Perfect games don't exi-

Perfect games don't exi-

Thats not Rainbow Six: Siege

sometimes i think people just jack off about this game simply because its exclusive. I mean its just another souls rehash afterall

Either way a game i think is perfect would be Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

>paid online

This isn't a huge flaw?

Not regarding the game, no, it's like saying x game is shit because it runs like shit on your PC

no becasue it Will RUN WELL on someone else's pc incontrast BB has paid online for EVERY PS4

all souls games are flawed from the ground up

your shiny turd isn't perfect

The combat is very different from Souls.

But that's the PS4 problem, not the game, do you really critique games based on their platforms and not, you know, the game itself?

Chalice dungeons
Load times
No repair powders
Blood gem RNG

if the platform has inhernt flaws that deminish the game of course i do.

Not perfect at all.
Good game though.

>implying Chaos Theory isn't an even bigger rehash

Why is the GOTY edition still so expensive?

Fixed by patches
Weapons take ages to break and are cheap to repair
Ok I'll admit blood gems could use some work

Tonitrus breaks pretty quickly.

it improves on every aspect of gameplay adding more depth to sound and light/darkness blending while adding a cohernt story and new weapons and tools on a newer engine with good visuals

so you agree its only because its exclusive you dickride it?

I disagree, it was far too linear and overall, it was only marginally better than Pandora's tomorrow. Besides, the same argument is used by Bloodborne fans and many regard it is as the pinnacle of the Soulsborne series, myself included and i'm primarily a PCuck (pic related).
I never made this thread faggot

The gameplay differences from Bloodborne are significantly more noticeable than going from PT > CT.

As far as "coherent story, new weapons, tools and on a newer engine", that can be applied to Bloodborne as well.

>still trying to compare a direct sequel to a litteral rehash

You got the wrong pic buddy

>gems and runes
>early Chalices are fucking dreadful
>unstable framerate
>short and linear
>shitty build variety
>shit replayability

u-u-u-u-u-mmm thats n-n-n-not m-m-m-m-mario 2-2-25 y-you s-s-s-s-s-sonyg-gger-r-r.......

Agreed, Bloodborne isn't comparable to the shameful rehash that was Chaos Theory


That's a complaint? It does nothing 90% of the time. It's a high damage status effect that a rare number of enemies can inflict


Probably not the best game ever made but the best TPS ever

Close, but
>massive framerate dips during one of the hardest bosses in the game

You're right because since they don't have good shield they altered the dash a little. Complete night and day difference!

>Perfect games don't exit
what did he mean by this?

>literally bullshit status effect that has no way of being stopped once it hits and starts building up

>chalice dungeons

Souls game encourage slow and methodical gameplay, wherein you bait attacks and counter
Bloodborne encourages you to be aggressive, tank hits and often trade blows
While the combat mechanics are very similar, how they are applies is much different

Sedatives instantly cure it, and you can wear armor with higher frenzy resistance.

Saw in the wiki it has the Old Hunters on the disc, physicially, but who knows.

I think it's just cheaper to buy it in person. Got it for 15 bucks at a Gamestop, and spent 20 dollarydoos for the DLC. It was worth it.

Okay i've seen this exact post about 14 billion times now, yeah, BB is amazing, now fuck off and neck yourself you low effort shitposter.


This is literally a flaw. They have purposely excluded customers for the sake of short-term profit, which is just plain bad business.

Also the fate of console exclusives is always horrendous.
We're pretty much guaranteed to watch this franchise slowly be bled dry of fun and creativity until corporate decides to pull the plug just like every other console exclusive ever released.

>30 fps

Nothing in the second half of the game works like that.

What areas do you consider the "second half"? The game isn't linear.

"Your resistance only makes him more erect", or something like this the old horse adage goes.

>We're pretty much guaranteed to watch this franchise slowly be bled dry of fun and creativity.
Some might say that we´ve been able to watch since DS1...