Jesus Christ you crackers are cringe worthy

Jesus Christ you crackers are cringe worthy.

>I don't wanna buy a game because of an avatars skin color
Off yourselves

Jesus Christ you niggers are cringe worthy.

>I don't wanna buy a game because of white washing
Off yourselves

its a valid argument. Anyway is the game still slow as fuck? I played the beta and facing directions felt painfully slow like really really fucking slow. And messing with the sensitivity didn't make it better.

But black gamers don't do that bullshit

>he thinks OP is actually black
Black people don't browse Sup Forums

It's just Sup Forums falseflagging. Don't reply to 1/10 bait.

i dont mind whites being the default race for toons

fucking internet pussies looking for stupid shit to whine about

I literally, unironically didn't buy the game for this sole reason.

Yeah they fucking do.

>its a valid argument

Yea if you're a fedora tipping Sup Forumslack


>muh Sup Forumsboogeyman
I don't browse Sup Forums fuck off.

FFck off, you faggot sjw shits have been saying how a game is bad if it doesn't represent minorities, don't bitch when your argument is used agaisnt you.


Lol, you wish nigger.


fuck off ea, stop trying to shill your shitty game

That's just the /pop/ side of Sup Forums,also the majority of Sup Forums, being Sup Forums

I just don't fucking care about the game

You ever wonder why developers are making every fucking protagonist black? So more blacks play their games

Are there any boards not infested with Sup Forums beside /o/? Even the libs on /his/ are getting btfo on the daily

We don't need more Harambe Jr's learning about guns.

Can you list me all the games besides Mafia III with a black protag? Bonus points for games coming out soon.

Ape escape.
Super monkey ball.

I laughed

this, before coming on here I used to think that hispanics/blacks were insecure as shit, but whites are on another level.

>dude lol Ape Escape
Proof you faggots don't even fucking play video games

You play as a Japanese boy in Ape Escape.

Well /fit/ doesn't lift
/lit / doesn't read
Nd Sup Forums fucking hates video games

What do you expect

They really are its hilarious.

You caught me
I have never played ape escape.
unless you count inside mgs 3
is it any good

Yes, definitely worth playing.

Nice strawman faggots.

What does /lit/ even do anyway?