort yourself by calling your opponent a try-hard and a tier-whore?

>No, it's retarded to say that.

It's retarded to say things that are correct and confirmed by the speed running community? Squirtle is objectively the best option. You can complete the game faster using Squirtle compared to every other option.

Man, I'm tired, I'm not going to read all that

You are right, I'm such a retard, I was always wrong

aka: we both have our views and at this pace we are not convincing each other never, specially over something so meaningless

What's there not to understand? A tier list indicates how powerful something is hence how easy it makes the game to win.

Is this just a case of MP only fags not understanding videogames at all beyond the satisfaction of inconveniencing another human player? Like they literally cannot get any jollies from anything besides shooting human players in shooters? Because I've met people like that. They're usually really creepy obsessive types who will audibly scream and squeal with delight when things go their way and fly into a rage when their games go bad.

Of course finishing the game is a shitty metric, being metric about a singleplayer game is autistic, retarded and "no fun allowed"

>aka: we both have our views and at this pace we are not convincing each other never, specially over something so meaningless

That's not the case though. If you say the Earth is flat and I tell you it's not and why it's not then it's not a matter of us both having our own views.
You're wrong. Your opinion is flawed and you have no defense for it. So either adjust your opinion, or continue to be a moron.

>Speedrunning an RPG
Why in the world would anyone do this? There's no skill involved; it's just mashing A for hours and hours.

Squirtle is objectively the shittiest Kanto starter when taken out of the vacuum of soloing the game with your starter like a retard.
Venusaur is arguably the best grass-type in the game, with only Exeggutor and Vileplume giving it a run for its money.
Charizard is the best fire-type in Blue, and only outclassed by Arcanine in Red.
Blastoise is a shitty Pokemon with a shitty movepool, outclassed by many, many Kanto water-types.

kill kys yourselves