
I don't understand R;b 3.

If one minute in Neptune's dimension equates to one day in Plutia's dimension, how could they speak in real time?

Shouldn't the transmission they get from Nep dimension's Histoire super slowed down when they receive it in Plutia's dimension?


I think I'm in love with noire
I didn't really cared about her when I played NepU, and when I finally got to play rebirth I immediately liked IF, but now I just arrived at lowee and I really miss noire, I wish it was her following us then the fucking pedo cow

I want to impregnate Blanc

What's going on in this thread

Don't think too hard about it.

Later on, when a semi-permanent gate is created between the two dimensions, the time flow of both synchronise. From this we can theorise that while the two Histoire's are communicating a temporary link between the two dimensions is created, causing them to be in sync, and thus time flows at the same rate in both.

It's never really explained. Just accept that it works somehow.

Noire is great. She's especially great in R1 and VII.

>Later on, when a semi-permanent gate is created between the two dimensions, the time flow of both synchronise. From this we can theorise that while the two Histoire's are communicating a temporary link between the two dimensions is created, causing them to be in sync, and thus time flows at the same rate in both.
Oh this explains the reason why mini Hisu kinda overheats whenever the transmission is on.

The way she handles the data from Big-Hisu is taxing on her specs or something.

Makes sense to some degree.

The answer is shut up and stare at the cute girls, faggot.

Rebirth 1 noire is the best noire, they let you taste her massive attack power, and then they take her away from you, it's fucking horrible, I really missed her, considering that the best interactions on this game are noire with Neptune, also, best boss, best arc

Nah Mini-histy is just really low spec. It makes her even cuter though.

She would be something like internet explorer


>Ara ara
>You seem to be a bit confused about this situation
>Leanbox always at the bottom of everything right?
>vert sister never ever right?
Well fuck you
Fuck you Neptune
Fuck you Noire
Fuck you Blanc
And fuck all those little whores you call sisters


which nep wud u tak a shit wit?

I heard they said it wasn't her little sister

Uzume would be a good copilot.

If I wanted to try out the Neptunia series, would it be okay to start with Megadimension Nep? I know there are 3 to 4 games before it but I'm not sure if I can play 4 extremely similar games without losing interest.

story is all over the place and doesn't really matter anyway, and it relies on recurring gags rather than any real character development

Reminder that if you claim to be a fan of this franchise, yet hate Neptune, then you're not actually a fan of this franchise.

You'll miss some jokes, but it's not the end of the world. By starting with VII you'll have to suffer through three games without Uzume after experiencing Uzume. At least you're not starting with R2.

Start with the ps3 first one.

FUCK Noire

yes, that's the plan

Don't mind if I do.

I'd rather fuck her sister

Don't listen to this faggot. Start with Rebirth 1 which is a remake of the first game anyhow.



Original is better though.

it's actually not


kill yourself.


>Original is better though.
Story wise maybe, but the game play in HDN1 is just awful.


at least it's different

original, mk2, and V felt like 3 different games -- so you don't get overly bored playing all 3

re;birth feels like the same game 3 fucking times, just with different events

personally didn't mind original gameplay that much tho (that was at launch, mk2 wasn't even out yet), mostly because I played Trinity Universe just before which had the same gameplay pretty much

I started with HDN1 so the game play didn't bother me at the time but rb1 is better in every way, shape, and form. However if someone new to the series played rb 1-3 then I can see your point. It really is the same fucking game 3 times. And you might as well call SeHa rb4.

>If one minute in Neptune's dimension equates to one day in Plutia's dimension, how could they speak in real time?
Share magic
>game set in a mmo world
>with an AI guide that looks like a little Vert
>"No guys wait, this isn't Vert's game actually, and that's not her sister, just an NPC in the game"
I love how CH just doesn't even pretend to care about Vert

>re;birth feels like the same game 3 fucking times

Well they are basically remake/ports of the first three using Victory's system.



It's okay, I'm sure one day she will get an actual sister -- with this disclaimer at the start of the game she's in.



Don't have Blaster Controller for some reason. I guess my capture was bad.

We can go bigger.

She's already the biggest slut though

This thread sucks. I'm going to bed now.

>Gate of Babylon

y-you too

Don't you dare go near her.


>By starting with VII you'll have to suffer through three games without Uzume after experiencing Uzume
Truly a fate worse than death

>tfw bought the normal edition of the sega hard girls game from IFFY's online store.
>tfw received the collectors edition of the Neptune VS Sega hard girls instead

I want to hug Uzume and do cute things to her

Rude 'tude nep lewds

IFI are just cool like that. Always giving extra shit out at random.

Noire has no friends

Noire is too busy gathering followers.

I really hope to see more of her in future games. Hopefully alongside Cave and both versions of Falcom for that all redhead team.

I bet Sup Forums didn't even buy the top nep hat or any of their shirts did you?

There is something about wearing a Laststation shirt and a top nep hat while stepping out of a corvette at a con. The looks you get are very very complicated.

wishful thinking


>tfw order collector's edition
>receive normal edition


I want to drink her fresh orange juice.

Defend this.

More like attack this, with my dick

Don't you feel like this is a deja vu, like everyone here has a role? I was gonna post a noire, I do it every single thread, I'm gonna get a few good answers, a few shitposters, and a guy telling me that blanc is better, then I will reply to the good answers and say that blanc is OK but no be better, and the cycle follows, what are we doing?

There will be no ramming of Ram.

Every day is a repost.

The same thing Sup Forums does every single thread, if you stay here long enough you start seeing patterns
Oh I will

It's fictional, user

I always end up bumping these threads either replying to the shitposters or posting more noires, these threads are complete utter shit, marginally better than nepgen, what happened, these were supposed be better? It's completely retarded, I have better arguings about nep of waifu threads for fucks sake, fuck I'm done for a while with these shit

>marginally better than nepgen
Could be worse. Try going to /ksg/.

It was a plot point in an old SF book. Two dimensions had different time dilation unless there was an active information exchange going between then (i.e. a portal or communication channel open), in which case they synced to 1:1 ratio

Stupid lewd Histy.

Except we had avery good thread just two days ago, about 4go

Histy is not for lewds

Who am I kidding?

That manga is a goldmine

Now I have a mini girl fetish.

Yeah, and the only one in ages because of that, if you go to that thread you will also notice that there were 100 posters, instead of the usual 60, in other words, people who likes neptunia but not that much to shitposts here, people who actually came to talk about the game, fuck man I'm running out of places

It would have been better if people let natural selection do its job and stopped bumping dead threads with nothing but image dump

Vert should focus more on trying to have a daughter.

post new neps please
so I can download this thread with jdownloader

Uni is my UNIverse

>scarf sharing


Again, this is the nature of the site, you see the same threads and posts every single day, for close to a week now I'm seeing "Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 coming to PC", I saw 5 threads with the same Overwatch pic TODAY, but it doesn't mean you can't have conversation is repeated threads, talk about your nep, talk about what is your opinion on 4GO, post spoopy neps because the site went spook

>Those poses

Jojo reference, I'm calling it.

>OP pic
No user, THIS is posing

What's the artistic intent in making Neps sexually attractive?

Can you post the original?

To collect weebucks.

Actually yhe intent is in making them cute and appealing to the eye, be it in sexual or not sexual manner

I suddenly realized I need some 40k neps in my life