Your opinion on DOOM I & II
Your opinion on DOOM I & II
Why does GZdoom not have pistol starting?
Tired question, let's try something new:
Your opinion on Heretic & Hexen?
Classics, would play again
100/100 Only games I need for the rest of my life.
Never played Heretic, but Hexen was really great. All I really know about Heretic was that it has great difficulty settings, like "Black Plague Possesses Thee"
literally who cares lmao
go back to sleep gramps
I fucking love the Dragon Claw. That metallic sound it makes is orgasmic.
Doom>Heretic>Doom 2>Hexen
Why does nobody realize all these Your Opinion on X threads are just the OP trying to get people to talk about weird mods in the OP pic but everyone answers anyway
Worse than Quake.
We all know the purpose of these threads. It's like starting a thread with blatant shitposting as it's the only reliable way to keep a thread about a certain game from dying within 5min.
I summon my friend the Heresiarch
yeah thats right
Reminder that the Heresiarch was originally the Serpent Rider himself, Korax.
Why did they change him?
it's just reshade
i purchased doom 3 bfg edition and doom 1 and 2 suck basically because they're so outdated. I like Quake 1 tho, it's basically what Doom 1 and 2 are from the mouths of the nostalgiafags.
I'd rather play duke. or shaddow warrior. or blood. or dark forces.
They never really said why, other than it was a last minute change to the game.
The evidence is there, though, clear as day.
>the Heresiarch is very similar in appearance to D'Sparil
>he fucking shows up at the end of Heretic in the credits, as the story makes note of Korax
>similar backwards chanting
>summoning Bishops (Disciples) at low health
>similar death animation
>user downloads darkplaces after being told it's the Best Quake Experience Available.jpg
I don't get it
why is he all
I hate people who make these shitty texture packs, and the people who use them. quake, duke, deus ex, morrowind, whatever the game. they always end up looking awful. but hey, higher res shit is still higher res, therefore "good"!
HD textures usually have really bad tiling.
Darkplaces itself is fine (though quakespasm is the patrician choice)
It's all the texture packs that are unacceptable
Never has a truer image been made
Fantastic game and one of my all time favorite "background game"
I always play either while listening to podcasts, videos, etc.
Dorkplaces fucks with player physics and enemy AI as well as breaking the lighting in tons of user maps (i.e. everything in Arcane Dimensions). It isn't fine at all.
The only thing it has going for it is the slick mouse input which can be achieved in Quakespasm just by using the SDL version of the executable.
BFG Edition is a shitty way to play the game and it makes the game feel like shit. Play with a Source port like GZDoom
I really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?
Masterpieces, both of them. Which is surprising because of the major tone shift of Hexen, they still made a damn good game.
only played the h-version.
I hope you aren't implying these to be good. especially for the top two rows, the mood of the rooms are completely changed. not everything has to be dark, soulless shit.
Years ago I found out one of the recommended (probably still recommended in some Sup Forums / /vg/ guides)/most downloaded "HD" texture packs for Morrowind just used a paid Photoshop filter to upscale the textures and called it a day
v7 is only the good one
hell knight is the best girl
I was implying that I agreed with the image which implies the texture mod in those screens is total shit.
HD texture pack are always shit. just look at new vision, everything uses the same awful dirt map that's horribly tiled. instead of actual variety in the textures, most things end up looking like the same texture with a shift in hue.
hope you like looking at "dirty texture - green", "dirty texture - gray", and "dirty texture - blue" over and over.
>playing any older game like that
>not disabling texture filtering for delicious crunchy pixels
the fuck
I don't think Thief had that option unfortunately
In Thief, turning off texture filtering makes the shadows look like absolute shit. Since Thief is all about shadows, it's not worth it.
Huh. Okay then.
Everything but software mode looks trash in Doom
jerry your face is pixelated
heretic feels like a medieval doom and it accomplishes it great. i love the weapons, specifically the exploding balls. the level design feels more connected than doom which of course makes level design generally suffer but levels are still quake 2 tier enjoyable with a few weird sections that are confusing. a solid 6/10 game. hexen is more a 4/10. its slow, level design is awful, all weapons feel like shit even the meme brawlers. items system sucked shit too. doom 1 is probably an 8/10, doom 2 7/10 only because it kept my interest longer than heretic. all pale in comparison to quake
Duke nukem is better. The gba Duke nukem game alone is better than doom 1 and 2
lol why do you keep making this same thread?
Oh yeah?
This is GZDoom
*goes back to playing doom 2*
How can Darkplaces even compete?
No texture filtering and corrected gamma via console is maximun comfiness
What's wrong with the default gamma? Too bright? Because that pic looks too dark on my CRT right now.
Hexen's level design is superb and the weapons all feel great except the Mace, not to mention each classes' arsenal is pretty unique.
Default gamma is too bright. This said, for some reason this shot looks darker than it was originally.
>colors fade like in software mode
II > Ultimate
It's not even a contest. Fuck the stupid memers that deny this. SSG + Way more enemies + Bigger and more varied levels. Yes there are three or four stinker levels but not nearly as many as the /vr/etard doom babbies like to meme. Doom II at its best murders Ultimate Doom, and generally has much better levels. Doom II kills Ultimate, fact, and if you deny this you are literally a fucking retarded pleb and there is no hope for you.
GZDoom's SVN builds have a new "Tonemap" option, one of them being Palette mode
>/vr/ retro fps general
>everyone is just playing doom 4 in doom
for what purpose
Doom 1 Episode 4 is the best set of id levels
Plutonia otherwise kicks Doom 2's ass
All Doom 2 has going for it is the new enemies
The SSg is one of the two magjor issues with Doom 2, in that it's too fucking good and ruins the weapon/enemy balance of the entire game. Also Doom 2's levels are by far much lower quality than 1's.
>bigger and more varied levels
Not necessarily a good thing.
I hate the level's in Doom 1&2 where the floor is mostly all lava/toxic
I agree it's just more fun
There's pretty much no levels with hazard floors in places you're actually supposed to be.
yeah, but a lot of levels you can fall off a ledge and you loose a lot of health trying to get back.
Your opinion on The Chasm
I didn't like that level, but I managed to not fall off.
I'm playing doom 2 no rest for the living for the first time. Some parts are surprising difficult on very easy. Died a few times
It's shit
Tried playing them recently, and I don't get the hype. All you do is shoot and run, it's very boring and tedious. I've gone back to playing more immersive and involving games like EU4 now.
Sandy's maps are shit.
>he probably played on difficulties under Ultra-Violence
Nice blog by the way
lol holy shit you fucking suck
>Doom 1 Episode 4 is the best set of id levels
>Plutonia otherwise kicks Doom 2's ass
I agree but the comparison was between I and II
why doesn't doom guy take the keys to the next level instead of having to find them again?
No he had a few good ones
He did Pandemonium and The Spirit World
The problem is he just had too much shit to do and probably got burned out halfway through
The base's security is tighter than a nun's asshole.
They only work for the doors in the level they are found.
why would the keys be laying around at all if that was the case?
He has to use all his available room on his body to carry his guns and ammo
Because the best place to something is in plain sight, duh.
Pandemonium was originally designed by Tom Hall.
do demons have to carry around keys too? It would make more sense to find a key after killing one.
picking up keys doesn't affect the other things you can carry. This isn't resident evil
They're great, just finished another map of Hellbound which looks, plays, and feels amazing; these levels are fun as fuck to go through and look at.
Gangster as shit but hard for me to replay these days, wish there were more weapons but I still go through with a playthrough once in awhile.
Who here /ChocolateDoom/?
Crispy Doom is better
Sorry senpai I just can't stand playing Doom capped at 35FPS anymore on a 144Hz monitor, it's just painful
because its a fucking videogame
Isn't Sup Forums great
I prefer Zdoom. Still feels and looks like the original but with mouse aiming, better compatability, and more options.
SmoothDoom+Zdoom is my prefered method of playing.
Heretic: great, more interesting monsters than Doom, although not as memorable
Hexen: shit
>only 3 (THREE) weapons
>focus on melee
Exactly what I look for in a "Doom" game... not.
i dont understand the autism for shit like that in chocolate doom. capped framerate, no widescreen support, there is absolutely nothing wrong with some of the changes gzdoom supports like uncapped enemy limits but nah. it pisses me off like every emulator absolutely adamant about keeping in fucking slowdown of all things with no option to turn that behavior off.