86 Year Old Grandmother Accused of Pirating PC Game, Liable for £4,000

>86 Year Old Grandmother Accused of Pirating PC Game, Liable for £4,000

>Christine McMillan, an 86 year-old woman from Ontario, Canada, was pretty surprised when she received an email claiming she’d pirated post-apocalyptic FPS Metro 2033. She was even more surprised about the part where she was liable for a fine of up to $5,000 (roughly £4,000). Itsy bitsy problem: she didn’t even know what Metro 2033 was.


This is why you should never pirate video games...

this is why game publishers and their lawyers need to be gassed like the jews they are

they send a million of those notices all the time its not a big deal. they dont actually follow through with them.



>tfw most ISPs in Canada ignored those claims for a long ass-time but then Canada passed a law that now force them to send them to users.. and now they have to pay some guys to process thousands and thousands of those infrigement claims everyday, and send the shitty emails that ask for a settlement with "lel, we could take you to court so visit this site and pay us instead!"

yup, I've got a few of them over the years no biggie

>download usual stuff, games, movies, music, etc...
>no email
>one day download that meme porn from Sup Forums for shit and giggles
>receive an infringement claim from brazzers

>meme porn
The fuck?

Meme Lover my dude

search for meme lover

Look up "Meme Lover" A guy from Brazzers came to Sup Forums asking for memes to put into a porn flick.

Some guy from Brazzers went on Sup Forums and made some threads asking them how he should make a porno, and then fucking delivered. Funniest shit to happen in a long time honestly.

A guy from Brazzers came to Sup Forums to collate memes and made a porno out of them called "Meme Lover".

The guy's dick has a Bane mask

It got a sequel too

I kind of feel bad for using my neighbor's unsecured network to pirate games

I never understood this. Shouldn't they be more worried about places where people get this content instead of individuals that use them? When Kat shutdown i lost all of my drive to pirate.

why not both

also it's hard to shutdown sites in other countries

>Despite all of that, these notices don’t necessarily mean people are guilty of, well, anything. They’re just notices. People are not even under legal obligation to pay copyright holders.

Just what is the point of all this? It seems like a real waste of time to everyone involved.

>Think I'm a gamma positive
>Realize that's probably what all the losers think

Its like those malicious ads that lock your browser to a webpage and ask for dough. Its just idiot tax. Unless these notices are from the government i dont see any reason to pay. Canada isnt that cucked yet.

>not putting a password on your wifi

I'd sue them for accusing me of pirating such a piece of fucking casual shit.

Company sends out an email for next to nothing, stands a small chance of getting some sucker to fork over a few thousand dollars. Minimal effort for the chance of a substantial payout.

it scares children and retards away from pirating, who are a large chunk of the video game market

not to those sending the notices

it used to be just a scare tactic to reduce piracy in general, but the newer strategy is to ask the user for a direct settlement

they try to scare you as much as possible about going to court and how excuses won't work, etc.. then give you an URL in the email to visit and ask you to pay them so it won't happen

there's always a few retard that will get scared and go off and pay $500+ to avoid trouble, and if they do they'll ask you for more money later

ISPs in general would rather ignore it, but some states and canada force them to forward it

>“They only told me that if I didn’t comply, I would be liable for a fine of up to $5,000, and I could pay immediately by entering my credit card number.”

Damn, it looks 100% like a scam

>not realising she probably has a grandson that downloaded it while he was visiting her boring ass TV-less house.

also.. at the point of the email they still don't even know who you are, but being the retard people are they go and tell them on the site

Can't you also use free Wi-Fi at McDonald's to download games too? I might try it one day

you're gonna be there a while

I'm pretty sure its actually illegal for them to do this, at least in the USA. If you actually challenge them they will probably back down immediately, but if you just ignore them there's nothing they can really do anyway.

Its just a cheap trick to get a few bucks off gulible people.

Brazzers are the smartest for chasing suits because old dumb fucks will pay to dodge embarrassment.


it's to scare people into paying up without going through the trouble of actually taking them to court

>over email attachment
How is that even possible?


>Old gamer girl pirates left and right
>'wtf is a vidyagaem'
>gets let off the hook easily
Sounds pretty sweet desu

>goes on Sup Forums to laugh about it
>probably calls everyone a newfag
Why can't I be 89?

omega negative master race


>westernet getting charged for pirating slav software

Iron pottery

>The Delta Positive prefers to simply exist, being content with his own mediocrity.

Yup, that's me.

i thought the guy who sent these e-mails was mostly one australian douche

Well, I guess you are, user.


Wish granted.



It's good to know the world will be a little be safer once they put this monster behind bars. What a vile cunt.

You can just ignore these notices. You can only win up to $5000 in court from copyright infringement in Canadian courts. It would cost them a lot more money to track down the person of the IP, bring them to court and have a trial only to be winning $100.

When the ISP sends a notice to you, they don't give the company any identification to who you are as that is illegal to give away that information. They'll send you threat payments that you can just ignore as well. If you do end up paying those fear payments, then they will know who you are and will threaten you way more.

I actually got a service disconnect after two of those generic letters for porn. Didn't fight them over it since it was a shit service and the other ISP here was much faster, but still I guess the potential is there (in WA by the way).

>But she's just an innocent granny!
>b-but piracy isen't theft
>but it doesn't hurt anyone!
This woman caused hundreds of devs to lose their jubs and turn to prostitution just because she couldn't afford the latest and greatest shootan game. They should make an example of her and put her in death row.
How many lives do you have to ruin before you have enough games, Chrsitine?

That is in the US. In Canada they will only send notices.

>canada passes new law that allows a US based firm (CEG TEK) access to bandwidth logs so they can send people "fines" based on illegal downloads

It's blatant extortion and fear mongering in order to reduce piracy. If you get one, your best bet is to ignore it, lest you paint yourself a target for further notices. If you don't respond to it/pay it, they can't do shit to you.


scares retards out of piracy, lowering piracy rates

gives ceg tek money on the off chance some retard is gullible enough to pay the fine

>When Kat shutdown i lost all of my drive to pirate.

Why so?

>scares retards out of piracy, lowering piracy rates
>lowering piracy



My friend from college had the same thing happen to him.
$600 for meme lovers.

Those notices are just maffia mob tactics by publishers to try to scare people in to paying them money. Regardless if they think you have done something or not some people will feel guilty enough to cave in.

Basically, publishers are jews

>tfw going to pirate FO4 and a retail copy onf windows 7 w/ a VPN through my uni's network

I already own fo4, but I like to keep pitated copie so I can always revert to earlier patches :^)

What ISP was it and how did they find out?

Because someone else might fall for it being true, this post is a joke!


omega negative here ask me anything


CenturyLink. Was just taking it off public trackers since it'd never been an issue before, but maybe there was a crackdown law passed or something.


Iie, atama ga iidesune!

this chart is flawed, Omegas are meant to be the ones who aren't alpha but fuck chicks anyway.

They're the Dex to beta's INT and alpha's STR archetypes


okay, just wondering because Oregon here and we got CenturyLink and Comcast. Neither really sound that great.

Basically the same company and Comcast is dramatically faster, at least here. Haven't tested the fence on them but I might just get a VPN and call it good.

Ah the juicy irony. By this chart's logic, you shouldn't even follow the chart for an identity validation. You shouldn't even be in this thread. You shouldn't even be here to begin with, pursuing noble deeds and creative endeavors instead.

So none of you are gamma, and all of you are omegas.

I have aspegers I don't understand the seriousness of some laws.

Works all the time in sweden.
Just insert "ignorance" and you're free.
Especially if you're immigrant.

Oregon here as well, Century Link's just slow in comparison to Comcast, but neither are really any good. God bless our cable oligarchy.

Why download something you can watch for free online? Your friend is retarded.

I don't even know the email that is linked to my ISP. I wonder how many emails I've gotten over the years...

Alright, any free/cracked vpns I can use?

one without bitcoin miners

better quality

on regular streaming sites, it's just the incomplete PV thing, and it's shit quality on top

Oh lawd, i'm next.

Not one of those companies that sends out those claims has sued anyone ever.

They could never win a case in court anyway as they can't prove it was you who did it beyond doubt. All they saw was an IP in a swarm that their bot picked up on. Your IP could have been spoofed, your router could have been broken into, your wifi compromised, etc.

They just try to scare payments out of you and then they fuck you up as they ask for contact info for the fee. This saves them a subpoena and court fees to get to know who YOU are. Now they know you and your IP and they will follow you to extort more money out of the sucker that pays.

Trash it and get a VPN.

there are a few that did, but very isolated cases

and when they do they'll go with the one who's been receiving 100+ of those emails and didn't take any measures to stop receiving them

Right a guy with one or a few emails is a really rickety case to sue on, but a dude with a 100+ has more suspicion cast on him as they can show that its habitual and as you said the warnings were ignored.

>mfw I live there
>mfw I could be next
At least people are starting to hate weedman

with jews you lose

>Why can't I be 89?

This. In my country there's this relatively shady attorney company that randomly sends out letters to people whose IP's they get from public trackers and try to get them to pay for settlements.

The catch is that the ip address is not enough proof to convict you of piracy in my country.


Literally how?

Whats the name of that firm?

One of them claims to be a Delta Positive though
