Kid Icarus Uprising

Just finished this.
Holy shit what an absolutely amazing perfect game.
The only flaw in it was that Pit didn't get the ability to fly on his own at the end.

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Why would he? Palutena would be shafted if he had.

The OST is phenomenal and I unironically listen to it when I do work.

He needs those crippled wings for the sequel.

One of the best games I've played

9.0 is what really impressed me. I can't think of anything else on the system with such a steep difficulty curve.

>that latin chant when talking with possesed palutena
Chapter 18 is the best chapter. Prove me wrong.

Ahahaha. Aha. Ha

I love 14 for its background music but the Chaos Kin arc was the best indeed

it's an amazing game and if nintendo doesn't release an hd remake on switch with splatoon's control scheme they're shitboys

Eh, I didn't think it was that great.
The ground combat was basically just "spam dodge to win" and the stamina system was an unneeded feature that made traversing the levels more tedious. The tank controlled like shit and the mech had way too little screentime. Personally, I didn't even think the writing was that good either. It really got on my nerves sometimes.
But overall, I still really enjoyed the game. I just don't know why people see it as one of the best games ever.

Yeah 9.0 is impossible.

The game requires too much speed and precision for twin-sticks (even with gyro controls). You either need a touch screen and stylus or a mouse.

Why didn't Magnus answer my questions?
Who is he?

One of my top ten games desu. Hope they make some sort of continuation, I need more Hades.

>Playing game about greek gods and shit
>Everyone working together
>Based Pyrrhon
>All that hilarious banter
>That amazing music
user plz

>Based Pyrrhon
Whatever even happened to that dude? Did he just die? I didn't think he was that bad a guy.

He's gone

A strong human with a shota complex

16 years user..16 years

Got corrupted with power and then got fucked over by the Aurum hivemind. He ded

Same ending as Kirby planet robobot.

Sent to the other side of the universe. He's pretty much gone.


Why everybody always bully Pit?

They all secretly know he could wreck their shit if he put his mind to it,especially after the ending

Yeah, Pit is actually really fucking competent but no one is really intimidated by him at all. Really like that trope.

because they all secretly admire him

No joke, no irony, the best game on the 3DS. I understand the issue some people have with the controls, but once it clicks MAN is this game a fun ride.

Admire is the wrong word.
Imagine a cute little kid like Yotsuba or something comes up to you with a drawing they made. It's probably shit, but you still go "Oh wow, how nice! Good job!" since they put in the effort.
It's like that.

>Why you may just be the strongest Nintendo character of all time!"

To be honest he may not be wrong there. With the exception of maybe Shulk, I don't think any Nintendo hero has beaten a God before.

Yeah, maybe if he could fly on his own.
>inb4 he can just run wherever
Not with that piss poor stamina.

>Best girl will never get the amount of art she deserves
It's a damn shame I tell you

Pit deserves better.

No, she probably won't.

At least you got a pretty top-tier hentai doujin.

>those spats

Yeah, it's such a shame

Enjoy that god-tier postgame user. Grinding out and fusing amazing tier weapons getting the best powers and fucking up intensity 9.

The weapon variety in this game is so great, shame some weapon types fall off hard in higher intensities.

Kid icarus switch
Where pit switches with dark pit

Maybe Hades could be some sort of ally like loki in the dark world movie. My guess it's that in the sequel maybe zeus returns and becomes the new villain in some way similar to viridi but way stronger. Who knows, it's fun to guess.

Going into this game with zero expectations was amazing.
>Amazing OST
>Fun story with unexpected beats every two seconds
>Best Starfox game in ages

>trying to actually play this shit
I can't

tippity top tier taste

>liking the localized version of Hades


>be sakurai
>be tasked in making a new game
>choose to revive an old ip, kid icarus, which hadn't had a game in 25 years
>The game is received with much praise with a few blemishes, and the general consensus is overwhelmingly positive
>Choose to shun making another because of my massive hateboner for sequels

I hate sakurai for this so much.

Support the back of your 3DS with your middle/ring/pinky fingers on your left hand
You can hold up the right side with your pinky and ring finger on your right hand if your left wrist is too flimsy to handle the strain

Get out.

But it's confirmed to be getting a sequel, didn't you listen after the final boss?

>Pit canonically kicked the ass of a Palutena clone stronger than the original
>boss lady still treats him like a puppy

The title of "god" is really relative though, it doesn't mean anything on it's own. It's not like the KI universe gods have great feats, best I can think of is Poseidon splitting the entire ocean, and Pyrrhon propelling the giant Aurum hive.

Kid Icarus Switch needs to fucking happen

Only 21 more years!

This, seriously. I found the ground combat really fucking tedious and the flying parts brain-dead easy. I wonder if people are fooled by it's production.

>No good art of her with her true face

The internet has failed me.

Have you tried playing above like 2.0? I beat most of the game at around 5.0-7.0 and thought it was a good challenge.

That's the range I played it at.


I've made due with it since it was released, but more would still be appreciated.
It really is fucking god-tier, tho.

What weapon were you using then? Some make flight sections an absolute joke. Here's looking at you, Compact Arm.

At least we got this.

I actually picked up the game recently and I was playing it today.
The game's fun but wow people are not kidding about those arm cramps.
How the hell did Sakurai knowingly put out a game that is physically painful to play?
A sequel on a system with 2 sticks would be great

Hey there, Pitstain.

>Sakurai said the three cornerstones for Kid Icarus was the Difficulty, Music and Fun gameplay


Why are you in sm4sh?

Sup Pittoo
How's that power of flight working out for you

How the fuck are you holding your 3DS?

>Tries to pull a Batman out of scene only to realize Pandora's not in his wings anymore

Blappi is such a dork.

The controls are fine. As long as your 3DS stick isn't borked. I've been playing 9.0 for a long time without the ability to dodge because the circle pad just won't register sharp swerves and this is the only game that forces you to do that.

Which was the best chapter aside from 21?

> without the ability to dodge because the circle pad just won't register sharp swerves and this is the only game that forces you to do that.
Oh thank God, I thought it was just me. I decided to watch the vidoe one day and saw that shit, tried doing it and it never worked.

>own a 3DS XL which I later traded for a N3DS XL
>only thing I did was increase aiming sensitivity and how far a slide would spin the camera
>never experience any sort of hand pain
Is it because I have rough gorilla hands?

It wasn't that good.

Too grindy and repetitive.

Such a shame

Best 3DS game to date.


I dunno man
I've got long spindly piano player hands and I've never had a trouble with Kid Icarus

Only game that ever made my hands sore at all was playing the fuck out of Bayo 1 the first week it was out, pretty much any time I wasn't in class or eating I was playing.


Controls were god awful and the fourth wall breaking got old about halfway through

Still a good game though just don't want to suck its cock like Op

Did NOTHING wrong.

So to everyone saying the controls were awful, how should you have been able to control the game?
Because I can't see how it would work any other way.

I agree one hundred percent.
If the only game I bought for the 3DS was KI:U, the console would still be worth it.
>That soundtrack
>That great VA work and script
>Those phenomenal flying sections (I love rail shooters with weapon aiming independent from the character movement).
>That fantastic, fast-paced ground combat.
>That great online multiplayer.
I never got around to one hundred percent completion but I still sunk around 200 amazing hours into that game. Every single time I'm talking to someone about 3DS games, I always make sure to recommend this game to them.
If we get a proper sequel (highly unlikely considering the Switch ditching the dual-screen aspect so the only potential seuqle would have a severely gimped control scheme), I'd like to see some more expanded multiplayer options and look towards Platinum games in order to create a ranking system for levels. The Base game is fantastic but a ranking system which would rate your progress (With Demon being the lowest, going higher with Human, Centurian, Angel, Heavenly Angel or something similar) would just be the cherry on top.
This game actually seems like a handheld experience similar to The Wonderful 101 (I know KI:U came out first). They're both light-hearted action games reminiscent to saturday morning cartoons with high-skill ceiling that get unfairly rated due to a control scheme that takes more than five seconds to get used to.

But Yotsuba is really good at drawing.
Even Jumbo says so.

the sequel needs to happen
i need to see the palutena/pit/light vs viridi/dark pit/nature war

>We will never get a Wii U sequel to KI:U

>We won't even get a Switch sequel to KI:U
Just kill me, honestly.

Too bad Nintendo doesn't care about the series as much as they do Smash otherwise they would just force Sakurai to make another.

>Imagine a cute little kid like Yotsuba or something comes up to you with a FUCKING GOD SLAYING MONOLITH MACE and KILLED A GOD

Honestly every time they FORCE Samurai to do something he just shits out a turd. Just let him shit out the gold he wants to make at his own pace.

Yeah, it's certainly a great game. Try the multiplayer, it's fun.

Also, he didn't need to fly on his own. If anything, that ruins the sequel hook. He's still Palutena's Angel, and a limit like that makes the potential series easier to make. 5 minute or so flying segments, with whatever else they add if they don't just re-use the land segment design.

Fuck yeah. I hate to write an essay about videogames as an art form for a college class, and I chose Kid Icarus Uprising and it's clear anime influences as a topic. It's pretty much a perfect parellel, it's a 25 episode series with always-rising stakes and always-stronger enemies, and the plot is full of good cliched characters like a tsundere loli. The Alien Arc was very clearly a filler arc, where the actual plot is set aside completely for a while as everyone deals with a self-contained little thing that comes and goes as if it never happened and didn't effect anything. Pit didn't even get a power up from it, once it's over the aliens don't matter ever again.

Same here. It was the Starfox I was waiting for since Starfox 64, and I had no expectations of it at all. I picked it up on a whim at Best Buy for 5 fucking dollars, it came with the stand and cards and all. It's got to be one of the most under-rated games of this generation, even if that seems like a buzzword sort of thing.

>Not being so autistic you write a college essay about anime.
>Not being so autistic you write a college essay about video game.
>But being so autistic you write both at the same time.
Were you born a pathetic manchild or did you make a conscious decision to become one?

>Star Fox
More Sin and Punishment than Star Fox.
If you haven't played those, then you really should.

It is pretty damn great, both gameplay and the writing were very enjoyable. Would love a sequel on the Switch without the same control scheme, I wouldn't mind if Sakurai went back to the drawing board on that one.

Honestly it should have had different controls. Maybe have the flight segments be closer to Star Fox where Pit will aim wherever he's looking, instead of having two separate controls for movement and shooting. Of course that would require enemy pattern tweaks and difficulty tweaks, though.

On land... it really just needs to be less complicated. I hate to say it, but it might have been better with a camera that automatically looks where Pit is looking, or maybe just a more "on rails" thing, like what Resident Evil had at first where each area has a fixed camera you view from. Neither of those are really good, but they remove the cramps that some people had (personally I never had problems with the controls, though).

>Maybe have the flight segments be closer to Star Fox where Pit will aim wherever he's looking, instead of having two separate controls for movement and shooting.
How about you get fucked?
Why would you want the game dumbed down and with a much lower skill ceiling/potential for interesting enemy placements.

For my degree I took an art class that was basically "everything that you don't think is art is actually art, appreciate it now". We did the obvious hollywood movies, Western Animation (skipped cartoons though), Eastern Animation, Games, and a few interesting things like Bollywood movies and for some reason puppetry was deemed more artistic than cartoons because we looked at it too. For one essay we had to show how the different art media influence each other, and I was playing the fuck out of Kid Icarus Uprising at the time so I used it as a topic. It was pretty much a perfect example of an art form directly copying another art form's style, I was able to make an essay using terms the class used with it very easily without needing to stretch shit.

I'm specifically talking about how to make the game not fuck people's hands up. Any better ideas?

anyone got a sauce? And before anyone says anything yes I tried all froms of reverse search and no it did not work.

People disliking the writing or dub is one of the few opinions I absolutely cannot understand, to me it's damn near perfect.