What games allow me to be like a slasher movie villain?

What games allow me to be like a slasher movie villain?

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literally shit by shitlight

Yeah this, dead by daylight just added Mike Myers as a DLC character actually.

Friday The 13th, but apparently it doesn't come out until early January now.

Kind of a bummer. I was really hoping to play it for Halloween.

Then there is also but the anger is understandable. That game has some serious issues.

>That game has some serious issues.
Yeah the devs are hilariously incompetent and cater to the popular twitch streamers. I have enough fun with the game but its issues become apparent very quickly. Its also optimized like dogshit especially as killer. I have a i7 6700K with a 1070 and can't get a locked 60fps at ultra settings.

What exactly is wrong with it?

Mortal Kombat X.

In the latest patch i actually got WAY better performance, from 30-40 to solid 60. Dont know if im an outlier though.

The survivors are far too powerful and are also an incredibly whiny playerbase, they have many ridiculously strong abilities and perks but anytime a killer gets any positive buffs they immediately cry for nerfs. The nurse for example is a killer that was released to deliberately shake up to meta and stop the survivors being dependent on exploits, but they survivors cried and cried and cried until she got nerfed into oblivion. Im sure MM will suffer the same fate.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Mortal Kombat 9
Mortal Kombat X
Terror Drome

Extremely grindy takes awhile to start getting good perks. Devs are just overall incompetent and balance is an absolute mess. New killers have been OP as fuck on release. The Nurse was OP as shit then they nerfed her into absolute uselessness. Michael Myers just came out everyone's playing him because he's OP and queue times are terrible as killer as a result. Michael Myers and Laurie Strode are also paid DLC when the devs said they wouldn't have paid DLC.

Honestly I could still recommend trying it, even with its problem the game is still fun. Can always refund it on steam if you don't like it.

Fuck you pal.

Michael Myers isn't OP. You'll see that in a few weeks when every single survivor is running sprint burst, self-care, decisive strike and spine chill.

Worse was the terrible matchmaking and netcode. It's better just to find a group to play with and forget about online.

Weird thing is I get a locked 60fps as survivor but can't hit 60 on killer.

The survivor catering is one of the worst parts of the balancing it has a lot to do with the popular twitch streamers who all play survivor. Infinites still existing is because Angrypug abuses them constantly.

Fallout 3

I agree but the rest of the community is already pissing and moaning he's OP. Means he will inevitably get nerfed into the ground like nurse because the devs can't into balancing.

OP just get Dead By Daylight, we're a very welcoming community.

I think it's less that they can't balance and more that they don't even want to. Most of the playerbase play survivor and they are far whinier. All the streamers that give them free marketing play survivor almost exclusively. It's outright bias, not incompetence.

>The survivors are far too powerful
When they're good at the game. I've bought this game recently and I find it very hard to escape a killer if he sees me. I guess I'm doing something wrong. But playing as a killer right now is much more easier.


I can't get over how overrated that horror series is. Holy fucking shit.

Pretty much the fact they added clothing for Angrypug who constantly abuses infinites show where their bias lies. Surprised there's even a community left for killers.

You don't need to be particularly good. You just need the meta perks and to know how to exploit the meta strategies such as pallet camping.

Who the fuck designed Decisive strike and thought it was a good idea?

"We've got a problem, survivors are already extremely hard to catch and hit twice without spending an extraordinary time chasing... what can we do about this?"

"Lets give them a perk that revives them and stuns the killer for a hundred years!"

"FANTASTIC! Someone give this guy a raise!"

I think MM's perks might be OP (the two that arent dying light seem extremely strong) and need adjusting but this perk is just such cancer.

The worst part is literally all they need to do is add a pallete door to most of these areas and they'd be totally fine, but they wont because they are lazy fucks that dont want to deal with survivor whining.

I felt like a slasher villain in Mafia 3. The stealth made me feel like I was stalking like a serial killer and the knife kills are really brutal.

Games shit though

There's nothing inherently wrong with the perk itself, the problem is that you can get unique perks from multiple characters on one character, creating a cookie cutter meme build. That was the game's death blow. 90% of the problems in the game stem from teachable perks.

Teachable perks were a mistake. Survivors are just glorified skins once you get the teachables you want at least killers still have mechanics unique to each of them.

You actually feel like an obongo in africa, because that's how they behave and kill one another.

Fallout 3 is probably the only Fallout game that DOESN'T let you be a villain.

I'll say this about dead by daylight its it is priced appropriately, but it is a definite buy on sale. Also playing as the killer is pretty easy as, so long as you have a brain, you will kill at least 2 of the 4 survivors each game regardless of their skill level or their / your abilities.

Any Souls game, specifically invading other players.

Chameleon + Invisible ring practically gives you slasher villain teleportation.


Killing half the cast is what we call a failure of a slasher.

I bought the Virtual Cabin and holy shit it runs and looks like ass. 15 buckaroos is way too much for this. Beta is only a 4 weeks away right? I have no hope for it to be optimized by then for such a small company

I'm really just talking about Tranquility Lane


comes out ???

Its easy to escape the killer even without the meme perks, the meme perks are honestly just salt in the wound. Just stand at a pallet, stun him and walk in the opposite direction you think he will check then hide, gg ez.

The other way to get a killer off your tail is to know a good run route (or an infinite lmao), where you dont even consider hiding, just knowing where the pallete/window locations are that allow you to waste the killers time because eventually he will either give up the chase or face being juked by you anyway

I got to rank 1 with a level 2 dwight simply by abusing this.

Kill yourself, only morons would praise a Halloween film other than the first (or possibly 3)

Fucking dying is what we call a failure of a survivor.

What I am saying killing half of them is a guaranteed minimum if you have a brain, anything above is where the other variables come in.

neat. looks like more fun than DbD.

>Playing as Trevor in GTAV with the hockey mask in first person

DbD is shit because only the killer has fun, playing a survivor is shit because that game mode is so fucking boring. I don't know why they haven't put out a new mode where survivors can fight back.

>What I am saying killing half of them is a guaranteed minimum if you have a brain

That is outright wrong.

Try winning with a level one killer against a rank one meme squad with all the perks/items on asylum/haddonfield/autowreckers/any map with an infinite. You will be lucky to catch one, thats even BEFORE we even consider Survive with Friends which shits on balance even harder.

>CTRL+F : Postal 2
>0 result
come the fuck on

>Michael Myers and Laurie Strode are also paid DLC when the devs said they wouldn't have paid DLC.
its almost like somone else has the rights to these characters and the devs paid for the rights to use them in their videogame and need to get the money back.
Like I dunno if people like you pretend to be retarded but you should stop.

Is that what they did with the halloween update?

Playing a nos in VtMB

Sheeeeit nigga I can get atleast 10k points without killing anyone as a killer.

Actually killing someone is just a bonus. I do love going Michael Myers with the Scratched Mirror and Ultra Rare Memento Mori just killing survivors as soon as I see them with my 36 meter wallhacks

Who said anything about points?

Getting your pips is always a win you're dumb if you think otherwise.

This is where a lot of difference in opinion comes in but I playing the killer dont give a shit about points, I want to hunt and kill people, that as what i enjoy not earning some fucking points. So when i see "you still pipped bro you had fun!" it pisses me off to no end. The killer shouldnt be about earning as many points as you can.

>You got a bunch of points for chasing people around and failing to kill anyone, that means you won and had fun

Sure thing.

It's balancing sucks. Playing as a Killer is way harder than playing as a survivor. The community kind of sucks too, especially if you are new to the game. You'll be matched up with a team of 1,000hr+ survs who will run circles around you, pallet camp, infinitley juke you, etc. all so they can act silly right in front of the exit gate and tea-bag each other for laughs before escaping. There is absolutely NO fear factory whatsoever for survivors as long as they've put 20+ hrs or so into the game because it's far too easy to fuck with killers, and killers are very limited with the number of things they can do to actually jump scare/spook (mostly new) survivors (namely insidious perk, but it's very hard to get).

Then to add to that, In the off-chance you actually DO manage to do well against a team of seasoned survivors, you get to listen to them bitch about you being a hacker in the points tally screen. Fuck.

tldr: enjoy being constantly pissed the fuck of if you are playing killer because the devs cater to twitch streaming whiny survivors.

>DbD is shit because only the killer has fun
The main complaint I see is only the survivor has fun.

>Le why do you want to kill people as a serial killer dude xD you still pipped you had fun
>How is spending the game chasing one guy and endlessly destroying pallets NOT FUN LMAO YOU PIPPED BRO YOU HAD FUN!

but you can be a serial killer in the original game dummy

Then you should just do what I said and do extreme meme tactics and kill people without hooking them.

>I have to burn extremely rare and expensive ingame items to have a one off chance to maybe have fun as the killer

That doesnt sound like good game design to me.

Don't be a fucking shitter then.

How do we make Killers stronger without fucking up the balance?

Most stealth games allow this.

Only one of those is "rare" Scratched Mirror is on like every level with atleast 2 of them.

You can kill people off hook without those items senpai. Its currently the best strat for trapper at least.

If you think jumping back and forth over barriers and breaking hooks is fun. Seems like a huge waste of time and people find farming points "fun"

>Try winning with a level one killer
I played it back on the free weekend then I bought it from this sale, and my experience has been the same.
>against a rank one meme squad with all the perks/items on asylum/haddonfield/autowreckers/
"A rank one meme squad"? Really? Usually only see about one rank 1 a game. I have won on asylum and autowreckers, but haven't been the killer in haddon field yet.
>map with an infinite
>You will be lucky to catch one
Maybe you are not very good at all.

In closing: use the basement for maximum survivor tears.

Well I don't play like that so.........
breaking hooks is a crutch tbqh.

Breaking hooks is really the only thing still in this game that piss me off besides Haddonfield as Nurse

I bring you back to this its not about being a shitter, its about being totally outclassed and outgunned by a substantially stronger team when you are playing solo, when chasing one competent survivor with sprint burst/spine chill on many maps will take you the duration of a game to catch him. Thats without even going into sabotage squads destroying all your hooks, SWF, instant heal medkits etc etc.

There is an obnoxious wall of shit a killer has to deal with and it isnt fun.

They had paid outfits DLCs before this, not the first paid DLC.

Remove third person from survivors, implement a lean button for first person leaning to check corners.

>"A rank one meme squad"? Really? Usually only see about one rank 1 a game. I have won on asylum and autowreckers, but haven't been the killer in haddon field yet.
That's because the matchmaking is fucked right now. When it gets fixed, unless you repeatedly quit matches to downrank you're getting nothing but rank 1s with sprint burst, self-care and decisive strike, and they'll probably be using voice chat too.

>its about being totally outclassed and outgunned by a substantially stronger team
IE being a shitter. I beat a meme squad with a level 1 trapper the 7th time I ever played killer, back when there were still school bus infinites.
I had to have them all bleed out on the floor at the end but I fucking did it.
Get gud faggot, I thought I was on Sup Forums

Spine Chill don't work on Evil Within I. Michael Myers is probably the strongest with either the Tuft of Blond Hair or Scratched Mirror. Killers on the whole would be better if they had powerful add-ons like him allowing them to take Perks that would be better for Chasing people like Brutal Strength.

If you dont even know what an infinite is and you havent played the game much you arent playing at the level where the shit im talking about is a widespread cancerous problem.

At low levels playing killer is fine, rank 20-10 survivors rarely pose a threat since they are mostly either new or dumb, but once you reach high rank killer and get matched with endless rank 1 survivors you will see how unbalanced the game is.

Remove teachable perks, or rather make it so that you can only use unique perks from one character. You want self-care? No sprint burst.

Now buff unique killer perks that got nerfed like Nurse's Calling and Shadowborn so they don't all run Brutal Strength as their teachable.

Myers isn't going to be in Evil Within for more than one minute if he wants to win. Add-ons are irrelevant.

>Remove teachable perks
I wish they would do this but its too late to remove them. They already added shit like the shrine of secrets and the survivor playerbase especially would throw a massive shitfit losing their meme builds.

You dumb nigger Scratched Mirror makes you unable to level past 1 and gives you 36 meter wallhacks during stalk and 300% point gains from Stalking events. That coupled with either the Notebook that makes you faster during stalking or boyfriend memo make Level 1 Evil Within Micheal Myers one of the strongest killers.

That's why I said to make it so you can only use unique perks from one character. The purpose of teachable perks in that case would be to allow you to play your Meg like a Jake if you like Jake's perks but prefer Meg as a character. No overpowered shit, just variety.

Please direct me to this infinite supply of scratched mirrors that doesn't require cheating. If you can't use it every match, then for the purposes of discussing game balance it does not exist.


Party hard, I think it's called

>he didn't get the good addons when leveling his killer.

they're in the game and if you don't have them that's your problem there are of course OTHER addons that make him powerful such as Tuft of Blond Hair and Vanity Mirror pretending they don't exist because you ran out and decided not to invest points into getting more is your problem

Space Station 13

You kind of can, but it's rare to see it. Most just go for the classic and boring release engine/sabotage atmos/esword rampage/maxcap bombing combo.

This guy clearly hasn't played the game in at least a month, Infinite loops were patched out and windows are garbage now you might as well just let them kill you and save time.



>Infinite loops were patched out


There are no infinites, just bad killers and skilled survivors
If you're good enough at juking, even a rock is an infinite

There are still tons of infinites. Some of the infinites are even worse than they were at release, depending on the RNG.

Windows are fine, they just aren't get-out-of-jail-free cards.s

Windows are irrelevant, they pallet camp instead.


Stop crying about infinities, that shit never mattered.

>It being literally impossible to catch a survivor on certain maps when playing certain killers doesn't matter

I'm still tilted over some motherfucker who infinited me
I've killed infinite shitters with lag switch afterward, but i'm still tilted about this particular motherfucker