8 years ago and you still mad

>8 years ago and you still mad

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It was good. Just not great. At least it actually had content unlike Sm4sh.

I actually had fun with it, probably because I never took it seriously and had friends to play it with at the time

the only thing Sm4sh lacks is a singleplayer campaign like Brawl's subspace emissary - the rest is a huge improvement.

no it isn't

locking everything behind luck based unlocking was what killed the game

and the level 9 AI just reads your inputs instead of offering up a real challenge

classic mode was boring as well

Brawl was just a better game. It had a soul, 4 feels extremely phoned in.

>No boss rush
>No break the target
>No real classic mode
>80% of newcomers are bottom barrel anime sword filler
>Worst selection of stages in the franchise
>no Project M

Smash 4 sucks ass

I did as well. When you go back and play all of them it really doesn't hold up. It feels awful. I don't even care fore 4 and I'd rather play 4 over it.

reminder that Iwata killed the game

>expecting autists not to be mad

>luck based unlocking
>and the level 9 AI just reads your inputs instead of offering up a real challenge
that's how AI works in nearly all of vidya
>classic mode was boring as well
I don't agree, but I respect your opinion
>Brawl was just a better game. It had a soul, 4 feels extremely phoned in.
What does that even mean?

>No boss rush
True, maybe the next instalment will have that. Personally, I didn't miss it much as the bosses in these games are pretty lacklustre.
>No break the target
I hate that mode
>No real classic mode
I'm mixed on how Sm4sh changed classic mode; not sure if I like it over the original format.
>80% of newcomers are bottom barrel anime sword filler
That's a gross exaggeration and you know it, but still I get your point. Is FE really big in Japan or something or were they just trying to shill a series and took it too far?
>Worst selection of stages in the franchise
I think the selection is decent, a lot of classics are available if that's your thing.
>no Project M
not my thing.

But you can use GCN controllers?

I agreel I generally like 4 but I barely play it as I don't have any friends to play it with and there's other games I'm prioritising.

the slow physics were because of that control scheme

I don't get why you would be mad, Melee is already a perfect game. Just play that instead.

melee is objectively broken, and any fans of melee I know are insufferable cunts

The way you unlock trophies and songs is based entirely on luck.

The grinding to unlock the soundtrack is bullshit. Made me drop the game because the single player was pretty terrible.

a level 9 on Brawl and Melee were fun to fight, on the WiiU it feels like they air evade perfectly every time, they don't feel like you're fighting another human like Melee and Brawl.

It feels mechanical because it reads your inputs and reacts to them, in Brawl and Melee they actually attempt to fight you in a way that actually feels natural.

It's actually the only good game in the series.

Why did you post a picture of someone that prefers Brawl to Melee?

>melee is objectively broken


Because it's just a picture you fucking sperglord

go home, shill

brawl > melee > 64 > sm4sh

this is the objectively best patrician ranking

>The way you unlock trophies and songs is based entirely on luck.
who gives a shit? collecting crap isn't part of the gameplay.

I tend to play online instead of against CPU; for the record though I felt the CPU in Melee/Brawl was too easy.

friendly reminder the resulting high skill ceiling in Melee was done by complete accident, and is mostly the result of glitches.



>who gives a shit? collecting crap isn't part of the gameplay.

autism: the thread

what the fuck is wrong with you people brawl is literally the worst fucking smash out there


tr4sh is only slightly better than brawl. they are both pretty shitty and thats where people get mistaken. its very common. but now you all know. youre welcome.

how the fuck is 64 better than sm4sh?

I just know that it's shit, I don't need to be mad at it to accept it.

Although it had much more and better content than Smash4 when it comes to stages, music and overall presentation, not to mention its SE campaign, the game even has a proper name. I have to give Brawl that.

>what the fuck is wrong with you people brawl is literally the worst fucking smash out there
Being contrarian to stick it to the imaginary tourneyfag bogeyman that they conjured up in their minds.



smash was a fucking phenomenon and nintendo killed it. Holy shit they're stupid

Eight years ago this ball of perfection was the literal best character in the game. Can't be mad about that.

brawl was better than s4ash

why does he wear the mask

It's still massive, perhaps even more so than before.

Right now it just happens to be worse than you and I would like.

do you mean "fucking phenomenal?"

Its my favorite Smash but mods certainly help

>a level 9 on Brawl and Melee were fun to fight, on the WiiU it feels like they air evade perfectly every time, they don't feel like you're fighting another human like Melee and Brawl.
>It feels mechanical because it reads your inputs and reacts to them, in Brawl and Melee they actually attempt to fight you in a way that actually feels natural.

Lmao. Yeah man getting grabbed out of illusion 9/10 times (1 frame bullshit) makes me feel like im fighting a real player all right. Then the sick jabs and powershield because they don't use any other moves except a smash attack once in a blue moon, hit the nail on the head there sir. They don't even dash.95% of the time, just slowly walking. They're unnatural as all hell. Smash 4 is not good but the alternatives are just as bad if not worse.

20XX bots is only somewhat decent ones to fight

>only played Brawl with a friend of mine when we were 12
Fuck, I wish my parents were more wealthier at that time, we were pretty poor. I still remember picking Ike___ when I first played, good times.

it isn't, it's just a meme to have on Sm4sh even though it's pretty good overall.

nope. Not sure if you're questioning the grammar or the statement.

L cancel was removed because it's impossible to on the wii mote

>but gcn controller

Is not the consoles "main" controller that everyone has. You can plug a keyboard and mouse into a ps4 but they don't make the games around them.

Lvl 9 is fucking easy u just frame trap them

What's wrong with BRAWL? I love BRAWL and I think BRAWL is the best Smash game. Come over to my house and bring your sd card so we can play some... BRAWL.

Name 3 glitches that is being used regurarly in tournaments

And we're very luck that's the case

Which glitches though? Wave dashing isn't a glitch, l-canceling isn't a glitch, dash dancing isn't a glitch

The most commonly used glitch is jump cancelled grab

the single player was surprisingly cinematic. Too bad the WII had shitty online play

Tripping and floatiness.

ledge hogging
using the cstick in the air
turning items off

>Wave dashing isn't a glitch, l-canceling isn't a glitch, dash dancing isn't a glitch
>The most commonly used glitch is jump cancelled grab
all of those are unintended bugs.

>any fans of melee I know are insufferable cunts
Then you fit right in

My friends made fun of me last time I suggested we played Brawl even though the other smash discs were missing.

Even if you don't have other smash games available, as long as you have a 2GB SD card you shouldn't be playing vanilla Brawl.

user, this bait is trash. Low effort 2/10,. Apply yourself

see, this is exactly the kind of attitude I'm talking about.

I'm not. I loved it, the subspace emissary especially. The soundtrack was also great.

L cancelling had a tutorial by sakurai himself so no, it's not a bug.

I was really bummed when there was no continuation of Subspace Emissary in the 4th smash

That mode was fun and cute and I loved the cinematics

only after they shipped the game.

L cancelling was in the game since 64 you bumbling retard. Why don't you go play some for glory now, hurry along

Wow great argument fagtron, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

i don't think the series is a "phenomenon." "fad" seems like a more appropriate term due to the size of it's playerbase and how it's population spikes when new content is released.

melee > 64 = sm4sh > brawl

Its in 64 as well (z cancelling). Both games has a tutorial for it. Try again retard.

it still was never intended
take a chill pill

>l cancel
>dash dancing

Lmao, kill yourself. L cancel was put into both 64 and melee.

Dash dancing is in all iterations of the game, you'd think they would've fixed it after 4 games unless you know, it's intentional.

>SSE is garbage
>worst gameplay in the series
I'll take anime over furry shit
>No Mewtwo
>Ice Climbers went from fun to cancer
>Mario, Link, Samus and DK was shit in this game
>Chain grabs
>graphically looks like shit

What the fuck good Brawl has done?

>but muh singleplayer
All Star mode was way worst in any game
Event Mode was a massive letdown
Boss Rush and Classic Mode was the only decently made stuff.

Plus music was step down from Melee

they kept it to appease the "competitive" smash autists.

>it still was never intended

Ah yeah man they just accidently added the same input do (almost) the same in 2 different engines in a row. Even after telling people how to do it in 64. You can easily google sakurais interview and what he says about l/z cancel but be sure to provide that evidence of it being a glitch first.

>You will never be so anally blasted that someone played a game in a manner you didn't approve of that you spend a significant portion of your life lecturing people on the error of their ways on an anonymous Internet board

>Being bad at any other videogame
>"Git gud you fucking faggot"

>Being bad as Smash
>"Well I just play for fun, you fucking autistic for wanting to get good at the game anyway"
Really gets the ol' noggin smoking.

Nigga you think they gave a singular fuck about smash """""""""competitive""""""""" during melee development? The very same company that actively tried to ban their own fucking game from tournaments because they didn't play it like they wanted? Sure

>Dash dancing is in all iterations of the game
There's no DDing past Melee, at least not with any practical application

Wow this game was utter shit.

During melee (and to a lesser extent, 64) smash was virtually omnipresent at college campuses and in general among the age group that entails. It was nearly like offline LoL in its popularity (the internet was still relatively "new" to most of the population). There's a reason that during Japan time nearly all of Sup Forums was in on it and a major announcement would literally fill up the board with threads.

I'm just sore Nintendo didn't take advantage of that fervor and take the series to new heights. Instead Sakurai chose to alienate the established player base and regress things in favor of Wii bandwagoners.

Smash still sells well, sure. But it doesn't near have the presence or mindshare that it once enjoyed.

Wave dashing was unintended but not a glitch, i.e. It's using intended game mechanics (air dodge, sliding on the ground) in an unintended way

Jump cancel grab is actually a glitch, like they did not intend for you to be able to cancel your jump with upsmash or grab, although I may be mistaken

Dash dancing and l cancelling were fully intended and fun mechanics

definitive proof that meleefags are playing the game wrong.

I actually liked Subspace Emissary and would like to see another Story Mode like it. Only reason it was cut was Sakurai getting butthurt over the cutscenes being uploaded to youtube.

Just because it isn't practical doesn't mean it doesn't exist you humongous retard, and yes it fucking exists is googling too hard for you? I'll give you a hint; it's the top link after typing "dashdancing" into google.

I liked Snake.

Melee and 64 are still popular on college campuses but that's finally dying out due to kids who were too young to get into either finally reaching college

oh, I liked it it also. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

If you think Brawl "DDing" is anything like Melee DDing you clearly never understood the purpose of DDing in the first place

It's obvious that they intended dash dancing to be a useful maneuver in 64 and melee and then actively chose to neuter it and prevent it from being a movement option in brawl and smash 4

>Brawl was just a better game. It had a soul, 4 feels extremely phoned in.

Spoken like a true casual scrub. Before you offer up an opinion of which game is better, you should probably first educate yourself on how the games work in the first place.

Brawl was a slow imbalanced piece of shit that was swiftly dismissed as soon as Sm4sh came out. Hell, PM practically killed Brawl before Sm4sh even came out.
That's how bad Brawl actually was. No other Smash game has ever been killed by a mod of itself.

Oh, I'm still mad, but it has nothing to do with Brawl.

I'm more mad about fucking Smash 4
That goddamn pile of fuck felt like such a downgrade.
I ended up going back to brawl and had more fun with it. I still haven't been able to play Melee, but is this what Melee players felt when Brawl was released? Just fucking crushing disappointment when it finally dropped and realizing all the cool shit they hoped for wasn't at all what they thought it would be?
Smash is still the one I have the most fun with

Tbqhwyf even if """"glitches"""" like wavedashing were removed, Melee's momentum based physics and speed would still make its gameplay superior to all the smash games

>*Smash 64*
I fucking love that game

the stages, roster, and overall variety still sucks. Stop playing a party game as a """competitive""" """fighting""" game.

>and is mostly the result of glitches.

You're only talking about wave dashing. Dash dancing, L-canceling, crouch canceling, shield dropping, lack of frame buffering etc. are all intended mechanics.

Even without wave dashing, Melee is a harder and more punishing game than all other Smash games and has a higher skill ceiling.

Basically you're a fucking idiot who doesn't know anything about the topic you're arguing about.

My friends and I had more fun playing Subspace in Brawl and trying to get all the iteam boxes to get it up to 100% and trying to turn bosses into Trophies then playing anything in Melee.

Sm4sh ended up being more disappointing imo but Brawl was still pretty bad, I only keep it for Project M. It had a lot of fucking content and extras shit I like, but holy hell I can't stand actually playing it.

>If you think Brawl "DDing" is anything like Melee DDing you clearly never understood the purpose of DDing in the first place

No i don't think that. You would know that if you could read properly you stupid nigger. I said dash dancing was in all games and it is. Whether it's applicable as a fighting tool is not relevant to the argument.

>That goddamn pile of fuck felt like such a downgrade.

In what conceivable way? Are you a fucking Falco main or something?
Explain to me what about Smash 4 felt like a downgrade.

>be at party
>decide to look around the house for a bit
>see two fat guys in the basement playing smash bros on the gamecube
>ask them why they aren't playing Brawl
>literally just laughs at me for 30 seconds
>360 degrees and walk back upstairs

I think they were down there the entire night

I hate how in Brawl the AI actually fights while in Sm4sh, at level 9, all the do is shield the very instant you attack them, fight th other AI for 10 seconds and does the occasional smash attack.

I also hate how in both games they'll almost exclusively target you even if you don't have the most stock/KO's and will almost always follow you around the stage to hit you with their final smash.

So you're just plebs that don't enjoy deep 1v1 competition then, that's fine, brawl definitely has more coop, and general exploratory or achievement based content

I was one of those two fat guys

The AI in both games are trash, and the lvl 9 cpu in sm4sh does indeed cheat like a bitch.

>Whether it's applicable as a fighting tool is not relevant to the argument
Actually it kind of is, seeing as your argument was that DD was intentional, and seeing as it was intentionally removed