What when so right?
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Solid gameplay, a campaign with actual story, great soundtrack and gorgeous visuals.
But Sup Forums will hate it because "too many niggers."
implying that's not a perfectly good reason to hate it you numale cuck
Is a Same that as always Sup Forums destroys every thread and board they touch.
>not hating brown people makes you numale
wew lad.
You can't really talk about this game here until Sup Forums gets bored of shitting on it
trying too hard lad
Operations mode. Literally saved the game because Conquest feels really bad on these maps
and the maps are really good in comparison to launch BF3 and 4 maps.
Hi, this is Sup Forums, the game is fine, great even. But they put us in the position to eternally shitpost about the niggers because they put a goddamn black man on the cover of their WWI game. They're trying to appeal to all the black dudebros who only buy CoD and NFL games.
But at least you only play as the nogs for like 30 seconds in the campaign, but yet again what's even more hilarious is that nearly all the scouts in the game regardless of nationality are a bunch of niggers. All that aside though, it's functionally a sound game and the WE WUZ posting will never end because the game poster will never change or get replaced.
>They're trying to appeal to all the black dudebros who only buy CoD and NFL games.
I hope you don't think Battlefield doesn't fall into the exact same category, user. It's EA's biggest non-sport game, even the dudest of dudebros play it.
Battlefield has some overlap with the CoD community, they obviously compete in the marketplace with one another, but there are much more dudebros playing CoD than BF, especially when you consider how much more popular BF is on PC compared to CoD and how PC has way less dudebro's than consoles.
>and the maps are really good in comparison to launch BF3 and 4 maps
except, no
Outside of Sues Conquest and maybe the italian-hungarian maps that's true though.
They're pretty much all at least acceptable, with a variety of engagement ranges and a good general flow.
are you even implying that bf3 and bf4, or even bc2 (conquest) vanilla maps were even decent?
Only like 2 bad ones, which is Fao Fortress and the desert
Being able to blow nigger heads off.
>mfw I loved RE5 only because this
Whats the origin of all this WE WUZ bullshit anyway
I don't get it
better than bf1
>Really varied and diverse maps
>only one shitty map (Sinai)
>Operations is great
>Operations mode feels like full scale trench war on some maps
>fun campaign
I just wish there was character customization (seriously where are the moustaches), more guns and that it didn't take place exclusively in 1918 because there are so many great battles missing
I don't like it, too much bullshit obscuring your view all the time and getting picked off by cunts miles away
> a sound game
Titanfall is a sound game. A whole 30+ GB.
Black Egyptian hypothesis. Basically it's a bunch of black people on social media who pretend that blacks secretly invented everything good since the beginning of time and that the white devil stole their inventions n' sheit.
Imagine your entire cultural history being wrapped around slavery and oppression, and your only achievements being getting out of said slavery and oppression (and in that, only one of the two was done by you.)
Now, imagine being told you came from Africa, a land in popular media considered entirely bereft of cultural heritage that isn't tied to slavery and oppression... Except for Egypt. Even the white man holds Egypt in high regard!
So, what do you do? Do you try to discover your origin in some West African tribe whose accomplishments include "didn't get eaten too much by lions" or "grew yams?" Hell no! You associate yourself with the good Africans, the Egyptians! They came from Africa, they're black, right? Right?
>that feel when you spawn on a squad member and immediately get stabbed in the heart by a nigger from behind
Oh no 30gb, a whole 5 minutes
Fuck off shill
At its core and UI assets it's a Battlefront reskin.
Shitty fast TTK and mediocre weapons. Lowest skill ceiling of any BF before it.
In before some nuBF player claims BC2 was the best and or BF1 plays like BF4, because those are objectively and factually incorrect.
Everyone knows 2142 was the best.
I'm a nigger/spic who boxes and would beat the ever loving fuck out of you if you ever had the balls to call me a nigger to my face. The only thing I hate than you ignorant fucks are fellow niggers and spics who don't work and give you shit to circle jerk each other on Sup Forums too
. Am I a numale because I enjoyed Battlefield 1?
you're right 1 is better than 4 and BC2 because it's a time period shooter with no tacticool garbage
It's free now, if it's the best why is barely anyone playing it?
People have shit taste.
/his/ was shit to begin with but its significantly worse because of Sup Forums
>Am I a numale because I enjoyed Battlefield 1?
That's pretty much what he already said, way before you went on a "WE WUZ KANGS U NOT GON SAY DAT SHIT TO MY FACE NIGGUH" tirade.
Kill yourself, or at least, don't spread your genes.
its not even worth it anymore
its obvious that bf1 is a battlefront reskin casual cash grab, but that has given them the chance to pour everything into marketing/shilling so it will end up selling well, then die within 6-7 months
I like it and have fun. Still like BF4 more because of the vehicle variety, but while I can't speak for balance yet, I feel like the infantry combat of BF1 is much more fun than the homogeneous snorefest of BF4.
the further you go back in the Battlefield series the more garbage it is to be infantry
people excused it in the early games because the combat was a novel concept
Shit game, too many niggers.
I definately agree on average, but I think BF1 is much better than BF4, since Assault, Medic and Recon all get some really good guns to choose from. Engy lags behind understandably but Support still does have issues that not even the BAR can fix.
Meanwhile BF4 meta is literally just AR's carbines and *maybe* a suppressed LMG here and there.
>the UI is similar
>so it's a reskin of another game
Are you literally retarded?
Mechanically it shares almost nothing with battlefront that it doesn't share with other battlefield games. The elite classes are the only exception.
You're on the wrong site nigger. You were trying to go to world star but came here somehow.
I'd pay for a Thermal Imploder in BF1
Or I guess kids who don't know what seismic charges are called it the dubstep grenade
I guess you hate San Andreas.
Imagine being so insecure, that you can't play a game because a character isn't #0000
Operations is great, but there's only 4 of them.
Rush and Domination are fucking garbage and they just just remove them already.
San Andreas makes sense, you're a black guy involved with criminal gangs and "gangsta" 90's lifestyle. San Andreas was great.
Peoples beef with BF1 is that shoehorning in black guys in a fucking WWI game of all things because MUH DIVERSITY is absurd. All the fucking scouts are black guys for fucks sake. Imagine if they made a Battlefield Africa game where you play as the Zulu's taking on colonial Brits in the campaign and they had a white Zulu on the cover for the game and the spear chucking class in the game only had white guy models. That's what BF1 is.
>blacks are useless
>scouts are useless
>scouts are blacks
makes perfect sense desu
you know what really fucking sucks, the god damn black german soldiers blend in with the fucking background if its dark enough.
Love getting killed from a corner because i can't see the contrast on the face.
>thinks operations is good
operations is fucking lame because you only play offence or defence and then you can't play another round right after its done.
Rush is the best game mode by far, no behemoths, decent sized maps, superior objective system compared to cap the flag.
Pretty much nothing.
all these bullshit semi automatic weapons when 95% was bolt action and heavy machine guns.
>What when so right?
thats why im responding,,,, i cant think of one thing other than viral marketin that went right, since the game is shit; you know?
>nothing thats why im not responding
nice try faggot, also best BF since BFBC2
Ayo hol up son
I will spread them and it will be with a white women you pussy
go get 'em jamal