>Compared to the PS4, the $375 Potato Masher runs Battlefield 1 at a higher resolution, with a better framerate, and with more visual effects
What the fuck did they mean by this?
>Compared to the PS4, the $375 Potato Masher runs Battlefield 1 at a higher resolution, with a better framerate, and with more visual effects
What the fuck did they mean by this?
>>>>Battlefield 1
whalecum to reality
But it can never EVER run Battleborne you PC KEKS
but they told me Sony *always* wins?
The PS4PRO will save us!
But it can run the better version of it?
assuming DICE enables it
Does anyone even play Stillborne anymore?
>blatant YT shilling
>Steven Universe
>Build leaves out obviously manditory shit to get the price as low as possible for clickbait purposes
Not really, its 2-3 years old already and people won't stop shitposting about it
not gonna watch the video, what are the specs because I strongly doubt this shit
>>Build leaves out obviously manditory shit to get the price as low as possible for clickbait purposes
inb4 mouse keyboard and buying windows
It's actually legit. It's an old i5, 8GB of RAM and a used 750Ti.
>no argument, no argument, noooooooooooo argument
I rest my case,
t. the master race
fuck that's cheap.
Also what
>muh used parts
>muh dad gets free parts at work
>muh i found parts in the trash
>muh clickbait
>started by a tripcunt faggot
oh TV's don't work with PC's?
>will play all games in native 4K
>will play all games in 60FPS
>will have settings so high they're not possible even in modern PCs
>still cheaper than an average PC headset or keyboard
fucking PCkeks will never learn, sony * A L W A Y S * wins
damage control in bound!
PS4 doesn't need a tv you fucking retard
typical pcucc
Every time
oh you don't need a TV
but I need a monitor even though I can use the same TV
Still more expensive than a console, with parts he only got thanks to special conditions. Plus you'll probably end up on a team full of hackers.
Oh, and carpal tunnel. Console wins again.
not going to delete this one, my friend?
>will have settings so high they're not possible even in modern PCs
>implying that matters when you only have one graphics
6 graphics masterrace here, get on my fucking level
internet so fast I'm downloading 6TB of ram every day
>go to amazon, ebay, newegg
>get part as refurb, used, sales, rebates or out of box
hey user, this post completely destroys my autistically terrible argument, would you mind deleting it?
>special conditions
these aren't special conditions, these are things common on every PC.
nice damage control
its called masterrace for a reason poorfags. it isn't supposed to be accessible or cheap, the barrier of entry to be considered master race should be high. consoles are for peasantsbecause they are cheap, a cheapo PC also makes you a peasant, they are no better
>inb4 idort is the true master race
This console gen sucks and there are no games. .
My 980 and 4790k drops to yellow framerate.
How do I fix it?
But in reality you should still save up for a better rig. PC doesn't start to really shine until you go beyond toaster level.
not going to watch a tripfaggots clickbait video
I'm guessing it's some faggot fuck that found used parts from some asshole that didn't know what they worth that will probably melt or someone selling their sons old PC after he moved out
speccy master race thread
console niggers need not apply
It's only that cheap with used parts. A proper comparison would be with a used PS4, which goes for as low as $200.
This price comparison shit is stupid anyways, PCs are simply more expensive than consoles and that's OK because they offer different things.
Take your trip off you fucking newfag.
>comparing full price of a ps4 to used prices of pc components
shoot yourself
>500 dollar GPU
>Don't worry guys the GPU doesn't count towards the price because all PC gamers have a good GPU
>less than $699.99 full price
>implying a ps4 put together in a taiwanese sweatshop isn't equivalent to used parts
>a fucking $15 PSU, probably about as efficient as a block of wood
Wish there was actually games to play. Last game I bought was Dragon Quest Builders, a PS4 title. Civ 6 came out but of course it's shit and it'll be shit for a few expansions, which leaves me with...nothing to play. I even bought Titanfall 2 on PS4 and renewed my yearly PS+ for 60$ instead of just buying the PC version (which is 20$ cheaper, I might add) because there's like 4 people playing on PC and even though it's an amazingly optimized game Sup Forums does nothing but shit on it and play nothing but modded skyrim/fallout and assfaggots.
PC gaming is a fucking joke. The only game I've put any time in is RUST and it's super when hours of work is ruined by some 9 year old with mommy's credit card and a hack subscription. That VAC really fucking matters, doesn't it?
>don't include that 60 dollars a year I pay to just use online services, it doesn't count
>omg you need to buy a fucking monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, legit windows because I said so.
damage control faggot pls go.
its a 750ti not a 760
what 760 costs 500 dollars? are you canadian in zimbabwe?
efficiency doesn't fucking matter, you can get gold rated PSU's for 20 dollars
Seasonic, EVGA tons of reputable brands make cheap PSU's for budget purposes.
It's a 760, read the description
>PC has no games
that's not an argument even sonyggers would make. you can argue PS4 has some cool exclusives but that's it.
Say it with me
760 was
>native 4K
ITT: console suicide watch damage control
Then should we include the price of the tv in the price of a PS4?
I got a used ps4 for 200 dollars.
Yeah sorry I don't feel like playing fucking World of Warcrap, Hearthshit, Overwatch was boring 2 months ago, or whatever generic assfaggots that's rife with shit meta and balancing problems. Maybe I should play CS:GO or Battlefield- OH WAIT those games are much better on consoles with better communities and no hackers. Or, you know, require Origin.
>tldr japan makes the better games
>they are only for consoles
>the west makes garbage games
>they're also for pc
really makes you think
no seriously, almost all console exclusive games are considered to be masterpieces (RDR, Timesplitters, Dante's Inferno, the Darkness), but most games with PC versions are garbage 99% of the time (The Evil Within, MGSV, DAS3). consoles are literally why video games exist, if I were you i'd be concerned over nier 2 having a PC version
do you think she's farting in that picture just curious haha.
don't forget the year subscription to PSN and the extra controller because your batteries are gonna die
don't forget a gamer chair and dildo for your gay ass
>be so cucked that used parts are totally acceptible yet you're comparing it to a brand new PS4
Jesus christ man, I knew PCucks were bad but this is unacceptable. You can get a PS4 off CL for 140$ with games and controllers.
>He stops replying to you but keeps posting in the thread
Good to know he's just shit posting
>World of Warcrap
wtf i hate pc now
is this the power of the Sony Enthusiast (For The Players™) argumentation
Its a refurb
do you not like sales rebates and other shit that is commonly found on PC parts or is your cognitive dissonance too thick?
Why would you ever want to play Battlefield 1 on any platform? Are you a retard or just a Perifag?
>Potato Masher threads
This shit is so fucking stupid it makes my head hurt.
>I can cut corners and build a shitty PC that meets an arbitrary benchmark goal, this means that consoles are finished somehow.
No "console killer" will ever play console exclusives
>this thread
your post didn't make any sense so i didn't bother replying, sorry user :(
Well that's obviously because there's nothing of worth on it besides arguably that.
It was the same with the PS3 but at least that got some stuff several years down the road.
>ps4 so dead you can get a used one with games for literal chicken scratch because people want to get rid of it that fucking badly
Are sonycucks on suicide watch or have we moved up to something more severe.
>repeatedly refers to Battlefield as a """"competitive shooter"""" even though it's more casual than CoD
what did fuckface mean by this?
We all know that Japan makes the best games, so it's safe to say that, as long as Sony continues to hold a monopoly over Japanese games, PC will always be the inferior platform. Even the fucking Xbox gets Japanese games. All PC has are ports of ancient PS2 games in terms of Jap games, all of which are used to fund the next console entry.
hey thats pretty good.
But I'm enjoying Xenoverse 2 right now.
>even the XBox gets Japanese games
citation that isn't Square Enix shit needed
t. depressed virgin loner weeb
>We all know that Japan makes the best games
Yeah, wish it was a real fucking game.
At this point this qualifier is completely useless since it basically applies to the whole industry.
Oh shit son.
And Squeenix is the BIGGEST Japanese pub, so their decisions hold way more weight than anyone else's.
This. Can't think of a game worth playing that was released in the past 8 years, and only a handful in 2008-2007.
You PC-fags always bragging about your cheap shit. Thats all it fucking is is cheap stupid fucking bullshit christ all you rave and rant about is about your gay ass computers and you know what you don't have anything of is GAMES. You have no FUCKING GAMES AT ALL. PC games are indie fucking shit and there isn't a lick of good anything on there. Its like bragging about your fucking high end restaurant food and its completely shit you are paying for a bunch of shit that gets you ABNSOLUTELY NOTHING
Eat a fucking dick you shitbirds. Go play some fucking games why don't you? of course you can't because you don't have any games worth playing its literally all garbage. PS4 is designed developed and honed to be a beautiful gaming machine and delivers the best experience. You'll blow 2000 dollars on a fucking PC, not play a single game then shit on PS4 for paying for 60 dollars for online what are you fucking poor? you poor ass nigger? GET FUCKING GOOD, stop being fucking poor. You're like the losers who have a 750 dollar car but 1500 dollars in rims you stupid ass shitters.
You don't have fuck on my gaming system you aren't real gamers you're fucking posers, I can't even right now you are so fucking thick you'd all have a hard time pouring water out of a boot with instructions on the heel thats how fucking retarded you all are.
t. pro-gamer
He's at least right in that regard
That's bullshit. I have an i7, 16gb ram and a 750ti and Overwatch looks horrid compared to PS4 version.
Why don't you include the cost of your sofa and TV with the console?
Why don't you include the cost of online?
But that was the only part of his post that was correct.
Why are you bottlenecking yourself so hard?
They really should have invested in 8gb of RAM on two sticks, at the expense of a cheaper PSU or used CPU. That would make a lot of difference in modern gaming.
What's wrong with SU?
Fucking hate these cllickbait builds. Muh "used". Not everyone can find a used. Niggas need to link a pcpartpicker list or else the video is moot
How much does it cost for a TV to display your PS4?
you ok bud
their decisions don't mean jack fucking shit when Micro$hill signed a deal with them for FFXV and KH3 BEFORE THE XBONER WAS OUT AND BEFORE IT FAILED HORRIBLY
It was a prebuilt I got from work for extremely cheap. Buying a new PSU and GPU soon but I'm waiting for cyber monday
You're lying, an i5 with 8gb and a 660 gtx is still leagues better than any console.
>food analogies: check
>cap letters: check
>nigger: check
>pro-gamer: check