Why aren't you supporting him vvvirgins?

Who are your approved league of legends youtubers Sup Forums?

Rex? I was looking at the archive and I see a vortic thread while talking to him.

His schtick got old after like 2 videos. The only league channel worth watching now is n3ac3y

What do you mean OP? Vortic's content is always the same, he's like all the other league toobers.

vortic makes threads on Sup Forums because his channel is dying.

Nah, I'm talking to him right now. He doesn't even know how Sup Forums works.

>Doesn't know how Sup Forums works
>Posts on Sup Forums for views


>league of legends youtubers
nice two types of cancer in one post oh it's three with the searching for approval in Sup Forums

Gnarsies made this thread to spite him.

I love Dabula.

who the fuck is gnarsies and why should I care? Vortic's content is trash.

How do you not know about Gnarsies? Just google his name.


All I see are pictures of autistic people. Looks like regular League of autists.
Shilling your dying youtuber discord. Nice.

>not knowing this handsome face

Your server is full of autists who make fun of other autists. No video games.

This is vortic's face, by the way.

He's a nobody.

>league of legends youtubers
That might be the most cancerous thing I've read this month.

>ur gnarsies

autistic youtuber advertising his dying channel on Sup Forums. You can't be this retarded.

>unironically watching vvortic

How to easily spot the underage meme spouting redditfaggot. His videos are pure cancer.

Look at his discord. That's the people watching his vids.