You think RPGs settings are getting stale, huh? Well, what's your idea for a unique setting?

You think RPGs settings are getting stale, huh? Well, what's your idea for a unique setting?

Other urls found in this thread:

your mom's vagina

what about an RPG that takes place in modern day with branching paths and stuff

i'd like to see more sci-fi settings a la phantasy star
it's not unique per se but it still gets me hard

is there any jrpg that let's me not look an anime character or a faggy guy?

Dark Souls

I wish there was an RPG setting that used urban and fantastical elements, like in the Wolf Among us, but as a proper game.

i would rather play skyrim than any of those games lmao

7th saga

>Caring about western RPG games

You are doing it wrong, the west sucks dick at making RPG or Action games, they are only decent-good at making shooters, MOBAS and in an age long gone, MMORPGs.

If you want to play RPGs or Action games, Japan is your best friend.

Souls, DMC, Nier = all Japanese = all god tier.

agreed, sci-fi seems under-utilized in rpg's to me

Lol skyrim is like the best game ever bro

I used to play jrpgs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee

What is Dungeons and Dragons?

>High Fantasy
I will never not get triggered by this.

Urban settings with lots of sky crappers and modern stuff, without cyberpunk things like too much neon, cables and decadence and instead magic implemented

Also, perhaps it would be appreciated some big anachronistic elements like police looking like knights while riding bikes

Tabletop rpg, he is obviously talking about videogames

you can meme all day but skyrim is great and im having a blast ;)

Wouldn't the latter ruin your self-immersion?

Sex fantasy; all the environments looks like dicks, tities and vaginas

Good game | Bad game
Good game | What's that?
Good game | Boring game
Good game | Good game
Wut | What

The point is, setting doesn't mean shit.

Dante's Inferno

I want more '80s science fantasy settings.

dude, what oblivion mods are you using, it almost looks passable

Tolkien fantasy is high fantasy, retard. WRPGs have a plethora of settings.

>Forgotten Realms

And what do JPRGs have? Oh right, overly commercialized cliche shit that's about as deep as a puddle.

A retard has fun putting a pencil up his nose I guess

JRPGs aren't getting boring because they have all the settings of WRPGs, plus dozens more. Just WRPGs are getting boring because they use the same 5 settings.

As for what type of settings I want, I'd like clean cyberpunk to return. Like Final Fantasy VIII, Mirror's Edge or Portal. Or a Star Ocean game actually set in fucking space and not on a generic fantasy planet.

Steampunk in a not meme form, well done like in final fantasy IX

im using the meme overhaul

Japan ruined RPGs, though. They started casualization and mass appeal with Dragon Quest. If you support the eternal gook, you are supporting the death of vidya.

will you guys quick sucking japans dick with this propaganda yes most of their AAA titles and AA's are 9/10s but litterally 100% of the games you shill are weeabo garbage

>all those old as fuck titles

Wrpgs were once great

They shitte now, had lost all originality

LMAO how is the witcher tolkein fantasy?

>japan is killing vidya
>not the AAA shilling cawadotie/madden and greedy indies, all in the west
Triple lmao

How about and rpg setting where everyone is on fire and you have to learn to like being on fire

>They shitte now, had lost all originality
JRPGs are just as bad, if not worse, and they started the trend. Don't pretend like it's not the truth.

I'd play it

40k RPG when

Show me a JRPG that has a setting similar to Planescape in it's transdimensional 80s looking strangeness, or Slavic/Eastern european fantasy like Witcher.

For me personally all of the "anime" settings are the same. They have very big and flash presentation but the lore is shallow as fuck compared to any western setting.

I mean can you give me a setting that is deeper, more unique and has more content in lore than Wticher, Elder Scrolls, Planescape, hell even games that didn't have sequels and were not based on anything like Arcanum often times manage to have more content in different aspects of the lore than your average JRPG.

JRPG settings have this strange thin where the lore only exists to follow the story, which often times might work, but often times it does not because that leads to lore holes and also a boring world if the world has any open world elements.

> baitfish.jpg

What is this? 2010? Keep up with the times weeb, AAA industry is not what it's been 10 years ago and indie games are ruining it more than anything.

>not the AAA shilling cawadotie/madden and greedy indies, all in the west
Japan introduced commercialization into video games. They started the fire. Japan is still the worst offender of pushing it.

>there are people on /vr/ that actually belive games like DQ are more strategic than Wizardry

heh, Baldur's Gate, NWN, Pillars of Eternity...
Infinity games (and the family) are good games, well written and with solid stories.

>world war 2
>some guy with a lance and knight's armor


This is exactly why I will never take JRPG settings arguments seriously. Because even series like SMT that have gajillion entries more often than not have a barely defined metaphysics system, little to no proper history, shallow world mechanics etc.

>old as fuck
Pillars of Eternity


You'd be surprised by the amount of RPGs inspired by DnD campaign settings.

>People actually believe this.


>give me a setting that's exactly like a very specific WRPG or all JRPGs are generic

Give me a WRPG that has the exact setting of Suikoden or Seiken Densetsu 3. Oh you can't? Well then its all the same!

That's how stupid your argument is.

>implying japs aren't the greediest jews on the planet and responsible for RPGs becoming brainless action games where you're spoonfed a story

>Bad at RPGs
>When Dragonfall exists

The setting itself, the aesthetic is pretty much WW 2 with the serial numbers filed off despite some fantasy changes.

i wish people would stop posting this bait image

Even though the games on the left have significant flaws, Tolkien Fantasy is nothing like any of them, even Skyrim, which has watered its setting down to generic fantasy as closely as possible.

Also, calling Mass Effect a 'Star Wars Fantasy' because they're both space operas is ridiculous. Wish I could say much more about the right than Xenoblade and Valkyria Chronicles, but I've never felt like I'm really learning a whole lot about the world when I'm playing a JRPG. JRPGs are often very character driven, with the story and setting molded to fit what the characters are doing. Not a bad thing, but not what I like.

Now, a game can be both character driven and have a great, fleshed out setting through something like Mass Effect's rich codex and optional dialogue. That's what I tend to like. Fleshed out settings with all sorts of irrelevant information, just there to make the world feel alive.

I never played Dragon Quest. I research games a bit before I try them, if the appeal and uniqueness isn't there, I won't waste my time and money on it.

There has only been 1 time in my life that I bought an RPG and regretted it and literally didn't even bother finishing it and just threw it in the trash where it belonged and it was with a game called Skyrim.

If you want to play good JRPGs, I recommend Souls franchise, Nier, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Symphonia and Chrono Trigger.

Golden Sun 1 and 2 are decent too, but old.

>You'd be surprised by the amount of RPGs inspired by DnD campaign settings.
You mean every single one of them up till 90s basically, and even majority of modern RPGs have some roots in tabletop campaigns if not from fantasy books.

>tfw you will never have as much unadulterated fun as a retard
To be a pseudo-intellectual fedorafag is to suffer.

Elder Scrolls has massive lore that would take a hundred books to flesh out. That doesn't mean its a unique or good setting.

This is why I can't take WRPG exclusive fags seriously.

But Daggerfall is kinda crap.

Really enjoyable crap that I have a soft spot for, But still kinda crap.

Strange Journey.

Whole world is a giant underground dungeon where some races build cities in the bigger caverns and rooms. Light is nearly exclusively from bioluminescence and the corrupted creators of the dungeon lurk in the dark.

I want an Egyptian RPG.

I didn't say Daggerfall.

I mean Dragonfall, as in Shadowrun.

i want an rpg set in late 80s/early 90s compton

Dragonfall is shit and so is Shitter 3. Shitter 3 isn't even a RPG, it is an interactive movie with garbage story that took 90% of its gameplay straight from WoW, from questing, world design and items. Put on a failed "action" oriented combat system and called it a day.

Shitter 3 was the biggest letdown of the century for me.

Hopefully thosepolish retards don't mess up Cyberpunk 2077.

i want more american frontier / wild west rpgs.

Isn't that basically Arx Fatalis?

Oh. My B friendo.

I mean it literally.
most WRPGs have literally more words written in their lore than JRPGs and more WRPGs have more lore written in different aspects of said setting than JRPGS.
And I am being generous right now because I doubt that any JRPG has more written text in it's lore than LOTR trilogy like TES does not to mention something based on tabletop settings that have books coming out in their settings every year.

Like this is not even a competition, you are arguing against a genre that is mainly based on fantasy books and tabletop games that objectively have a lot more lore and a lot more developed, in depth lore, than a videogame can achieve on it's own, especially with Japanese approach of barely expanding lore past the story.

Closest you'll probably get is an hgame called Legend of Queen Opala.

>Dragonfall is shit and so is Witcher 3

Suikoden has more lore and backstory than most WRPGs. Its also stupid that you're basing 'setting' on lore and gameplay mechanics. Especially since that would make a lot of WRPGs quite shallow.

Western RPG's have gone to shit becuase every other Western game feels the need to tack on RPG elements like a leveling system or a dialogue system, and as a result actual RPG's need to include elements form other genres to compete. That's how we end up with shit like Fallout 4. Any inclusion of RPG elements in a game are barebones and clearly an afterthought these days.

>Souls franchise, Nier, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Symphonia and Chrono Trigger
I have played all of them. They are dumbed down versions of WRPGs. There is nothing wrong with liking them, but it's the truth. There are so many people on this board that have never played a good WRPG it's ridiculous. Their entire frame of reference for vidya is the past 15 years at best with a few meme classics mixed in.

Star Wars isn't even a Space Opera really, Mass effect is a lot closer to Babylon 5 or Firefly than Star Wars which is basically space High-Fantasy.

Titan Quest has an Egyptian Act and it's fantastic.

Pretty much every location in that game is really sexy. More games should take place in the classical era.

yeah but anime is for fags

The one with all the romancable monster girls

Halo 1 (arguably) started the trend of moderm fps and is beloved

Super mario bros on the NES started the trend of 2d plataforms which spawned dozens of shitty games, yet it is still great

GTA vice city spawned a trend of shitty sandbox games trying to emulate it and its considered a really good game

Because something starts a trend that dozens of retards make shit games based on it doesn't mean the original game was bad

However what fucking trend are you even talking about? Trend of not being original? Starting a trend of not being original? That's an oxymoron you fucktard

>I mean it literally.
Then my comparison of Elder Scrolls was apt. You can have tons and tone of superfulous lore. But that doesn't mean its good. I'd say something like Chrono Trigger is better precisely because it was able to develop a world and story with so much less. And a better story than your typical Elder Scrolls game.

>And I am being generous right now because I doubt that any JRPG has more written text in it's lore than LOTR trilogy like TES does not to mention something based on tabletop settings that have books coming out in their settings every year.

In that case by what virtue are you defining the quality of lore?
Because clearly TES lore is interesting enough to spawn one of the largest videogame lore communities. I mean the lore itself is certainly not generic, nor is it cliche, often times going against typical fantasy expectations.

>European Renaissance

Go fucking kill yourself you worthless rancid piece of shit, how fucking dare you try and appropriate white European culture and warp it with your disgusting weeb vomit trash then claim that's indicative of life at the time, hang yourself

would play

>mass effect
>Star wars

M&M6 belongs in god tier with Xeen

Are there any JRPG's with decent level design?

You know, more open and not just corridors and a shitty map screen.

They started the fire

western shit has only thrown gasoline into it

>action rpgs
Congratulations, you have defined all moderm wrpgs. The RPG part being only meaningless levels with no strategy involved.

>inb4 "turn based combat is shit"
Make up your fucking mind


>You can have tons and tone of superfulous lore
And how is it superfulous?
And if we are talking about lore centered on story, then CRPGs manage to deliver both larger lore in it's size that is crucial to the story and on top of that I doubt that anyone would argue than Arcanum or Planescape have better character development/storylines than Chrono Trigger for example.

>In that case by what virtue are you defining the quality of lore?
By personal opinion.

>Because clearly TES lore is interesting enough to spawn one of the largest videogame lore communities.
If you want to pull the 'its popular' card, you can also point out that millions of people cite Elder Scrolls as the pinnacle of how NOT to do lore.

>I mean the lore itself is certainly not generic, nor is it cliche, often times going against typical fantasy expectations.
Holy shit, what? Even most Elder Scrolls fans don't think this.

>mecha fantasy
It's literally transcendant fantasy. It is beyond words, only feelings.

>tfw there's no RPG literally set in hell, and you are an actual fucking demon or damned soul trying to become a demon

cold war tech fantasy

Yeah, but it isn't original

But none of those games started a trend. The trends were already there when they were made.

>And how is it superfulous?
Hundreds of optional books and side quests that don't add anything to your quest or the main story. You seem to think that just because something exists, that it is good. So of course you won't think its superfluous. But from an objective point of view, its pretty damn pointless in the long run.

>You think RPGs settings are getting stale, huh? Well, what's your idea for a unique setting?
Spirit of the Century, Exalted or fucking hell Vampire the Masquerade considering the last game with that kind of setting came out over a decade ago.

both more unique than anything else in a long long time

its only beyond words or description if you're an infantile manlet with the expressive ability of a plastic bag.

>all modern WRPGs
>Divinity OS, AoD, Underrail, Swords and Sorcery, Grimrock, Shadowrun games, and millions of indie RPGs coming out since developing decent looking games is easier than ever thanks to easy access to dev tools.

Fantasy Western, not like a historical western with some light supernatural elements and a few spooks, full on fantasy setting at a mid to late 19th century level of development.

>However what fucking trend are you even talking about

The developers openly stated their intention to appeal to a casual crowd with the game's design. There is no argument to be had here.

>Halo 1
>Super mario bros

And you can see the fruits of the developers behavior. With each new iteration of these IPs they get shittier and shittier to appeal to more and more people. It is only a matter of time before they all exclusively develop for smart phones.
