Atlus is censoring Persona 5 for it's western release

Just got done speaking to a friend working on the localization for a game. Persona 5 has been absolutely BUTCHERED in localization .All skin, suggestive dialogue, and swearing has been completely removed.

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there are no "swear" words in the japanese language

source: my ass

Cool nonexistant source faggot, not to mention that SMT4 Apocalypse is completely uncensored.

wtf dude thanks for letting us know please thank your friend

My daddy also works at Atlus.

Considering its rated M and how much swearing other Jap games have had recently, I doubt it.
>shitty adults
atlus usa is doing their best to ruin the game but obviously OP is fake, if you couldn't already tell

not even a good try you don't have any friends

>shitty adults
>atlus usa is doing their best to ruin the game
But Ryuji says クソ大人の 100 times in the game, and that literally translates as "Shit Adult".

Forced dub is confirmed, right?

That's great since it's 2016.

Officially, not yet. It's almost certain it will be though.
Friendly reminder to email [email protected] and tell them dual audio is a determining factor in your purchase, since they actually read and respond to them, and it's better than whining about it on an imageboard they most certainly do not read.

>Fucking Adult
>Atlus USA changes it to shitty adult

You are full of shit.

Persona games are Pegi 12 in the EU, and the only reason they were M-rated in the US was because of Mara. They didn't even remove the swearing in P3 or 4

That's literally it.

>muhcensorshipfags trying to imply they have friends
fukken lol

>Persona games are Pegi 12 in the EU
Not saying OP isn't full of shit, but factchecking is important.

Can't think of a more reliable source.

>the only reason they were M-rated in the US was because of Mara
I dunno, I think the squelching fight with Rise might have done it.

That's the word for shit and the word for adult. That isn't translating it right.

I was memeing

Hello Kowashitaifag. Off on another daily routine of falseflagging and shitposting?

>rated for strong language
>swearing has been completely removed

What censorship?

it's probably a SMTxFE fanboy pissed that Persona 5 blew it out of the water

You are absolutely right. Women actually need to be protected from all this misogynist content. It is very important to have a constructive image of women.

As much as you guys like to cite P3/4 as being uncensored, there was nothing to censor.

There's a scene in the first dungeon featuring a bunch of topless underage volleyball team girls fawning over a teacher, acting overly aroused. I doubt that will make it past the ESRB untouched.
There isn't too much else to censor, but a few other things like wooden horses being used and some other stuff in the first dungeon will probably need slight adjustments.

>the only reason they were M-rated in the US was because of Mara
other T-rated megaten still have mara
going by the ESRB summaries it seems they mostly take offense to incubus/succubus

They weren't topless m8

>People are still so browbeaten that they will actually spent money on a game that the devs didn't even care enough about to ensure a global release.

How self-hating and pathetic can you be? Atlus US considers you a retarded worm who will eat literal shit, and I guess you just want to prove them right. Have a little self respect. Jesus Christ.

They certainly were. They didn't have nipples, but the connotations are there.

>muh simultaneous release
there's a lot of reasons to hate atlus USA but that is not one of them
localization takes time, contain your salt

If the game has a penis demon riding a chariot as a normal enemy, then they're not going to do anything over some gym uniform wearing statues. (they aren't topless by the way stop lying)

I have a clear image of the scene you are talking about, they really were not topless. I know the graphics are bad, but I don't know how you see white skin with no nipples and think that's topless and not a shirt.

What is the appeal of persona

>a penis demon riding a chariot as a normal enemy

>Contain your salt.

I consider you plebs worm, you are utterly beneath me. Enjoy feeding on the dirt that they shovel towards you as an offering. Scum like you make me sick to be quite honest. Nothing is more pathetic than someone paying to be willingly fucked in the ass by a company, I look at a worm with more respect than someone like you.

My point still stands. If they're okay with Mara, then that already sets the bar.

There's a lot of things wrong with AtlusUSA but they're not censor-happy like Nintendo Treehouse, m8.

The characters and story.
>inb4 the dating and waifus
If that were the case, then that Fire Emblem rip off would have been a success. But it wasn't. It flopped because the devs wanted a persona clone but didn't understand what made persona popular in the first place.

theres this black guy in shibuya you can talk to and he says something like "Your country is starting to turn into mine like where theres gangs all over the place" and you can choose "I'll report you" and he goes like "NO POLICE NO POLICE" im curious if that'll go into the english version

is this for real?

i'm not buying the game, i'm just telling you you're retarded for whining about the release date. i'm pirating the undub as soon as it comes out, and suffering through the undoubtedly miserable localization because i'm not motivated to learn nip.

Yeah it totally is I swear if I wasn't playing a game with my friend I'd turn my ps3 on and take a pic of it

It actually is.

well I was going to give the ps4 a chance because of this game now the don't get my money if this happens.

>I-I'm not buying it!!

Nobody cares about your lies to try and protect your pathetic ego. You're just another browbeaten Fatlus loser who's been backed into a corner after being revealed to be another scumsuck content with eating the shit shoveled down your throat. Reflect on how pathetic you are and strive to improve, the first step is not buying this retarded, shit game. I'll pray for you, but won't expect much.

Why do EOPs always mention Treehouse when defending AtlusUSA? It doesn't make AtlusUSA any less worse by deflecting to them.

I haven't seen a black guy in Shibuya yet but since the theme of the game is sort of like society being corrupt (corrupted people in power) then its definitely possible. I've been playing for 85 hours so far.

Can't say im too surprised. I mean it is Japan. They are notoriously racist.

It doesn't matter whether it actually makes them any less terrible, they just need to convince themselves of it to feel better.

Because we are talking about AtlusUSA censoring and it is true that are not as bad. If you want to talk about dub quality or lack of dual audio then I'll be right there with you criticizing but I'm not an Atlus defender just because I'm arguing against someone that they're not as bad with a specific thing that the person is claiming them to be.

Sup Forums has to get off this mindset that every post is either for or against something and maybe some people just want to talk about things civilly?

you're pretty desperate to shitpost man
i almost didn't mind how fedorable you are because i appreciate when people see atlus jewSA for as shoddy as they are, but you're in it for all the wrong reasons
hell, i bet you're gonna buy the game and you're just projecting all this

But there is no reason to bring the Treehouse up unless you want to cite irrelevant groups in an attempt to forget about how awful this particular company are. It's deflecting, and it isn't subtle.

how does a black guy in shibuya imply corruption

>Sup Forums

as long as the gameplay doesn't change, why should I care at this point?

Utterly despicable you are. Pathetic worm. Think of me as you sit out in the midnight line for the game in February. Reflect and know that everything, every single word I wrote, it's all correct. Know the slime that you are, and how much of a little corporate fuccboi you are.

Nah you're alright.

Borroughs is nude (but no nips) in the Japanese version

>as long as the gameplay in this story centered game doesn't change, why should I care?
Are you fucking stupid?
"It doesn't change the gameplay" is the most retarded excuse to defend or accept censorship out there, you act as if story in games doesn't exist. Have you played a Persona? Because there's no way you were playing this series for the gameplay.

No she isn't.

Wow, fucking shit, preodrer canceled, fucking atlus I'm gonna get my gun this time, fuck bastards

What he's saying, the fact that Japan has been 'getting worse' is just in line with what's happening in the game, especially during Kaneshiro's case. Problem is it also seems a silly level of racism so it could be fake unless someone posts screens.

censoring a few panties doesn't take anything away from the story, numbnuts.

the only reason I'm interested in P5 is because I heard it has demon negotiation

Please post this clear image, strictly for research purposes.

Fucking kill yourself. Did you see what NoA and Atlus did to #FE? They literally rewrote the entire second dungeon. That's not "a few panties".

Aren't you deflecting by focusing on my Treehouse namedrop instead of arguing with my point?
If you're going to keep replying to his posts like this, why don't you just bend under his desk and suck his cock at this point?

#FE was a fuck you to fans of fire emblem and smt to begin with.

>stop sucking his cock
Good argument, well done. Can I please have a copy of the "Sup Forums guidebook to shitposting" now that you're done with it?

I bet the rewritten dungeon had better gameplay, too

>Have a little self respect
>neo Sup Forums

That's irrelevant. Don't dodge the point. Implying censorship does not have a negative impact on the game is only going to leave you with a rude awakening come February.

What argument? We didn't have an argument? All you've done this whole time was suck his cock because you agree with him and are leeching off his posts since you can't think of anything to say yourself.

Post something of value or fuck off you parasite.

I should've told you that I wasn't him to begin with.


>That's the word for shit

Confirmed for learning from anime

>silly level of racism
I wonder what it's like to deny reality every day.
Corruption is rampant everywhere.

I meant in my head, Im ages past that section of the game at this point. I can't find any online references though I've been digging in japanese. If they were actually topless itd be easy to find since that would be controversial in Japan as well.

What a coincidence, I also have a friend working in the localization of P5

And what does he have to say on the matter?

game's been delayed again

It's silly to make literally 0 black characters in the entire game and the one time you do they are an illegal who mention how much of a shithole their country is and your option is to say "I'm going to deport you", yes.

devs should be able to do whatever they want

Fucking white man stay out of japan

I agree with you. And?

I know there is a black dude in Shibuya, but I never actually spoke to him. He's next to the route underground and has a cat next to him.
There's another black chick in Akiba who's excited to go there since she's a tourist.

stop being a cuck

>#FE was a fuck you to fans of fire emblem and smt to begin with.
I know it's pointless to say this because I doubt you'll ever look past the surface of the game, but it sincerely wasn't

To FE fans, you're right it isn't.
Calling it "SMT" in the announcement and showing images of all the SMT protagonists was either an intentional fuck you or an accident though. The game is literally anything but SMT. Should've been called Atlus X FE.

You should give entirely on that, that kind of guy heads are too thick.

should have been FExPersona at the least


it has wonderful gameplay

What's so great about it?

>The game is literally anything but SMT.
You're fighting off a demonic force from another world with demonic characters from another world. The dungeon crawling is basically the same as Nocturne, DDS, and SMT4, and the battle system is basically SJ's with some actual depth. It's more SMT than FE.
>Should've been called Atlus X FE.
Not that I agree with this choice because in my opinion it's a fine SMT game but it literally was rebranded as Atlus X FE after it was officially revealed.

Nothing he's wrong.

It took plenty from both series, the only reason to call it a 'fuck you' was the setting both series were thrown into, which was honestly a non-issue.

Are people really still upset at the boxart? They even explain why they did that.

It looks fucking dumb though. Like they just threw Morgana in there. They shouldn't have done it to that extent.

>They even explain why they did that.
Why DID they do it?

it's a shitty reason
morgana is already covered by the CERO box on the japanese art anyway
if they care so much they could probably zoom out the whole image, i doubt it was drawn to exact box proportions

ESRB logo is bigger (slightly?) so they moved Morgana to not cover up the face. Which covered up Ann's breasts and caused a huge stir.