>It's been ten years since Suikoden 5
Will we have a political RPG of the Suikoden series' quality ever again?
It's been ten years since Suikoden 5
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Valkyria Chronicles is the closest we got. And like Suikoden, that series has been systematically killed.
Forgot, Utawarerumono is also kind of like Suikoden. The anime is the closest we'll ever get to a Suikoden anime.
Even if they revived Suikoden, it would have a highschool setting and other weeb shit.
>Will we have ANY RPG of the Suikoden series' quality ever again
the answer is no
Dragon Quest still exists. Its the last series in all of JRPGs (and possibly all of gaming) where its original team is still working on the games.
Suikoden fell apart because Konami pushed the original creator/director/writer out.
Is Suikoden really that good? I saw the games in stores years ago, but as a dumb kid, they looked too anime for me at the time and I never bothered with it.
1, 2 and 5 are good games. Rest are shit.
are they THAT good? not really. They are just aren't the usual bullshit
Your opinion in shit.
Suikoden I-III are a connected trilogy. What made the series stand out is their inter connectivity. Dozens of characters from the last game would reappear in the sequel. And the stories were inter connected. You even transferred the save data from one game to the next. And of course, each game had 108 characters. The early Suikoden games had more development for 100+ characters than most RPGs can do with 5-10 characters.
Suikoden IV killed all this and just made a generic prequel. Suikoden V followed suit. Then the DS and PSP games were completely isolated stories set in a 'non canon' universe. Then Konami killed itself.
2 > 1 > 3 > 5 > Tierkreis > Tactics > 4
Let's not get carried away here. Characters like Luca Blight and Gizel Godwin are straight forward evil emperors.
Suikoden is as political as Digimon World
>there are only two political characters in the entire series
Nice post idiot.
3 had some interesting ideas but it was way too slowpaced and had more backtracking than a Metroid game (a shit franchise btw, kys if you like it)
>implying defeating Luca Blight is the real conflict of Suikoden 2
It's like you didn't even play the whole game.
Jowy is a faggot and the most poorly written character in videogame history. His betrayal made absolutely no sense, it's shoehorned weebshit melodrama and nothing more.
>Putting down Luca Blight like a mad dog with an entire division of your army
>General Kiba's sacrifice
>Jowy in general
Someone wasn't paying attention to the plot over here.
He thought he could end the war fastest by dismantling Highland from the inside, but by the time he got close to his goal, he'd already been dragged in too deep and abandoning the throne was no longer an option. He'd done and seen too much in his bid for power that he could never go back to the way he used to be.
Even so, he's constantly pleading for you and Nanami to leave the war and go off and live the rest of your lives in peace, but by that point, it's too late for you to stop, too.
Suikoden was truly the biggest casualty in that whole Konami fallout ordeal.
Though it had been declining since the creators quit or were fired or whatever.
>Jowy is a faggot and the most poorly written character in videogame history.
Oh boy, its this isiot again. Please regail us once again with why Jowy is the worst character in history and yet Delita from FFT is the best.
>growing up, Castlevania and Suikoden are my favorite game series
>Konami's NES games were godly
>PS2 era hits
Didn't the suikoden creator say something about wanting to continue the series in that interview a few months back?
That's not me. I find Delita to be just as poorly written as Jowy and FFT to be a pretentious pile of shit.
I do like Suikoden II, I just think Jowy is a terrible character.
More like:
>Konami's gen 3/4/5 games were godly
>gen 6 hits, not nearly as good, but still some ok stuff
>then Konami realizes japs care more about pachinko and pachislot
He's actually a multi-faceted character with pretty good motivations. You just seem to dislike the 'traitor who really wanted to help' type of troupe for a character. I dislike it too, except for Jowy who pulls it off. Whereas Final Fantasy does it in every other game and it always comes off as a random plot twist or has no development to it.
Jowy has three major reasons for running off. 1) He wants to prove to his family that he isn't a traitor. 2) He wants to overthrow the government of Highland. 3) He has a huge crush on Jillia. And in the end, he succeeds at all of these.
Oh boy, it's this idiot again. Not even the delitafag you are talking about, but I remember you making a god damn fool of yourself since you didn't even understand Delita's character and claimed he died in the ending. You are a moron. Put on a trip so people can filter you.
Jowy made everything worse. He's directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. I can't stand how the supposed "Best" ending has him get away with it all without even a slap on the wrist.
Both Castlevania and Suikoden were killed in the PS2 era. And Zone of the Enders was ignored despite ZOE2 doing well. The problems really started in the PS2 era, around 2002. We just didn't see the effects until 2014. Well I did. I was the crazy guy telling people that Konami was collapsing back on early Sup Forums. But as long as MGS was still being made, no one cared about the rest of the Konami's series dying. But my vindication is bittersweet since it led to my favorite series dying.
People often forget about Camus and Seed, who are genuinely Jowy's friend.
When Jowy kills Anabelle, you didn't really side against Highland yet.
Then, when he really betrays you after Lucas' death, it's because he now has an entire country, represented by the two Generals, who believe in him as the one who will bring justice to Highlands.
Also, he has Han alongside him, who is probably aware of what Harmonia is planning to do.
I wanted to quote
>Not even the delitafag you are talking about
Then why are you so defensive about it? And why are you trying to rewrite history, when it was you who were totally wrong about Jowy and his motivations and ran away angry?
So are you if you take being THE LEADER OF A GOD DAMN ARMY during a war into account. How many troops did you mow down?
>Jowy made everything worse. He's directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. I can't stand how the supposed "Best" ending has him get away with it all without even a slap on the wrist.
You did the same shit.
Without you, Lucas would have won the war withing a week and Jowy would have still been able to overthrow him.
>Then why are you so defensive about it?
Calling out a shitposter isn't defensive. You and the other guy are always shitposting in suikoden threads. Kill yourselves.
Nice try, I don't even like srpgs. Other than Valkyria Chronicles.
The main character never assassinates anyone. The main character never slaughters helpless refugees at Luca Blight's side.
>The main character never slaughters helpless refugees at Luca Blight's side.
And if Jowy didn't kowtow to Luca at the time, he would have shared their fate and never accomplished his goals.
All for the "greater good" and all that shit.
Pay attention in class.
They also forget that the Black Sword rune was corrupting him. Twisting his good intentions into a craving for power. In the end, thanks to the 'destiny of the runes', his cravings help bring about a good end. But he still has to accept that he wasn't as strong as he thought.
Ends don't justify the means when the ends is slaughtering helpless unarmed people. Especially when your goal is allegedly to make the world safe for kids like Pilika. You think there were no kids in that group?
True Runes are dicks.
>Ends don't justify the means when the ends is slaughtering helpless unarmed people.
That was a major point of the plot. Which is why Jowy decides to run off into exile. In one version, he runs off alone. In another, he runs off with Riou and Nanami.
I'm with that other guy. You need to pay attention.
>we will never know what was the object of his revenge
Well, pretty much everyone who has a True Rune ends up calling it a curse. Which is kind of the entire motivation of Luc.
I'm not saying I agree with his decisions or endorse them. I'm just saying that I can understand his mindset at the time. He was doing what he thought was the best course of action, misguided as it was.
He thought he was doing the right thing the whole time, and from a certain point of view, I can understand how he'd think that.
Him or someone else, it would have been done anyway
>you will never have a resolution of the main story
>you will never have a game where the whole world fights against the Harmonia empire and brings balance to the Runes
I want a game where you play in the Harmonia Empire. Form a rebel group and take it over from within.
>"Oh no, the True Runes are horrible, I've suffered so much from mine for so many long years."
>"How old are you?"
Luc was a whiny bitch. Ted had his for 300 years, not to mention how long Leknaat or Sierra had theirs, and they never threw a genocidal temper tantrum about it.
I think Luc also had to deal with being some sort of abomination clone
>Following the war, he becomes the Chancellor of Dunan until Riou's return. He eventually retires and returns during the Higheast Rebellion to plan a plot to cause internal discord in Harmonia so that it withdraws from the Highland.
If I was a clone of a clone of a clone and constantly being used to do Harmonia's dirty work as a second class citizen, I'd be a little mad too.
Sasarai and the emperor basically got all the good benefits of the runes while Luc had to do all the dirty work. Luc also knew how much Harmonia was messing with the other nations and had to accept he had a hand in starting various wars.
true, but it was still a temper tantrum regardless.
A tragic backstory doesn't excuse horrific actions.
There's a ton of story that the creator laid out, but never got put into the games. The whole story was leading to a massive war where Harmonia was going to invade all the neighboring countries and take all the True Runes. Suikoden III is basically a long prologue to the Harmonia invasion (which we never got to see).
Yeah but where the fuck does the Higheast Rebellion comes from?
Who here beat Suikoden II with Boris in your army?
Looks like an offscreen conflict that didn't warrant a full game to me.
>Letting Ridley die
How could you?
I didn't even know he was a thing until very recently
I just wanted a conclusion to what the deal was with Pesmerga and Yuber.
Except it's never mentioned in the games.
I just googled it and found terrible things...
It was another example of Harmonia stirring up trouble in their neighboring lands. They caused Highland and Duncan to fight, while simultaneously causing trouble in Zexen. With plans to invade both of them. These plans are thwarted by Nash and the teams in Suikoden III.
I never said I did senpai, I'm just asking if anyone here did. :^)
Eh, a lot of the lore and worldbuilding is only available in supplemental materials that never made it out of Japan.
Were's missing a TON of information by Suikogaiden never crossing the ocean.
True Water Rune > True Lightning Rune > True Fire Rune
Pretty sure it's mentioned in S3. It's involved in the ninja characters' backstory, IIRC.
For example, Suikogaiden explains why only some people have family names.
True. But Geddoe = Chris > Hugo.
Hair Down Chris > Hair Up Chris
Geddoe: bitter with a touch of salt.
I love him.
Fuck off Tactics and Tierkreis were a mistake.
Suikoden III should have just used the Suikoden II engine to save money and pander to the fanbase.
That said, I honestly don't have a problem with the models in Suikoden III. It just looked like a polished Ocarina of Time to me.
Please don't sexualize the Silver Maiden.
>Not liking a decent fire emblem-like SRPG version of SIV which even goes as far as to redo all the dank music, the only good part of SIV.
I will agree with you that Tierkreis should die in a fire but back off from my nigga Rhapsodia
Didn't sony themself even develop some low budget RPGs for the vita? I remember there being one where you had to keep breeding new waves of children to fight some demons, maybe they want to jump on the JRPG train but now that FFXV/P5 are so close they don't want to fund games in that genre.
S3 actually has some nice camera work in the cutscenes, but something just feels off about the whole thing. Everybody is way too stiff and lifeless.
That's what happens when you try to make a 3D game on the budget of a low budget 2D game. Its actually amazing how well it turned out.
Too late.
I fail to see how anyone can say Jowy is the worst character when Hugo exists.
So what are the chances of Konami selling the Suikoden IP and letting some other company revive it? Is it wrong that I still have hope? At this point I'd even settle for a Japan-only mobile card collection crap game.
>Konami holds Suikoden's IP
>Suikoden series
Are you 12?
Only played 1 and 2 but they are really terrible. Music is atrocious, battle system is medicore, level design is terrible, writing is sub anime level, translation/localisation is broken with lots of stuff completely untranslated and bugs and glitches out the ears.
But hey, Maybe the 3rd game in the series is really good :^)