In the spirit of Halloween, are there any games where I can play as a teeny tiny skeleton?

In the spirit of Halloween, are there any games where I can play as a teeny tiny skeleton?

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Manlet pls go


I want to be asuka

Bye Asuka

I want to be the boyfriend of the girl in the OP desu.

Skeletot is coming for you.
Get ready to get BONED


How can a human be this pretty? I feel like a disgusting blob of flesh in comparison.

/fit/ always tells me she's a 7/10 at best.

/fit/ is gay so how would they know?

She has a real cute face but enjy has eveything.

because she's not a dude.

old and busted
new hotness

doki doki

see you later skeltal tater

Stop posting this 3DPD.

Watch it, nerd.

How come all these perfect 3D women are from eastern europe?

I want to be asuka and fuck a bunch of horny anons veestreams

Lets see how long until i get banned. Scary godmother, spongebob halloween and little witch academia.
Video games!

No western degeneration.