Gamer fuel thread

>tfw you will never drink one of these bad boys again while gaming with your bros

Why live?

Other urls found in this thread:

Did your bros die?

Do you like Bawls, OP?

Breaking News:

OP misses sucking down BALLS with his Bros.

no, Bawls did. They used to sell them at 7-11 now you have to go to very specific retailers or buy a pack online for like $30-40.

If you some balls in your mouth then open wide, buddy boy
*Unzips dick*

>Could only buy Bawls at a local liquor store or circuit city
>Liquor Store closed
>Circuit City went bankrupt

Why was Bawls so fucking good? Redbull and monster taste like piss, this shit was actually good and got you going.

I just got a case in today

WHAT THE FUCK. Where? How much did you pay?

Think geek had them on sale for half off my second case is coming tomorrow. Now I said had because they sold out today. Sorry bro...

There's a pizza place right by my house that stocks them in the cooler. Me and my friends go by there every Friday for our board game night and grab a few. They didn't have them one week, and the following week when they came back, the owner said he actually got them back in specifically cause he felt bad for us the previous week. Cool fuckin' guy.

What makes Bawls so special?

that local pizza place seems pretty bro tier.

put it in your mouth and find out.


There is a Lan center by me that sells these.


Microcenter always sells them

They are the nerd drink

It's Sprite with that energy drink kick, which means it doesn't taste like taint sweat and garbage drippings.

Doesn't taste like fucking candy syrup like modern energy drinks, it's like a mildly fruity soda and that shit works better than whatever the other drinks use.

Also, who remembers this amazing ad in EGM and other game mags?

>tfw you will never drink one of these bad boys again while gaming with your bros
what the fuck do you mean?

They're still making them right?

They sell the original and cherry at a liquor store two miles from my house.

you can still buy them here

They do, but they're limited to expensive as fuck online orders, PC stores, and gourmet supermarkets.

I dislike energy drinks, but Bawls was something special.

tfw I can get one at my local soda shop store for $3 a pop

It's still cheaper to order online though. I rarely drink soda, but god damn, this is the best soda I've ever had


I would still like to know the price

That's where I would get them, too. But they sold them for like 1.50 a bottle, and the price has only gone up. At least where I live, that is.

yup they sell all flavors at my location

Wait, people drink guaranĂ¡ outside of Brazil?

In highschool bunch of friends start doing lan parties. Decided to do a lan party every 3 month at a church people chip in money for soda occasionally someone brings some hard liquor.

Pirate HL and BF 2 and UT 2k4 have tourneys.

Bawls and Nvidia sponsor our shit. Get free bawls Tshirts, stickers, 4 or 5 cases of bawls. Nvidia provides a mid level card. Both sponsors want to see pictures with winners to said local tourneys.

It was great back then.