Do you think in the future people will look at the wii u more fondly like the gamecube

do you think in the future people will look at the wii u more fondly like the gamecube

the GameCube was actually good tho
I'll always see my Wii U as a smash 4 machine

>the GameCube was actually good tho
sure it was

it was
Way more worthwhile exclusives and 3rd party support than the Wii u

prove it.

only nintendo fans will still think wii u was the best 8th generation console.
just like how they think wii was the best 7th generation console just because of "muh sales".


delete this

they will, but they will be wrong
the gamecube had some first party classics, the wii u had like 2 legitimately great games and a handful of good ones and that's it
it was also piss weak hardware-wise compared to the competition whereas the gamecube was fairly strong and also very cheap

>the gamecube was fairly strong


nice shitpost

you are delusional as fuck if you think the gamecube was "fairly strong"

you are delusional as fuck if you think the gamecube wasn't "fairly strong"

not an argument.


wrong, repeating my argument in a negative way is not an argument.


No. The gamecube was good at its time. I guarantee you most people won't think fondly, or even think about, the wii u in 12 years.

I always will see it as the conole that killed nintendo for me


No. Especially since the few games it has are getting ported to the 3DS and Switch.