Steam deals:

These are the best deals you can get. These games are 2-12 dollars:

>REmake HD
>Shovel Knight
>Legacy of Kain series
>system shock enhanced
>Grim Fandango
>Ghostbusters: The video game
>Pathologic HD
>The Evil Within
>Alan Wake

Other urls found in this thread:


Skyshine's Bedlam Redux is 90% off

You forgot the Penumbra trilogy.

What's that?

Game from the guys who made amnesia and soma.

those games suck though.

Asked in the other thread but is Hard West any good? Should I pickup deadspace 1 and 2 and fear 3 since they're so cheap?

Terrible, terrible taste mate.

>Should I pickup deadspace 1 and 2
yes, absolutely