This is your tank tonight

This is your tank tonight.

more like for five turns and then their mp runs out

You mean my tank (sex slave)

A little girl couldn't hold all that heavy shit

where all the motherfuckin hard niggas at

No, she's my Damage Dealer while a Fencer is my tank. Bunker specialized Dragoons are so laughably broken I can't believe it wasn't caught during development

How so?
I haven't looked at anything in terms of skills yet. Please enlighten me.

The only tank I need is teach.

They have a skill that causes their bunkers to deal counter damage when they are targeted, the damage is absolutely stupid on it

Hoplite will always be the best tank

how can they counter anything when they get one shot by an aoe?

like hexer stupid or even more stupid?

That's not the Fortress.

This is your partner tonight.

What's with this series and little blond girls with blue eyes?


This serie has so much little girls it's bound to have a bunch of blond blue eyed ones

this is my tank of choice desu

Why are they all so flat?

EOV when?

>these designs
love it, i should play EO one of these days

she's pretty stacked m8, she's just a noble maiden who needs no boob plate

>female tank
sorry no thanks

The new game has less flat. Only the brownies and necro loli are flat in 5 the rest are either pretty big, or small, but not small enough to be considered flat. But if you use the DLC portraits then you get four more flat chests.

This is your healer tonight.

Where's their helmet?

Seems like a glaring weakness.

literally says dragoon.jpg