What does he run on again?
What does he run on again?
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welfare checks
Cole Train runs on whole grain, baby! Whooooooo!
why was Cole so based while Del in 4 was just fucking annoying?
I always played as Cole.
Because in 1-3 they just told Lester "be a funny, stereotypical nigger" and he did, which played to his strength, and worked out great. Del they tried to give depth, but the writing was shit so in turn he was shit.
We will never get Augustus Cole's Thrashball.
I thought about this too and came to the conclusion the fact he is playing a role he shouldn't. He plays a character who is worried about whats going on like a level headed normal person would. But visually being generic nigger (Que the stupid eye brow piercing ) making him feel outa place.
Cole was a pure tough nigga. Which is respectable. Del is a pussy nigga bitch.
Thats all there is to it.
What? Del was great. He played off of JD really well
Del was an oreo, Cole was a thug.
That would be a little it racy.
>Well he wasn't selling crack rock to the locusts so him being black just didn't make sense to me
The dialogue between the three new cast was all quips and sarcasm and it got old almost immediately. They never let something hang, they always followed it up with another 'witty' retort.
Gameplay was fun though and multi is top tier.
I bet you were a Sharks fan.
I remember you owe me five bucks.
I think Del just had no purpose in the story at all, he constantly stated the obvious and complained all the time.
Oh yeah? See me after the war.
Fucking this. I got fucking sick of the ore elevator jokes about it being on fire and not working.
His feet
could you describe what the fuck you mean by "leave it hang"? An example being?
Nigga the Locust are dead, and the Swarm have crack rocks growing on them. Del is going to have to find something else to sling in the hood.
Yeah, it did feel kinda like campaign starred two and a half Bairds, but at least none of them were Jack or Anya tier.
It sort of reminded me of the Act of Gears 3 where you play Baird's squad and it's just him, Cole, Samantha, and Carmine constantly needling each other with dysfunctional remarks.
I would think he means something like them saying 'Shits on fire yo', and instead of everyone just acknowledging that and moving on we get 30 seconds of different quips about that.
That sort of thing is fine in small doses, but they seem to do it for everything in this game.
>Nigga the Locust are dead, and the Swarm have crack rocks growing on them
Holy shit. I just imagine the swarm getting high off their asses when not fighting. Imagine what lazy piece of shits they could be.
Not him but agreed. If you're gonna have a baird or two, you have to have a marcus to balance them out.
>It sort of reminded me of the Act of Gears 3 where you play Baird's squad and it's just him, Cole, Samantha, and Carmine constantly needling each other with dysfunctional remarks.
They at least had something of a dynamic going. And Baird was a well establish shit talker. If anything you want to be worried when he isn't making banter.
Thats why having Sam as his special lady friend works so well.
You know the Psion ability makes sense now. He just yells SMOKE YER CRACK and suddenly that are all more powerful and ignore damage.
What was their problem?
You know how people could say stuff like 'that's what she said' sometimes, but they don't because it's both obvious and boring? Del would be the kind of kind to point out every innuendo all the time. He never lets an opportunity to quip just pass by and it makes him seem like a sitcom character and not a man living in an incredibly hostile and fucked world.
>Hey, your mom is a classy lady!
Dude, why the fuck does Baird get such a hard time of it? I feel like everyone shits on Baird, but he's not a bad character. He tells it like it is, even if it is sometimes a little whiny. He's, and y'all gotta ease up ESPECIALLY now that we have these fucking twerps running the show. JESUS did they fuck up that cast. What happened?
Del was just basically Jace is he was given more screen time, and Jace was kinda shitty.
Is this worth it for the PC? I heard competitive is dead, but what about crossplay for multiplayer campaign and horde?
Baird's life is just a mash-up of best of intentions, worst of outcomes. At least he has close friends that keep him from going off the deep end.
Could be worse could be this bastard and his poor brothers. i dunno why they raped his senpai like that. i didn't even know they all died until 3
because the original cast is best, minus dom. santiago wasn't a terrible character, but having him always bring up his wife was annoying as shit.
also, his death was bullshit. what a lame way to die after such an "epic" journey.
why is everyone on Sup Forums so fucking racist?
It's cause they have no repercussions of being racist online unlike real life.
Holy shit thats funny.
Especially funny given he activates it by summoning a cloud of bullshit around himself
I was never racist until I got a black brother.
The Carmines? They were a running joke until 3 when Clay put the smack down.
Dom's death was wasted potential. They didn't do enough to lead up to him finally snapping and doing that. The man was at the end of his rope and just wanted to rest.
Del just joined the ranks of shitty gears characters next to Kim, Jace and Dizzy.
>Racists are racists because no one inflicted violence upon them for being racist
>That will convince them they're wrong and will not justify their prejudices
>Kim AND dizzy are bad
Kek what shit taste.
At least he has the codes.
Cunt I will cut you. Dizzy is the man.
Lame quips that made me cringe.
Give me her name first.
Wasn't it 20?
>violence is the only way to punish someone for not conforming to social standards.
There were still tons of quips in previous gears games, but what felt off was how the new cast never really acted like their life was in danger or they were in a tight spot. They're more lighthearted about things for some reason even though the gore is still the same
Wait, that's just Terry.
>If your opinions don't conform I'll get you fired from your job
>Ruining someone's life will convince them that their way is wrong and mine is right
Sam and Baird were great for each other.
>'Wow, that's a nice house'
>'Oh yeah Baird, we could seddle down there. I can see it now, you, me a couple of kids...'
>'Yeah, and a big bottle of suicide pills!'
>'That'll save me the trouble of poisoning your breakfast'
>Gears 2 has a scene where Marcus, Dom and Ben Carmine where digging through a tunnel
>Marcus and Cole begin to cough because of all the dust
>"Why don't you guys wear a helmet, it's got air filters"
>"Cause we don't want to make it easier for snipers to hit us"
>"Cool it Dom"
you best be jestin
This was a great example of quality writing.
Yup now you're getting it
Warfare cheques
>"C'mon, you know you'd miss me."
>"Yeah...if somebody hits my elbow."
Dizzy isn't a shitty character. Jace is, though. They try to push him in the books and comics but he's still an annoying cunt.
Is Gears 4 worth playing? I was the biggest fan of the first three games but I was kinda hoping it would stay a trilogy, now it looks like Gears is gonna be one of those series that are never allowed to die, like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, or Halo.
At least Jace started with a Longshot. That was his only consolation.
Gameplay wise it is still fun and worth getting. Story wise, meh. Feels like a little wasted potential when it comes to the new Swarm enemies.
Thank god he wasn't voiced by Drake, like they originally planned.
It's like a smoother, more refined 3 but with a weaker campaign similar to 2.
It's dead om PC though but The Coalition is looking into allowing PC vs Console matchmaking
Holy fuck that line felt so unprovoked
>stereotypical redneck
Kim is based, fuck you
Dom doesn't give any fucks unless it is about where his wife is.
Gameplay is fucking top, dude. It's another cover-based shooter, but at least it does it very well. This is one of the few games where moving from cover to cover actually feels natural and fluid instead of clunky.
Story is hit-and-miss, but I personally didn't mind the new cast. Old Man Marcus is a gift.
>Those massive fuck-off moving chains cover
That shit was pretty cool.
Yeah I thought it was a creative way to go about the cover system. it would be neat to see something like that in mulitplayer
Oh jesus the amount of salt from something like that would be glorious.
>"Scion incoming!"
>Scion lumbers down the stairwell
>a chain splatters him all over the floor
>Boomers don't say boom anymore
>Be a teenager
>See youtube.com
>Sticks with me, have many fond memories of Gears of War
>5 years later
>Everything looks hopeless at the gas station
>Mad World begins to play
>"I guess this is it, huh Maria?"
This is going to be a very niche issue but I really don't like the scale of ge4rs.
I know it's hard to outdo a giant war raging against orc monsters but at the same time this just felt like some baby dlc playing as the gears kids.
Without the theme of "there's a war going on and there's a thousand of them versus like 4 of us" mowing down hundreds and hundreds of robots and then locust ("swarm") feels weird.
Also the fact this is supposed to be a threat with them going "oh there's probably dozens of these hives imagine" feels a bit shit when you and two other kids go in mechs built for building shit and completely destroy the hive guardian and all the forces between you and it with big staple guns.
The fact they can "hack" the chink bots is going to be what turns the tide in the next games but it still feels forced and stupid. You don't have to think "how did like a hundred miners turn into a swarm of monster men" when the game is set way after that and you're fighting giant ogres with guns. The pacing and overall smaller scale just makes you wonder why any of this matters.
Yeah I get what you mean.
It seems odd to me that as big a threat as the Swarm are, the new COG doesn't know anything about their existence.
Plus with all the tech at the COG's disposal, it should be a massive non-issue.
One thing I hate about the story mode was the map designs, they didn't look as good as Gear 3's maps, Azura was beautiful, I loves the tropical hotel look to it, I know they probably got that from ripping off Bulletstorm but it still looked amazing.
Yeah I get what you mean. I think also the thing is that Gears 4 was designed as starting point for new trilogy so it doesn't have that "complete" feeling like Gears 1 did, even though Gears 1 also had a hint of future games it was a sense of fulfillment; you dropped off the lightmass bomb and saved the day.
Gears 4 is basically STAY TUNED ;) like Gears 2 was.
Swarm was amassing in secret and Jinn is a dumb bitch who thinks outsiders are kidnapping the settlement people.
Yes I get that, but given the sheer volume of technological tracking options and what not at their disposal, it is a bit of a stretch that the COG would be so completely unaware of them. On top of refusing to believe in their existence once informed.
Not to mention shouldn't there be some sort of actual military command looking after this stuff for Jinn? With people that aren't fucking idiots?
Plus Baird was looking out for JD during this whole thing, and shouldn't he have wanted to get confirmation and give it to the COG since he is still on good terms with them?
See if the COG was dilapidated and no longer war ready after years of peace I could understand how this happens. But they are shitting out combat robots non-stop so it isn't like that have lack of resources to use as an excuse.
Seriously I keep asking this how the fuck are the fabricators and robots running? Imulsion the only fuel source died on vday.
Wtf I hate gears now
>Imulsion the only fuel source died on vday.
This. They acknowledge that there are other power sources in Gears4, but don't bother explaining what those fuckers are actually running on.
The way I see it, COG are like a 1984 society of sorts and focused so much on walling themselves in for protection they weren't aware of what goes on far down below. The whole human army was replaced with deebees so I'm sure it's just whatever Jinn says, goes.
I mean you saw all the skeletons of soldiers at their posts from the war, that's how long it was since anyone went to the breeding areas for the swarm.
As for Baird, he was only looking out for JD at the settlement in game and when JD left the COG. He didn't know what was really going on until Marcus contacted him
Magic Adam Fenix notes for renewable energy
They probably all run on wholegrain.