So, are you excited for this game? i think it has a very nice concept but I still see some flaws...

So, are you excited for this game? i think it has a very nice concept but I still see some flaws, they've being improving with each trailer and I think they are going in the right way, so thoughts?

New Gameplay Trailer out today

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So is this like an actual game or you just walk around and see gnarly shit?

The video is in 360P

What I've seen in the trailer you can posses some demons and they are going to make some puzzles too, it's really nice how detailed some parts are but I can't tell much cause it's only 16 minutes of gameplay and some old things they did.

1080 here


Will people never learn?

I think they are using the kickstarter to improve the game since they already have a publisher, I am not giving a single dime cause I can't right now.

>Naked demon girls like Xana

You have my full fucking attention.

You think SJWs are gonna complain about this angel?

My waifu!

Did they get rid of the faceless titty monster?

nope, still there, I think you can see her in the trailer, the demon with face it's kinda a boss I guess

That grotesque art is a thing of beauty.

What is the name of that other game with strange art that is coming soon?

This one?

Jesus, where both this and scorn come out, there will be some serious competition between them.

The real question is: Which will be better?

Fucking dropped

Yes, any news on it?

>yet another walking sim

No, I'm not excited.

Dead in the water

Not that I know besides their trailer reveal and that it'll be split in two parts.

Looks like something H.R Giger would come up with if he had a stroke.

>tfw more aroused than scared

Yeah, I totally dig depictions of hell where it looks like the insides of a living creature with flesh, bone and sinew everywhere. Gives off an extra creepy feeling that hell's not just a place you can wind up in when you die, it's a thing that devours you.

Bring something new to the table or fade into obscurity

>Can't look down and see his tits


exactly my thoughts


are you assuming his/her/it gender?

Scorn looks cleaner and more visually appealing. Agony just has too much going on on-screen and I dont know if the gameplay itself will make up for it. At least Scorn appears to have some shooting elements too.

Clearly he is the devil and there is a statue of futa satan so...

Gameplay-wise I'm not expecting anything at all, but it has one of the more interesting portrayals of hell or whatever realm this is. It feels very overbearing and suffocating and at times very surreal.

I used to dream shit like this when I was younger for some reason.

I will probably never play it but I'm looking forward to some dude's walkthrough.

Pretty metal when the demon thing pulled out the baby and then the rock

Looks like a walking simulator

in hell

>Memorized Sigil
>and it straight up shows you what to draw
>sigil drawing minigame is ms_paint that just pops in the texture of the completed sigil when you're done
>some stiff animation (demons walking above the corridor, chair falling over)
>the possess target prompt vfx
>chase scene music
>looks like completing the main objective is a matter of inevitable coincidence where you walk into a forced cutscene because it's the only way to go

>Skeleton furniture
>hanging baby shrine
>everything else

Looks great, I just hope they dial back the puzzles for retards and go all out with enforcing the hopeless loneliness by not guiding the player.