>24 hour clock
you literally only have to pick one

Poaying GTA turns me into a nigger?????

That's the joke


>rage comic
>shit joke

delete yourself

>Via 9gag
Don't even care if it is supposed to be ironic

what so funny about turning into a nigger?

He played the game so much that he started acting like CJ. Honestly, are you autistic?

Pic related is you

please leave

But only a autistic kid would start acting like a video game character out of nowhere.



Who the fuck holds dinner at 4 pm?


That's the joke...

Any chance the user from the last thread can dump more Dowman Sayman?

This joke ......... so ... familiar .....


what if our lives were anime/vidya

Really.... makes... you... think...

really activates the almonds

kc green used to be really funny before he got over his depression


But does playing GTA on ps4 turns you black twice faster?

fuck you

let's do the time warp again

>We still haven't had a Junji Ito dump
The things I do for this board. Starting with a classic


Oh, yeah. Thats a good


user? you okay?


Thank you for saving this garbage thread.


What's this supposed to mean?

>arma 3


>13:00 pm
>15:00 pm
>16:00 pm










Thank you




I've never actually read this before
Thanks user



Really makes you think...


Who the heck rolls an orc in Dungeons and DnD?



i thinki you meant to say "who the heck rolls an elf in Dungeons and DnD?"



>rage comic from 9gag made me chuckle
is it time to kill myself?

Suddenly lesbians

>the "dump 500 pages of incredibly dull weebshit" poster is here
thread ruined

Oh don't be like that, only a few more pages to go


Suck a dick

Oh i had forgotten about ITO nights on Sup Forums.

Best part of this shit board


not that guy, but no, you suck a dick, ito is the shit

dumb shit

oh shit son we dumpin junji ito spooks?


Are you serious, user? The main character is a guy.


Reread who I told to suck a dick. If you aren't down with the Ito dumps you don't belong here.
