Serious question, why do people like this game so much?, I'm currently playing it and enjoying the fuck out of it...

Serious question, why do people like this game so much?, I'm currently playing it and enjoying the fuck out of it, but I see daily threads about it (this being another one) of people still discussing it.

So, what makes this game stand out among other FPS released at the time?

Other urls found in this thread:

good job user, you copied someone else's thread


Because it's a game that takes fps and adds everything you want

>You can jump around and go fast
>The gun play is great
>Insane fucking story that spawns great memes
>Super fun in multiplayer

Cause it throws clichés and balance out the window, trims all the excess, makes everything super fucking overpowered and consequently fun to use, and ties it up with a neat little love story. All this in a radical cyberpunk package with a touch of the crusades.
Oh and you can play it with other people.

I just wish they improved the controls.

Because gotta go fast.
My legs are more than okay.

Wew, I want to play this again now

Enjoy going slow and getting killed right away.

>Not being gud

It's like if japan actually made a FPS game.

>implying you can circle strafe hit scan weapons

>What is cover

But then I can't shoot back.

If you're enjoying the fuck out of it them can't you understand how some people could like it even more than you?

Alright you little retard come ere

>when dermal shield exists

if you dont activate it on reflex then what the fuck are you even doing

>Being level one
>Having hax armor

More speed.

Gotta be gud to git gud


The only accident I fear will be your head falling into a vat of acid with me wearing your fucking morn face as a party mask.

>triangle gate

The same reason everyone here loves Mount & Blade and STALKER
>the games are unique in their respective genres
>normies don't like it
That's it. The games don't have any other redeeming factors other than making the player a special snowflake and allowing them to pull the hipster card and show off their "superior taste" for games "you've probably never heard of."
In fact, if these games had any notoriety beyond that, they'd be shit on constantly for being ugly buggy messes with godawful interfaces and boring gameplay.

>that fucking gun which shoots a billion rounds a second

>a gun that kills anything


>implying implications

Those games you listed are games that have somewhat complex mechanics that make them great. Sure you have to learn how to play a little but it's not our fault normies can't into actually having to have an attention span.

More like nothing when you start encountering armored enemies. Still fun to shoot, but you have to something on the side for armor piercing.

One of the most wrong opinions I've read here. The games just happen to cater to a small and very devoted audience.

You're a dumb nigger, fuck off faggot.

EYE has a bunch of qualities.

>HUGE as fuck maps which result in amazing atmosphere
>Actually different enemy designs and your fodder
>Lots of RPG customization that enables many playstyles whether it's melee, shooting, abusing PSI power, Cybernetics and even hacking

>Powerful weapons which are satisfying to use like the BK444, any heavy weapon, even melee weapons
>an interesting lore which ties into the plot of the story which you don't have to give a fuck about but will anyways

Fuck it, who wants to start a game

I want to roll a new character and play through with some bros

You've clearly never played MnB, STALKER or E.Y.E if you seriously want to lump them together or even think MnB is a hipster game.

>not pulling out your thousand folded Facere Mortis and holding RMB to deflect every ounce of lead that finds its way flying towards you

Do you mean the Bull or whatever the fuck it's called? The revolver that drops a Deus like nothing?

>These games are boring and people only play them to look cool
What games do you play tough guy

Almost got me you fukken gas mask-clad political ideology spouter


You mean the Bear Killer? Because it pretty much kills anything, even the Culter Dei in the last level die after a few shots with it.

anyone wants to play online now?

>Games you've probably never heard of
>Lists two of the definitive must play PC exclusives put in every list for PC games to play
Yeah no

less do eet

Its meme-tastic

You're memetastic

Sorry lad I haven't played it in months

Yeah thank

>powerful weapon"S"

more like powerful weapon. You will literally never need anything other than the bear killer and it is for some reason the single best weapon in the game for killing gunships

Yes it works and it's FUN, a lot of weapons are also good at killing gunships like all the heavy weapons, sniper rifles or even the Hammer.

BK has shit reload though and is shit for clearing out regular scum.

hunting rifle is better

TRK AD does the BK/HM's job well in a pinch, though the slower firing speed is definitely noticeable

However, the real best way to get rid of gunships is to leap down and land a great backstab on them with the hammer

>playing purely melee with stealth
>get to Mars

>not using pic related

Just jump dude.

>crashing the server with infinite medkits, tri gate and dual interceptor spawns on mars and no survivorsh


what do you max for best jumping

Cyber legs.

Best mission, it's like that Dark Brotherhood one in Oblivion where you kill all the everybody inna mansion without them having a clue it's you

this is the longest ive ever seen an EYE thread go with leg status posting

only high level gray master memes are allowed in this thread

Anyone host a serv yet?

My legs are not ok

Well mine are fine so I don't know what you are complaining about


What the fuck

Neither weapon is bad, but the 222 isn't very good against heavy armoring

>reminder that the 444 is literally Rick Deckard's gun
I fucking love the attention to detail
>New Eden is literally Akira
>another level is literally Blade Runner
>that fucking Aliens Sulaco level
>one part of another level is an exact fucking replica of the building in which the final scene of Ghost in the Shell takes place
>tons of other small references everywhere
I hope Streum On make a fucking killing off Space Hulk. I want them to be loaded when they make E.Y.E. 2

>no comfy HQ music

from the last thread


I played most of it a couple years ago but got busy with university and never finished. Think I'm gonna play through the whole thing again this weekend, what kind of build should I play?



last one I know of


my archives are incomplete, Jian


My riminah I never got around to finishing

That's fucking shit brother. Defacing our glorious leader like that, you better not be a jian.

>aaaaggh whyy
An accurate representation of EYE co-op.

The hacking was bonker but damn I wasn't expecting being arse raped after failing that.

It's an autism simulator.

Don't try to understand! Just execute orders!

Anyone playing this right now? I'd be up for some coop

I'm up if you can host. Or just join an empty public and tell me which one.

I'd be up as well even if I have no mic.

I'm not sure if I can host as Source games hate me for some reason, port forwarding does jack shit.

These comics are great, I might make one or two

Id host but im on wifi and my connection is cut everytime my cat knock down my wifi card

>Not naming it "You uh, don't get to bring legs.jpg"
you are smalltime

Join highlighted if you're interested.

Bump, we changed level if anyone's interested.

I can join in about 40 minutes or so if you're still there by then

Aaand done

Wait the Bear Killer has an alt fire?

No... but what?

The Betty Boom's alt fire is shooting from both barrels. The BK 444 does have an alt fire, increasing rate of fire but decreasing crosshair accuracy recovery.

>Trying to understand why people like EYE

Let go of the cycles of your guilt

oh I thought that was Bear Killer, my mistake

Anyone still playing online?

Yup we are. Feel free to join. It's the only populated server

Yes. 5 people in fact.