Titanfall 2

General discussion thread.

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What do you guys think a good setup for legion would be? His perks are all very good and I cant choose which to use.

Looks cool but I'm not buying an EA game

Who is the best titan and why is it Scorch?

Anyone got any cool webm''s yet?

>choosing Scorch
>when Tone exists
lame taste my man

My nigga

Whats the best gun tho and why is it volt?

>Using tone when superior Ion exists.

Situational honestly. If you play against hyper aggressive players who wreck your shield that perk is good. Ammo perk is good too

I'm a bit more partial to the frontier's AK47, Flatline

Id probably buy it if it was 20 bucks for the movement. Its core shooting and weapon balance is still the reason i dislike games like COD because of the 2-3 assault rifle time to kill nonsense even at insane ranges.

what's the best control scheme on ps4?

if I use evolved I can't aim the grapple fluidly and tend to fuck up my slide hops more but if I use the default I can't be as fluid chaining wallruns while still shooting and can't airstrafe at all

help pls

I didn't play the first Titanfall. I never know when I good time to call my Titan in is. Most of the time I call it in I usually get destroyed in 3 v 1 situations since none of my other team mates have one available it seems.

watch the team scoreboards. The little symbols will tell you how many titans each team has.

If you are not sure, just call it far from the action.

I enjoyed the first one, how does this game compare to the first game from a console scrub view point who used strider all the time and everyone else had troubles with dealing with the gold mushroom ability

>tries to compete with an established giant
>sells horribly
This game should be called Battleborn 2

Very good id say. If you liked stryder then you'll like ronin. He's basically stryder w a shotgun and sword

I think EA is trying to kill it tbqh

>tfw want it but no money
>tfw when I do have money the game might be dead

feels bretty bad.

Tone exists, making every other inferior

Also Tone must be TONE'd down if u kno w i meen

>Be bad at going fast
>Just wait
>Enemy calls their titan
>Rodeo and steal the core
>Get my Titan
>Destroy and obliterate
>Get destroyed
>Rodeo again
>Get Titan
>Destroy them again

I'm so bad at going fast, but on the Titan somehow I fair so much better than the enemy ones.

I'm having a lot of fun on pc, just started today though

Tone with the improved shield upgrade is hilarious when you can keep up a constant shieldwall

Is it really that OP?

The ult does stupid high damage and somehow it's easy to get

Is it just me? Ion should do the same yet doesn't feel like it

they both do lots of damage but ion is a straight beam. tone can maneuver his around cover and buildings. Very useful for a skilled player

would it be better for tone to have an extra dash or 20% core at start?

Is the grappling hook worth the effort to learn, because I'm getting my ass handed to me every time I attempt to use it. I was an above average player in Titanfall 1 that was able to consistently rack up points killing pilots, titans, and grunts but now getting schooled over and over again in Titanfall 2.

I've found the extra percentage quite useful

Dash is way more useful in my opinion.

Tone is by far the best Titan since it can be specced for speed and defense imo. You can stack on the upgraded particle wall which boosts its lifetime by double AND it soaks up more damage. Combine that with the double dash upgrade and you can fire a sonar, boost into a fight, quickly land two hits on an enemy titan to fire off the rockets then boost back out again using the particle wall as a cover if you need to.

Scorch is for fun
Tone is for rape

Post yfw


Robowaifus are the best

use stim instead. better control, speed and health regen. whats not to like?

It's an interesting gadget but too slow, even if it is useful for some specific situations, Stim is better for going fast as fuck.

I wasn't doing so well in TF2 anymore, but it turns out all I really had to do was to learn the maps, once you get that down predicting enemy movement and going fast are the only things you need to keep in mind to do well. I just played 2 matches of Bounty Hunt racking up 25 and 30 kills and more than 3k points in both.

As for the grapple, yes, it's really useful. Do you miss the freedom of movement present in TF2? The grapple is the only way to really get there once again. Just practice with it until you finally get it down.

Particle Wall is really good, but I prefer the two extra rockets per fire because there's actually a lot of Titan cover in the maps and if you move smartly you can snipe enemy titans and build up salvo core without taking too much damage.

>Do you miss the freedom of movement present in TF2

I like stim, but considering that:

>You don't use your entire charge at once with the grappling hook so you're never missing it, unlike stim (and you don't waste slots into stuff like building up charge faster per kill).
>You're more limited in movement
>Stim doesn't help you reach high ground, and it fits short-range weapons like SMGs or shotguns better, but you're not going to use it mid combat that much otherwise
>You can actually go really fast with the grapple, you just need to realize how to properly build up momentum with it

I still like the grapple more.

Man, this game is fun. The only kinda thing I dislike is that they split up a bunch of things you just *had* in Titanfall 1 into classes. Like cloaking and wall attaching and so on. I guess it's for balance reasons, but still
>game that incentivizes fast movement with a wallrun, double-jump and speedboost
>people STILL take cloak and sniper

I use the Smart core earlier perk for sure

No. The grappling hook doesn't have enough momentum to make it matter in any context. Once you learn how to gain altitude and momentum using walls it becomes redundant. Stim is better.

That's why you put tactikill on your gun. I agree with the stuff you said, but I think Stim is more fun and more useful because of the extra regen. With Stim you can turn some fights you wouldn't be able to with the hook. I mainly just play with Grenade Launchers, SMGs and Shotguns, so Stim is perfect for me.

>not liking scorch
>not being a walking nightmare for infantry
>not being area denial
>not using gas traps to flush out buildings
>not pushing a titan into a corner and using thermal shield to melt it's face off

Its like you don't enjoy winning man

>General discussion thread.


i really miss the customizing of the titans. having any titan equip whatever weapon was great in the first game. why?

Scorch is best man for fun times

They felt personal. I named them after their voices. The fact that I can't modify voices sickens me. I need my sweet Titan reassuring me everything is going to be okay while I'm literally moments away from erupting in a gigantic fireball of death and metal

i agree. its a damn shame the german/jap and all the other voices were patched in WAY later in the first game, when almost no one is on...

He's too slow for my taste. Unless I pick up that dash module he gets fucked.

For more balance all around. I really hope they add at least one more main weapon and core for each titan. I want some more variety with them already but what they have right now is a really solid base for everything

Here's hoping they bring them back. Vanessa was an absolute delight. Also Sid was absolutely hysterical. I felt like ED-209 every time I botted that bad boy up.

Use him only on close quarters maps or ones with lots of cover, back up teammates and make good use of thermal shields.
Don't engage long distance enemies. Do this and you're golden.

Why does everyone complain about tone? Hes good but not OP just stay away from that missile pod

yeah. it sucks they made them via classes.well, that may happen sooner than later. at this rate, the population may dwindle over time.

I miss Jeeves...

>Armed Hardpoint
>crash site, A-Wall, X-55 Devotion
>run to the center point, drop a Particle Shield, unload on the enemy team as they turn the corner
I laugh like a retard every goddamn time

If there's one EA game you SHOULD buy, it's this one. There's no season pass bullshit, no map DLC to split up the player base, all future maps will be free. This is the kind of thing people should be buying games for, to support good practices. I know I'm gonna get called a shill for daring to say something positive, but this really is a rare product from EA, and if it sold well that might send them a message.

I miss sid

Also does anyone else notice the little messages your titan says at the bottom the screen when you eject? Usually it's something simple but sometimes it's funny

>will I dream?
>see you soon
>it's been fun
>You'll be back

>Fly you fool!
>Get 'em, Tiger
>Avenge me

only seen
>Fly you fool!
>Avenge me

is it random?


My Titan is confirmed to be Tim Allen

also, any of you guys lagging as heck or rubberbanding during gameplay? i chose the closest data center, but i'm still experiencing issues. on xbox1

This same post confirmed for every thread

I understand why there's only six Titan's, but seriously? No Expedition (chaingun, mini-missles, vortex) Vanguard class Titan with BT's voice as it's OS? I was so hoping for like a nice little reward for beating the decently fun campaign in the multiplayer like unlocking a Titan chassis early, but I guess that's not coming true.

I get it, it's for balance, but still. If it was in the game, then every time you embark there's an EXTREMELY low chance he says Welcome back, Cooper if you're a male Grapple

A guy in Russia is hammering the servers. He lost some e-hats on a fifa game or something equally stupid.

>mini missiles
Tone and NOrthstar

I LOVED JEEVES! Atlas build, Quad rocket launcher, electric smoke, and big punch made for an all around sophisticated monster on the battlefield.

How big's the playerbase on pc? Enough that it wont be dead within a month?

But I want all of those together into one thing. Also chaingun=/=as legion's Gatling gun

I think so. Wouldnt suprise me if you saw more variety the higher level the titan is to simulate a better sync like in the campaign

The x24 chain gun, arc cannon and missile launcher are all absent. DO you think they will add titans to fill these out? ARC cannon aside they showed up in campaign.

9800 players as of this weekend

you'll be able to play attrition anytime forever, but the other modes you need to play during peak hours if you want to consistently find matches quickly. I think the game is going to stay healthy on pc. I haven't heard anything bad from people that actually play it. Those type of games usually survive on pc. Especially once the sales start happening.


You can still find matches in tf 1 in less than 5 minutes if you search attrition or campaign. Sometimes you can drop into one immediately still.

Well shit dude if that's true than that's the shit I want to support

If there's no future dlc/paid maps why is there a deluxe edition for like 80 bucks?

Titanfall 2 Game
Prime Titan customization for Scorch
Prime Titan customization for Ion
Thunderbird Nose Arts for each Titan
Excalibur Chrome Warpaints for each Titan
Splinter Ocean Camo applicable to every Titan, Pilot and Weapon
Quantum Ocean Camo applicable to every Titan, Pilot and Weapon
Gold Caliburn Callsign

who gives a shit

How do I rodeo kill a titan? When I rodeo it now my pilot takes the battery then jumps off. Is there anything else I can do to further damage?

Also where is all the stats ? Am I missing something. Last game had stats for everything

It feels like one of those "support the devs" things where you're pretty much just giving them 20$ and they throw you a skin or something as thanks

All the guns are viable, all the titans are viable some of the boosts are useless but that's not too bad. Most maps lets you go fast and shit the net code works fine new game modes, and no seasons pass hell even the campaign is good only complaint is that the pilots don't look as good as they did in 1

rodeo again and again

rodeo it again and you drop a grenade in the open battery slot.
Rodeoing got nerfed

After you gank the battery you can rodeo again and drop a nade down the pipe that does moderate damage. If he titan is doomed and you do this it's a instant kill

Do it with a battery on and you drop nades do this when they are in meltdown it will kill the titan

Yeah it sort of did but now it's a bit more of a tactical choice

>rodeo enemy titan and take its battery
>leap over to allied titan and give him battery granting him a body shield

Shot in the dark, but is Scorched plasma shield good damage to enemy Titans? Like how much, and is it worth it to pull it up if a cheeky Tone or Ronin think I'm playing games with them?

When shit gets close like that I'm often at a loss at what's even fucking happening until I peace out with my Titan messaging me some philosophical shit about its demise.

Game is fucking fun.

Call it far from the enemy titans and do hit and runs since they can't recover hp when everyone has a titan on one side they can easily snowball so when other titans show up they can pop a core and wipe them

fucking yes. apply shield directly to their fucking faces and burn them all to hell
Use fire shield perk and block all projectiles and melt titans and pilots alike
it's his best ability

Is there a network we play on?(pc)
Getting sick of playing with reddit Fags since they have happy hour at 10 instead of Midnight

Good to know. What percentage of damage will it do to the Titan dropping a nade, and what percentage does taking the battery out do?

Also where is the stats I'm really bummed there is no status menu

How good is infantry grenade launchers? I'm using an electric balls one, the projectile is pretty slow to kill pilots but it takes 1~2 of them to kill them, also really good at killing soldiers since it has aoe.
Sad that it does low damage to titans.

There's one from the Titanfall General on /vg/. Just look up tfg or The Fast Guys. It's pretty nice.

EPG is basically playing Tribes and it's fun as fuck. Cold War is probably my favorite weapon in the game.

Softball is my fav weapon and the most fun

You know what my favorite part? Is that you can play robot from the begging and you don't need card for that. Also you can select gender for robot. Sad there still no good robot ass art on the web.

Give it time

Game's gonna be dead in a few weeks just like the first one

Wait, thermal shield does melee damage?

Is this game the metal gear rising of mecha?

>trying to block nuclear explosion
Fucking consolefags I swear

I don't even use mecha so much because i suck as pilot, it more efficient for me just call it down and let it roam alone while i running walls and shot people.

i was testing if you could retard
tone's shield can and i hadn't tested if scorch's could and now i know

I like it so much that I made a shitty video and put it on youtube.

The upload quality ended up worse than what I wanted, but its too late for me to give a shit, and its still watchable at least.

Link for those who want to waste 5 minutes on a bad video: