>He doesn't main LMGs in shooters
What are you, some kind of Sniper kiddo? Or AR bore?
>He doesn't main LMGs in shooters
What are you, some kind of Sniper kiddo? Or AR bore?
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This is the only sniper rifle I need :^)
you're handicapping yourself by playing LMGs in almost every shooter since they're too fast-paced for LMG to shine.
Doesn't matter I will please Rambo-san.
No matter how much it hurts.
Worse yet is that they barely work in tactical shooters too, you have to absolutely sacrifice mobility/accuracy if you wanna shoot standing/hipfire while the shitlord ARs and SMGs run and gun away.
>Implying you should play anything except sim games.
Heh, step up kiddo.
>Not playing the most standard of riflemen
>Not being an exemplary member of the team with what equipment you're given
>Not taking every advantage the LMG bros helping you advance while being a better marksman that snipers
>not using only pistols
I can't name a better feeling than setting up shop and creating a no man's land with an LMG.
Even operating operationally like an operator with a rifle doesn't give me the same rush.
Also sniping is boring, though I can see the appeal of killing people in a single shot.
assault rifle in most games
>avegrage fucking everything
lmg in most game
>shit damage
>shit accuracy
>less effective range than a pistol
pump/double barrel shotguns > battle rifles > DMRs > LMGs > handguns > SMGs > assault rifles > sniper rifles
Fite me
LMGs in CoD
>High-ish damage
>Super long range, damage remains consistent
>Rate of fire and ammo pool mean nothing because close range is dominated by SMGs and trying to use any weapon long range makes you sniper bait
>So you just have a heavier assault rifle without the adaptability that comes with using an assault rifle
To use LMGs is to suffer for your gunfu.
Switch SMGs and assault rifles and you'll have the taste of a perfect gentlemen.
LMGs were pretty radical in Insurgency.
>playing with bots
>getting M249
>deploying and putting a covering fire while defending the point
>enemies literally run into the crosshairs, but it's fun that you can go full Rambo
Fun times.
in insurgency they just accept that a big gun is better than a small one when mobility isn't an issues.
I do where the conditions are right.
in a fast paced military game it's fucking pointless and doesn't serve its purpose of supressing and killing fast since "high ammo cap = bullets that hurts like 9mm and spread like shit"
but otherwise i always take the machine guns because it's fun as fuck in ro2/rs, insurgency and Verdun
>tapes of ammo
Just letting you know man they are 'belts'
>playing coop
>some teammate sprints in front of your tv screen holo sight and gets mowed down
i saw him running at my flurry of rounds that were cutting down bots coming around a corner and refused to stop shooting.
i main the MG's strictly in insurgency.
most important weapons in the game imo.
>any game with friendly fire
>Team mates can see and hear me pouring death down the street, sometimes there are even tracers
>Cocksuckers don't even say anything and still try to run through my killzone, assuming I'll just conveniently stop killing things just because they're in the area.
I refuse to take responsibility for idiots
I think the worst fucking part is when someone runs in front of your for no reason and gets you killed
Semi-auto rifles or bolt action without scopes.
I like you.