>there is no thread about the best Witch
What the fuck.
so what's the deal with this game?
what genre is it?
Want to check it out but have no clue and youtube videos are annoying with some dude always trying to be funny.
There isn't much art of her, unfortunately. Which is a shame. Metallia the best.
Medicore gameplay, good story, amazing twists so don't get spoiled, you fuckwit, very good characters.
Read it for the twists, don't bother with it when you've been spoiled. The impact was greater than the whole of Umineko for me.
ARPG, same ballpark as Diablo, not even the right row of seats, though. You are the Hundred Knight, and have to serve the whims of your awesome, crazy boss. It has a deceptively amazing story.
You mean metallica?
Nah, I mean Metafallica
Where the fuck do I find
>Magic Die Sand
Does it drop only at a certain level in the lower tower? I'm playing at 27 currently.
cool, will get it then.
Has there been a thread about the new game coming out?
It has a new witch with a mean streak.
I started playing the game because of Metallicas design but I ended up loving the Hundred Knight a lot more even though he couldn't even talk. His expressions were pretty cool though.
What was his wish? Just helping out Metallica, right?
my dick
Has anyone played Revival on PS4? Is the gameplay any good?
It will be day one buy. I wonder if they can beat the twists from the previous games.
Gameplay is really shitty, it's just good for the story and characters.
I generally hate NIS games, but this does look slightly different. Does this game have the same brand of cringe worthy NIS humor?
There is a demo for it on PS4. I never played the original on PS2, but the game seemed fun. I might buy it during a dryspell next summer.
Closer to Soul Nomad than Disgaea in terms of humor. Metallia is generally an awful, edgy person and revels in it.
Revival? Do you mean the witch and the hundred knight remaster?
I liked her expectations were set high for him before she summoned him.
>Does this game have the same brand of cringe worthy NIS humor?
Depends on who you ask.
It is funny however.
What weapon do I first upgrade for 400k damage?
I remember reading years ago this had some bugs where it constantly crashed or bugged your saves or something. Have they fixed it?
I thought she was related to Thin Ice Lily here.
>yfw that entire segment was a description of Niike
PS4 version mostly fixed it.
If you're lucky it will never crash for over 100 hours.
If you're not it will crash once or twice
The PS3 version is still fucked, but the Ps4 version seems like it got better.
She wasn't wrong. She was just referring to the wrong 100 Knight.
That's too bad, don't think it's worth it for PS3 then.
Don't read the spoiler when you haven't beaten the game, you've been warned.
When you replay the game, do you suddenly find tons of hints about the 2 fucking traitors?
Marisa is best witch, da ze~
I was kind of disappointed when they didn't show what the Dark Witch form of one of said Traitors would look like.
The son has a few that would only look suspicious when you know better.
The other one is mostly clean, except how they happen to have information on a suspicious subject and dispenses it all to readily.
Not that they both didn't have good reasons for betrayal.
>both didn't
The fairy didn't? The other one just seemed crazy.
Well you have to have some sympathy for the other one.
Their abilities may have played a big role in that. Between that and what they had to do just to get a flower to bloom, one might understand why they'd have gone mad.
Still, I was hoping to see them become a Dark Witch just to see what they would look like.
I fucking love her.
So will the new witch summon the Hundred Knight? The game clearly states he can travel through dimensions.
It better involve our Hundred Knight and not another one. Replacing Metallica is already a huge deal to me.
Assuming the new Hundred Knight isn't just a shard like the previous one is.
>best Witch
2? You mean Lucchini and Mani?
I hated Luchinni from the start and you should've noticed something was up when he got you the flower that only blooms under certain conditions.
Mani had the fact that she was a "swamp" fairy and that she doesn't call him Hundred Knight, which I guess could be foreshadowing.
Fapbaits aren't good characters. Learn the difference, nerd.
I believe his actions were those of desperation.
I don't think he would have went as far as he did otherwise.
I let my dick decide what I like
Former was sort of obvious with some of the things that he did, especially the entire stuff when you first met him. But I still didn't see it coming.
If what he says afterwards is truthful, then he's just insane. He might've wanted to save everyone and be friends, but allowing dog rape makes him unworthy of any sympathy.
I didn't see it coming the first time either, but it seems so obvious once you know.
The obvious part makes it so good though.
This.I wanted more Metallica
Not even Mercy would be able to heal what Metallia would do to her.
But this is best witch.
Well, there is the line of reasoning that he knew what he was doing, in the hope of making the Bad ending start up.
>implying this isn't best witch
Whose this knife-eared little whore? A half-assed witch like her probably can't even survive a dip in the swamp.
Was it rape?
This hussy is better off fighting the Hundred Knight. No need for Metallia to bother with her.
Well, he didn't exactly "fit" so it is questionable whether it would legally count.
She summons a hundred knight that's completely unrelated to Blacky. They said it's a different universe with no connections to the first game.
Bayo is cool, but she's not an hallowen kind of witch. You need the trademark hat
Rude. You'd better watch your tone if you don't want to end up like Jason's wife you moss covered tramp.
If they explicitly said no connection, then that's one thing, but honestly Hunny knight is easily capable of bridging unrelated universes.
I've been on the fence to buy this game. Should I get it?
who the fuck is metallia
>posts in Metallia thread
>Doesn't know who Metallia is
i thought this was a thread about witches
Yeah, sure.
It's about the best witch, Metallia.
Did someone say best witch?
Lucchini being fucked up was incredibly obvious when you couldn't enter the desert town anymore after he magically ended up stumbling across that flower, I figured he must have slaughtered the villagers to get it to bloom straight away. The fairy came out of nowhere for me though
Even she was kind of odd given they said her particular species weren't naturally occurring.
what was up with the metallia that goes to school and that whole dark dimension that you open tears in?
i never understood that part, it felt really random. you only ever see schoolgirl metallia for one scene and nothing happens with her
> what was up with the metallia that goes to school
An alternate reality.
> that whole dark dimension that you open tears in?
An alternate reality created by Metallia to restore the one she and the Hundred Knight broke with their antics.
>best bitch/witch
>not mercy
jelly poorfagz detected
reported for underage
>i cant afford legendary costumes o meme shit game!!!!1!!!s
really kiddo?
Cutest dimension.
They are just alternate realities. The one with Metallia studying is just one The Hundred Knight gets thrown into before Metallia pulls him inside the warped dark one she created herself. You smash that one into pieces and slot them into the original reality that got fucked up, kind of like a jigsaw puzzle.
Isn't she just a witch in costume though?
yeah but poor fagz/newfagz couldnt get here
yet me a week and a half player got all the legendary`s....sooo? suck my dick maybe?!
jelly new fags/poor fagz whho cant pay for like 5-6 CRATES ... UUUGGGH...
Witches aren't supposed to air out their crotches across the sky.
She's flying you dork.
Someone has his mind lodged firmly in the gutter.
>fuckingh implying......
really newfag
Real Witches were spats. That's just a slut.
What about these witches?
Those aren't witches.
Gwendolyn is known as "Odin's Witch.
Velvet is known as "The Witch of Elrit".