>be me at the gym
>making gains
>toning 5'8" of pure muscle
>suddenly look behind me
>*blip bloop WAHOO! So long gay bowser!*
>Pause my squat training
>Fat Kid walking along treadmill, grab this kids Switch and chuck it against the wall
>he looks at me in dismay
>I hand him a dumbbell and tell him to grow up
>"Reeee fuck of normie manlet"
>fall into deep depression
>purchase Switch ironically
>end up loving it
>meet kid on airplane year later
>see him with another switch
>apologize, he says it's cool
>plane fucking turns, switches fly out the window
Be me at the gym
There's so much wrong with this.
well meme'd
I don't really know how the hell some people muster the mental strength to put such display of pure autism.
Fucking nice
Where do I even BEGIN...?
1. First of all, 5'8''? Mmmmmhm. That's pretty short there, buddy. Might wanna add a few inches before talking smack.
2. Games don't make blips and blops anymore. That's fucking NES days. This is next-gen, so expect fully orchestrated epicness.
3. Not all Nintendo fans are fat. Some are, but most are not. Even so, you shouldn't make fun of people for their body size. Kind of small of you. Honestly.
4. It's dumbell, not dumbbell. One word.
5. How do you purchase something ironically?? What the eff?
6. Planes don't turn?
preddy gud
samefag detected
>The next two months of switch discussion are going to be literally nothing but ebin plane shitposting
Oh goody
Can't tell anymore if this is bait or neo-Sup Forums
Why does anyone under 6 feet tall not kill themselves?
pretty fucking shit.
We have reached a point where I can't tell if this is satire and it's currently the scariest thing I've ever seen on Halloween.
god damn it OP, I was taking a FAT hit on my vape of lemon merinque and chocolate mint flavor with 3 mg of nicotine and coughed it all out from laughing
Hey I'm 5'6, but I'm also 20 so that is probably why I've never had a gf.
next level shitposting
thanks guys
Haha manlet gtfo
we're reaching critical levels of ironic shitposting
we've gone too far
Someone needs to get some dubs and get Kek to sort this mess out.
Imagine being in a mental hospital and seeing one spastic suddenly snap and yell "Wait, you guys are actually fucking retarded? Fuck, I thought you were all being ironic.". That's Sup Forums.
switch hreads are pretty eless since nintendo wont release the specs and none of the jounrlait outlest hae gotten any hands on time
>meet kid on airplane year later
>see him with another switch
>apologize, he says it's cool
>plane fucking turns, switches fly out the window
Hehe, wouldn't it be funny if you both winked at the camera afterwards and fucked?
Stop trying so fucking hard to push this shit. It's not funny.
You forgot to add in your b8 the biggest fucking thing. Why would a plane have an open window for to which the Switch to fly out
>be at gym
>see me
>pic related
That would be so fucking comfy.
>saw this same thread on Sup Forums 2 hours ago
Its like /jp/ 5 years ago except with normalfags and actually autistic people. Nobody filters themselves anymore because it was ironic at some point, somewhere, in some way.
Great fucking thread.
just brilliant user
You guys only have normals don't kid yourself.
Youre stupid if you think r9k and pol haven't penetrated to the very core of this cesspool.
Those are norms, every single one of them. The real deal autism left this site years ago.
>You at the gym
Topkek. You neckbearded little Bitch.
This faggot literally spends his halloween on Sup Forums making the same bait thread he's been making for the past few days
Thanks for the entertainment, little bitch. I may be pathetic, but I'll never be as pathetic as you!
No, not norms, failed norms. They're not even good at being norms.
The next generation of shitposting has arrived.
Yeah they are failed norms.
I can't tell anymore.
3/10 manlet made me reply
>flash forward two years
>Sup Forums now ironically gets civilly upset with eachother and are polite to spite eachother
>somewhat reluctantly the whole site ends up becoming progressively nicer
Being a sperg means you're on the spectrum and I have reason to believe theres no lacking on those boards. Being mentally deficient isnt a badge of honor and I certainly dont think theres been any change in weirdos being attracted to this place even if the old have been driven off.
This is next level shitposting.
Seriously this transcends s4s
Wow what a great thread.
I find this form of shitposting quite refreshing. Please do more.
Seriously the best greentext (yellow?) I've seen on this board in a long time. Reminds me of the old days when this site wasn't shit.
No me responding to you in accusation of you samefagging for the purpose of responding to yourself as a namefag with stars in it with hopes someone would be offended and start arguing is. Despite that you and I would both be aware this was stupid to begin with and there no way that would be you X many posts later.
But we could do that right now.