About to play this, what should I expect?
About to play this, what should I expect?
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A decent game. Pads it length with tedious backtracking though
it's shit. play 8 or SMT
It's way too long for it's own good, expect to put 80-90 hours in just for the main story. It's a decent enough game, but parts just drag on and on.
100 hour game, class system doesn't unlock until 20 hours and Maribel is a cock demon. 7/10
A game that will break you. Can yo be in the 1% who can say they actually finished it?
I finished the PS1 version, the hardest part was enduring the fucking intro.
More Maribel
I played through it when I was like 10. I asked for the official prima strategy guide for my birthday because I was stuck searching for tablet pieces for weeks at a time. Must have put hundreds of hours into that game before I finally finished it.
I've been meaning to play through the 3DS version but the length is just too daunting
You get extra points for finishing the PS1 version.
There's a button that tells you where fragments are now
That thing is a fucking lifesaver. It doesn't matter if you're talking about the thing that glows on the bottom screen or the info option that tells you where to find accessible fragments - both are super fucking useful.
I still managed to get completely stuck 2 or 3 times...
Most padding in any game ever made. I was enjoying it up until a point, but then all of my cool friends left my party and now I'm stuck with boring old geezer and literal mary sue cunt, neither of whom I have any emotional investment in, so I'm thinking about dropping it. You can't just do that after like 70 hours, fuck.
>Most padding in any game ever made.
Oh come on. That's Skyrim and you know it.
is the Almighty in this game the same as in DQ9? I don't understand the overarching story
People here are dumbasses, VII is honestly the best DQ in my opinion. Class system is fun, characters are memorable, difficulty is decent. I had a lot of fun and barely any trouble with backtracking. I put 100 hpurs into it and loved everyone.
Happy Halloween.
Just started this.
Is Maribel the original tsundere?
Nope. Dragon Quest VII is entirely self contained, despite having a god figure and angelic winged humanoids.
None of the DQ games are really connected. A lot of them share general themes but they are all seperate. DQB being an alternate outcome for DQ1 doesn't count
>Is Maribel the original tsundere?
Tsundere's were in anime 30 years earlier. Not to mention books and western media before that. Hell, there were Tsundere's in Dragon Ball before Dragon Quest existed user.
She isn't even tsundere.
Dragon Quest I-III are directly connected and should be played in order. DQ Builders also ties into those, as you just said.
Dragon Quest IV-VI are loosely connected.
but DQ 2 is totally a sequel to the first game, and 3 is totally a prequel.
4 5 and 6 are also related. They're in the same universe and after you finish 6 you'll understand how they're connected
Supremely comfy script, I think the NPCs for Estard change lines 5 times during the first hour.
You need to look up what a Tsundere is. She's the epitome of one.
Very long game. Not very challenging. Absolutely love the self-contained stories of each island-- something dragon quest has always done well.
That pet worm monster thing was cute as fuck and is the real hero of the game
>Not very challenging.
This. The game balance cracks in half after Alltrades Abbey, when you go from dealing 30 damage a turn to slugging monsters for 320 damage.
She's a bit coccish but that doesn't make her a tsundere.
All the dialogue is hurting my autism
I have to spam party chat 500 times per hour and talk to every single NPC every time something happens
I'm never going to finish this game
>She's a bit coccish
u wot
A tsundere is both tsun and dere. Maribel just calls you a fucking moron for 100 hours and nothing ever comes of it
Christ, it's fucking egregious. I'm still enjoying it, but Alltrades Abbey is probably one of the worst chapters I've ever had to force myself through in any game.
Skyrim is expeditious as fuck if you beeline for the endgame.
>tfw I used to play dragon quest games without hitting party chat after everything
its like half the fucking game dialogue
She wants the cock.
She hides her true feelings behind a wall of anger and deflection (Tsun) and gradually lowers her wall to let the hero see her soft side (dere).
She's one of the better examples of a Tsundere in gaming. Hell, she's better than the majority of Tsundere's in anime as well. Most of which are just Tsun the whole time. She also gets royally broken late in the game. She's pretty much the exact same character as Deborah in DQV.
I meant coccetish, sorry
Alltrades may be mechanically simple but it's the high point of the story quality narrative-wise.
I'm around 60 hours into the game and I'm headed for the tallest tower with Bulgio to revive a hero of the Almighty. Am I getting close to the end of the game?
You're maybe 2/3 done
I barely even remember any of the story to be honest.
The couple points I do remember are the red wearing knight dude falling in love with a gypsy and abandoning you and how annoying an area with shitloads of killer robots was. Oh, and kidnapping random NPCs from all over the world to make my town cooler.
> 60 hours
What have you been doing? You should not have 60 hours if you're hanging out with Bulgio.
It's been a while but if I remember right that's just about halfway, maybe a little more.
Melvyn -------------------------------- is like 1/3 into the game, what the fuck have you been doing?
I've been talking to everyone after every little thing happens.
Not even close.
You've just begun the ride.
I think you mean Mervyn. :^) what the fuck is this translation, it's awful
Well, at this rate you have a long time to go still so enjoy. You are still in the first half of the game before anything really happens
Melvyn is an actual name though. Mervyn just sounds weird.
Make up your mind
I know, I agree. What kind of fucking retard would translate what I'm assuming was Merubin or some shit like that into something that was the name of a discount clothing store chain instead of an actual fucking name.
>see this thread
>want to replay DQIX
>remember that the online features have shut down so the entire postgame is locked forever
Probably a wussified remake of a good game. Unless you are actually playing the real version, like a real man would. If that is the case, good job.
Emulate it and use codes, buddy. There's a specific cheat engine made just for DQIX.
how do i avoid the maribel glitch.
when can i make my own tablets.
need a new one to make to grind vocations.
just got the old hero, been catching up on the haven side-quest.
party is around level 26 outside of the old hero.
If you haven't noticed, every single DQ game since the DS has had name changes. Thanks to Richard Honeywood.
I'm planning to replay IX after finishing IV V and VI and was worried about all that DLC but apparently you can easily get that stuff if you have a Flash Card or Action Replay.
You can also play it on PC. DS emulation is good enough now that you can play a game like DQIX at 3x resolution.
>PC emulation
but then I can't play it on the bus like the manchild I am
Are advanced classes worth it or is my master paladin good enough?
>how do i avoid the maribel glitch.
Don't get The Greater Leveler with Maribel in your party, and if you do don't save over your save afterwards like a complete fucktard
They aren't required but they are very worth it
>Go to get puff puff in that casino
>She just plays a trumpet
is this because of the nintendo dub or was it like that in in the original?
Advanced classes give you more skills and stronger stats. You might as well go for them. You'll have more than enough battles to get up to Champion, Hero and Druid. Though I actually think Luminary is better than Druid. Endless heals, revives and buffs for no magic is broken.
You're gonna want 1 Hero and as many Champions as you feel like grinding. Hero has most of the useful magic but lacks Blade of Ultimate Power, a Champion only skill that deals around 500 damage regardless of stats. It also one shots Metals.
You don't NEED any of this to beat the game because its pretty easy no matter what but you should naturally reach an Advanced class towards the end of the game even if you don't grind.
>going from the DQ game with the best party banter to the DQ game with absolutely none
you'll get whiplash like that son
I'm at the last dungeon and afraid to continue, I don't know when the point of no return will come
I don't want to miss anything
That's what it was before you dumbass
Half the puff-puffs in any Dragon Quest game are just gags. Like DQ8. Or half the ones you can run into in Terry's Wonderland.
Druid gets all of Luminary's shit and more. Including Hustle Dance if you don't want to make her a Healslime for a while for Multiheal.
Monster Hearts were such bullshit. Getting the high level ones was a huge fucking grind
Just play Dragon Quest X. Its basically Dragon Quest IX with all the problems fixed.
The last few that take like 300 battles to master are kinda nuts
I didn't bother getting too far in them, I had Ruff as a Slaughtomaton by the time I beat the second bonus dungeon. Maybe at some point I'll go back and grind through Esterk and Platinum King for the hell of it.
The cute costume though
I just had Ruff learn Healslime and Ghoul. Then looked up how long it would take to learn more and gave up. There's no point, since I got him to hero before anyone else.
>Japan-only MMORPG
Please don't meme on me
But that's not true. Its been released in China
Mervyn is a real name and fits with the medieval aesthetic more than a more modern sounding name like Melvin. The kata for his name is ambiguous, so if you really want, he can be Melvin too.
Not that guy. But the point is the game was already translated in English once. There's no need to change the character names or location names. Its change just for the sake of change.
And Dharma Temple still sounds better than AllTrades Abbey. Plus, The Temple of Dharma is a real location on Earth. So this argument that they make changes to sound more realistic doesn't hold water either.
Yeah but this way they can make the "Jack of Alltrades" joke and they'll do anything for puns
The Enix translations were a combination of incredibly lazy and being screwed over by the text limit. So nostalgic for DarkDraco and ShockRat, what great naming.
>tfw no DQM3
Dude, not liking the name is one thing, but arguing that a 90s JRPG translation was definitely correct is just silly.
You can rename him at Alltrades if the change triggers you that much.
Lazyness played no part in it. The guy who did the PS1 translation worked his ass off, even coming up with a unique data sheet system to keep track of all the text. The letter restriction was an issue though.
>changing a name to make a pun work
>neither appears in the original game
This is exactly why the translations suck. I can't believe people like you defend it. Why don't we just change Clouds name in FFVII to Homer so we can make a Simpsons pun? That'll be totally okay, right?
The name changes for the sake of puns are stupid, but メルビン can legitimately go either way on Melvin/Mervyn/Mervin/whatever
And like another user said you can just run over to Alltrades and change his name to Dickbutt or whatever as soon as you get him.
"they'll do anything for puns" wasn't intended to defend them, I think it's silly
>The kata is ambiguous
How do Asians know what they're even saying???
Usually japanese people have a hard time reading their own language because it's convoluted and retarded.
All the more reason not to change what it already was on ps1 since Melvin already works.