Can any of you vouch for Battlefield 1? I was thinking to picking it up because some friends told me it was good

Can any of you vouch for Battlefield 1? I was thinking to picking it up because some friends told me it was good.

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I decided to get titanfall 2 instead

i just hope it wasnt a huge mistake

If you like battlefield, it's more of that. I'M honestly having more fun with titanfall 2, which makes me sad that series will be axed soon. But it's an enjoyable game that looks great.

I've been enjoying the game a lot. I feel like Operations are really the only thing worth doing, but Conquest is good too.

Honestly? It's pretty terrible. Not quite as bad as Hardline but not better than Battlefront. It's the current meme game though so expect to get advertised to by friends and social media.

Good tried tested and true battlefield formula, none of the absolute bullshit that was in battlefield 3/4. Feels just like BF2 AND BC2 did to me, having a blast.

Dude must of been lagging, i've played 60 hours and its on point.

Keep on shitposting though.

I haven't had any issues like that. Ever since the 60hz update for BF4 the hit detection has been pretty amazing. Overall the game is pretty damn fun just needs a few balance fixes.

It's great


It's like CSGO all over again. Delusional, uneducated fanboys doing damage control for free.

You should never pay money for a Western game. It's just enabling the cancer.

It's better than BF3 and BF4. Tank Hunter kit is best kit. 10-A Hunter is best gun. Zepplin is best behemoth. I want to kill more brits.

It's good.
Not amazing, but a pretty good generic shooter.

Better than the any battlefield in a while at the very least.

OK, then explain why I've never had any situations like that in all my time of BF4 or BF1. Also have no idea what's the ping of the players or server in any of those. I'll make sure to shitpost if I do though.

FYI when you mix in gameplay of people with absolute trash aim you kind of undermine your point too

Go watch Battlenonsense on jewtube, he goes into detail about how the hit detection and netcode for BF1 is actually really good and way better than previous BF's

Nah you delusional uneducated fanboy check out my anecdotal "evidence" with no context.


>He's the same sort of retard that genuinely got tricked into think CS has bad rego
Tell me, what game do you think actually has good hit rego?
BF1's isn't amazing but it's alright.

Game is good, but its still EA.
Polished but buggy. Expect a huge amount of minor glitches if you wanna try it. Also make sure you got an i7 because i5 is acutally not enough and will lag in a 64 players server

Those are all on consoles, the netcode is different on console and those issues are completely missing on PC.

If you're retarded enough to buy a shooter on console you deserve that.
>my anecdotal evidence is valid!
>yours isn't!
Come on nigger, at least try.

Pretty sure that post was making fun of the original guy

>not better than battlefront
KEK, gr8 b8 m8. Your opinion is discarded.

Also never had any hit registration issues in my 50 hours of playtime. Do you live in Africa?

It's pretty fun. IMO probably one of the better Battlefield titles. Guns are cool, classes are specialized. Operations is unbalanced atm, and there's some shitty maps. Also the community is rotten to the core. If you can deal with frustrating gameplay at times, get it.

It's good, but

>too few vehicles
>occasional bugs
>Suez is the worst multiplayer map ever created and you can't exit a server while the map is loading

Personally I've only seen a few minor glitches, same with most people I've seen. Far from perfect but above average by the standards of AAA releases.

Also i5 is perfectly playable on 64 players. Turn your settings down.


>too few vehicles
There's enough vehicles. The problem is that they never fucking get destroyed ever, an there's always some niggers that sit on the spawn screen waiting for a new one every time their tank gets blown up.

You are literally a rancid faggot.



Assaults never do their jobs and kill tanks, neither do Supports with their mortars

K Bullets do shit for damage

Your anecdotal evidence means nothing, fanboy. I've experience everything the videos show and we have actual proof to back it up.

I already watch his videos, I'm well aware of how it all works. Frostbite has always been trash, but now they're dumping high spread on top of it.

Source doesn't have terrible reg under the right conditions, I was referring to the delusion of Valvedrones who believed spread didn't even exist.

It happens on every platform. So far people have used 4 different excuses for damage control, including yours, all of which have been proven incorrect.

Titan fall is a much better game, but Battlefield will last longer.


I'll just say again I haven't had any problems with hitreg. I don't see how voicing my experience is fanboyism

I just miss when Battlefield had vehicle-based maps and that's just what the map was all about. Like that BF1942 map with like 20 tanks on it. It worked and it was unique to the other maps.

It seems like in this game, they're so focused on making the vehicles and the infantry balanced instead of just giving both sides a bunch of vehicles and balancing around that.

Honestly some of them are a little more powerful than they should be.
Landships are fine, but approaching a flame heavy tank is pretty much impossible.

At least that's doable, and can't just reverse faster than you can run after it like a light tank. A light tank supported by a competent squad is completely unkillable. Even if you've got an equally competent squad dedicated to kill them.

Titianfell 2 is a shadow of the game Titianfell one was.

the videos you showed are from the beta tho you stupid moron

Oh, shit, I didn't realise you saying so prove it incorrect.

The hit rego is fine on PC, and you have many people in the thread who are all attesting to that. Is not from beta, dipshit. Try again.

>fanboys say nothing is wrong with their game

What a revelation. Reminds me of all the CSGO threads on Sup Forums where the fanboys were denying the existence of spread. Probably the same retarded people.

epic strawman my dude. keep fighting the good fight :)

CSGO threads are amusing because you see the webms right there but they pretend it's wrong

Just ignore him, he's just a shitposting baiting retard. His first three shots he completely misses on his own, the fourth just narrowly misses, and the rest is because at that point he's spam fired so quickly his spread multiplier is huge.

Those last shots were a little suspect but he was def shit at aim throughout. RNG might have got him for his bullet spread but either way, horrible aim

And you're probably the same autist that spams webms that were disproven literally years ago and then flies into an autistic rage about how "fanboys" could POSSIBLY not agree with you.

>threads about BF1 for a week after launch are mildly positive, bitching about a few of the balance issues but nothing major, ect
>suddenly on the same day every thread gets spammed with the same blatantly false youtube videos of "bad hit registration"

Wow, it's almost like it's one buttmad shitter.

>spread was disproven in CSGO

I guess ignorance never really goes away, huh?