>In-game shotgun has zero accuracy past 5 feet
In-game shotgun has zero accuracy past 5 feet
>all weapons with high fire rate shoot marshmallows
>energy weapons do decent damage and have a good rate of fire, but feel about as satisfying as a toy gun that makes laser noises
What's Ricardo Chandler up to nowadays?
>rocket launcher has slow moving, weak shots
He hasn't succumbed to his taint hole yet, impressively.
>Chris chan is directly to the right of me
>Shoot weapon
>it misses the target
>you gain 9999 EXP anyway
>Minigun slapchops enemies
>No constant-spin mode, have to start up every time you come across something
>rocket launcher is about as powerful as a gentle fart
>still has incredibly rare ammo because that's how balance in singleplayer games
>shotgun shot disappears after certain distance because of "balance"
play quake 1
>rocket launcher is fast
>rocket launcher is powerful
>rocket launcher has more ammo than you fucking know what to do with and common enemies drop MORE ammo for it
What do you think she's up to these days?
She's happily married to some pudgy Native American guy with a kid on the way, now.
Chris found out and naturally wasn't too happy.
>chest/heart shots aren't instant kills
>balance patches for a single player game
>Pistols more accurate for headshots than assault rifles
>Rifle spread is always dialed to Rambo/10 even if you're just trying to squeeze off a single shot
>Pistol is 1HKO on a headshot and a fucking AK takes at least two.
How the fuck is Borderlands popular again?
>She sucked off and took CWC virginity while I remain a hugless, lossless, virign.
Why live.
"Fun with friends" and "I understood that reference"
At least in terms of the second game.
>getting touched by a single pixel of a flamethrower is instant death
>if not instant, it removes your weapon anyway so you can't shoot and you die half a second later
>magazines fall to ground after reload
>guns sounds snappy and loud
>bullet casings don't disappear
>casings bounce off objects
You got anything where it shows that CWC found out and wasn't happy about it?
We all know the story behind CWC losing his virginity to a hooker.
Max Payne 2 comes to mind
>find a tactic that's both fun and effective
>devs either make it impossible or tweak something just the tiniest bit that it's still possible but isn't any good anymore
>switch from single shot M14 is Archangel chassis to full auto M14 in EBR chassis
>damage drops from two shot kill to ten shot kill
Why do we let noguns numales make shooters?
gotta be fair to those computer controlled npcs bro
I slogged through the first game to completion and it's just as unforgivably awful. Uninstalled it immediately after reaching the ending.
That game's undeserved snark makes me genuinely hate Gearbox, they're like the Kotaku of video game developers and Aliens: Colonial Marines should have been their Hulk Hogan.
It's almost like they enjoy smearing their customer's faces with shit.
...Oh wait.
>Turn up difficulty
>All player weapons now fire marshmallows, enemies provisioned with special marshmallow-proof helmets
>All enemy weapons now fire jet-propelled Mack trucks
>Game has locational damage to the extent of a dedicated cranial hitbox
>Kevlar summerwear t-shirts and sun tan lotion for unarmored enemy AI
Mafia 1
>Projectiles you fire disappear mid flight due to you being killed
>Sniper rifle shoots at 45 degrees as soon as it leaves the barrel
>Bullet drop of sniper rifles but not on AR making the AR a better sniper rifle
>Bullet drop on sub 100m fired tank shells
Fucking Battlefield man. I'm not even going to talk about that horrible ass tickrate problem in 4
>Shotgun slug rounds are viable over long range and 1 hit kills in close-mid.
It's a love/hate relationship with spas-12 slugs in BF3. Sometimes you're on fire and slap everyone's shit, other times you miss by millimeters constantly and die from scrub spray.
>Input reading of literally any kind
Ruins most fighting games for me.
>"sniper" rifle only has accurate fire when using the scope
>every shot fired not using the scope moves in 90 degress angles
>hud crosshairs are literally 4 lines touching the edges of the screen
i can't be doin with this
I remember SPAS-12 with slugs and magnum ammo in BC2. You could outshoot sniper rifles if you could aim well enough
>feet as measure
are americans the worst kind of all?
>Sup Forums 'Merkins are so idiotically right wing that they will actually defend this
If every measurement is the same why do you need 4 of them? Are you retarded?
>shotgun so good past 10 feet people cry for nerfs
>shotgun has x damage
>but that x damage is per pellet
>and pellet damage does not stack
>so trying to land many pellets on a single target is pointless
>the only effective way of using shotgun is to hit as many target as possible in a single shotgun blast
>Somehow there's different types of ammo for shotgun (flechette, slug, incendiary,...)
>but due to the way shotgun mechanic works and the fucked up balance (gimped ammo pickup for custom ammo), the only viable choices are either stock (00 buck) or utility (HE round)
You really have to try to fuck shotgun in game up that much
nice menora
>minigun is death beam
>has wind up and wind down during which is still consumes ammo
I love it and despise it at the same time