Name one flaw

Name one flaw

number one: it's shit

number two: that's terror

The game.

Not an argument

>that's terror

It has a bad camera.

can I name more than one?

No one has named one yet

>can play Battlefield 1 perfectly
>but this shitty fucking remaster has fps issues outside even after trying all the suggested fixes

the combat is very shallow, has no weight behind it and the physics it's based upon are awful beyond belief

>Name one flaw
There's about 200 npcs and 6 voice actors

Even Morrowind with it's *miss* combat had more reactivity to it.

Magic has been gimped from previous TES games.

This is why I miss SkyRE

It fixed so much about the combat and made it so enemies weren't sponges anymore

I could name a hundred, but here's one.

One of the worst UI's ever used in a video game.


Exploring isn't fun anymore since all caves are either

>A bandit's lair
>A draugr tomb
>An entrance to that underground city

Shallow melee combat
Shallow Magic system
Writing is poor. So many immortal NPCs and you have to follow a set story path for much of the game.

This made me drop the game.
It's just not a game worth investing time into.

I don't recall there being anything wrong with Skyrim Redone

>Long intro you have to play through every time you make a new character
>Can't reallocate stat upgrades
>Overpowered crafting skills
>Obtuse console catered UI
>General downgrade in complexity from Oblivion
>Dated graphics engine required mods to function properly on all but toaster level PCs without in-game physics becoming screwy
>Required mods to fix many issues the developer failed to address even years later
>The "remaster" breaks old mods and runs like ass

In general, most problems I have with Skyrim are due to catering to consoles

>he doesn't use Wildcat

I tried Wildcat

It was the same thing except the enemies had their block up 24/7 instead

Too much emphasis on quantity over quality. Game is very shallow, and the main reason it got big because it came in at just the right time when normies were finally getting into videogames (again).

Normies like anything that makes them look like something else and this game made them look like "lol so GEEK" which is why most big fans of the game I've met are either women or the numale children of aging boomers who think Libertarian politics are edgy

you think you know better than FEMA?

How about the several thousand in the archive?

Magic is for faggots.

let's not forget the repetitive dungeons and lack of consequence to player choice.

(but that falls under the 5th point i suppose)

>runs like ass

I can't enjoy the Remaster because the overworld won't stop jumping around in framerate even though my PC is well beyond what it needs


Op here I was in an argument about Skyrim on a different forum and I needed material to shitpost
Thanks Sup Forums

Have you actually looked at that image? Talk about some fuckin' vapid math expressions. It's like someone's high school algebra notes got mixed in with their high school physics notes, and then had a meme character slapped over it for good measure.

AKA Reddit, since they're the biggest defense force for Bethesda

Should i continue?

you're for faggots because you're a faggot