How's that GAMING channel?

How's that GAMING channel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums - Video Games

I capped "gaming" to make it related.

Oh yeah that gaming channel, I decided to stop fooling myself and get a real job. Now I can afford videogames without pretending to be a retard on youtube to try and earn pocket change.

Fucking kill yourselves.

Did someone have sex on the youtube again

What if I have a real salary job, make thousands a month from my website, thousands a month from streaming and thousands a month from youtube for fun?

Is that a real job?

also a web dev in first senior level position so salary is 85k. What's wrong with youtubers again?

Trying new things. Might be pretty retarded but I think there are some funny gags that work.

I genuinely, unironically enjoyed Vampire Rain: Altered Species for the most part

Because people think taking advantage of ad revenue is a bad thing.

Or they're just bitter that retards like watching other retards make 6 figures by wailing into a microphone.

If you're making good quality content, there is -nothing- wrong with being compensated for your time via ad revenue.

Ad revenue literally costs you nothing but time. I make an effort to watch youtube videos I like twice, once uninterupted with adblock, and then again without, and I even click the ads, hell, I usually go and fuck off or mute my volume while it's playing a second time.

It costs me nothing.

Pretty good. My friend has a bigger dick than me though.

>tfw wish I had a bigger dick

4 views on my latest Overwatch highlight and only 3 were me. Doing pretty good.

Only make videos on my days off from work and even then only if I have something worth making.

First time I've watched an entire video on one of these threads. It was good, maybe have a second or two of silence before jumping into the next section. You don't really stop talking.

Really good though, I subscribed.

I genuinely don't really understand the appeal of those.

If it's pure gameplay, I can't get behind it.

If it's something like DSP's this is how you don't play, then I can get behind it.

Nice voice. Sometimes a bit monotone but nothing bad.

Thanks I'm glad you liked it.

The pausing/transitions between sections have always been a bit awkward, I'm trying to make them smoother.

No one else going to post their channels?

These threads are always good for getting good feedback honestly, as long as your content isn't you wailing like a banshee during a lets play.

Dont really dig the sorta monotone voice but I know a lot people don't mind/prefer it.
Otherwise pretty solid just try to speak a bit more clearly, you seem to get a bit lazy with pronunciation if that makes sense.

I think you're right on that, I should be doing more takes for the voice over to get the best one.

I'll try that for Lufia.

going great :^)

Games are stupid. Fuck off!

wrong "great"

The amount of foreigners I get subbing to my channel is actually insane as well.

I haven't started yet, still working on my first video.
But all signs seem to be pointing at "do it faggot" so its only a matter of time.
I just hope I can get my physique in order before I have to do any irl cam shit.

most of the world is foreigners. That's just my guess anyways.

Whats your channel idea?

I don't mind skits and stuff but it should be good, and really needs good comedic timing.

Let me give you an example of "what not to do"

Watch Angry Joe's No Man's Sky skit. It's like 40 seconds to a minute of the same gag.

I get that it's "meta" and reinforcing how long everything takes in no man's sky but you should

>do the joke
>do the punchline
>move on

Hit the beats, and leave it behind.

That's the problem with most youtube comedy. It goes on far too long.

Anyone know any good streamers or youtubers to watch?

I like to have background stuff on while I'm coding but I find that most gaming channels are just really boring, and you gotta sift through tons of garbage to get anything decent.

If I want to create a gaming channel but have no money to buy any recording equipment, should I just make a Patreon and hope that people donate to my channel?

>no new IP
Why the fuck do you keep making these threads? How desperate are you?

What do you mean?

Buy a microphone from eBay.
Download OBS and record gameplay from PC via emulators.

You don't need elaborate capture setups, unless you want console exclusive titles.

I do a kinda long form chat show thing about video games with my friends. One of them even has a beard if you're interested.

This is the place to post it.

Enjoy or maybe not depending on stuff.

>tfw a gaming channel linked in these threads hasn't been updated in months

It sucks because they were actually pretty good and even had an editor. Their only problem was not getting enough views.