How in the world did things go so right?
How in the world did things go so right?
A WW1 simulator would have been more fun.
Fuck the autists on this board, I'm having so much fun with this game
also I'm playing on PS4, triggered yet pcfags?
Only if it was contained to the Eastern Front and Sinai Peninsula, most of the war on the Western Front was a stalemate between France/England vs Germany until the revolution
It's battlefield 4 with even shittier maps, less content and more grind. If all you want to do is click on people until they die then I guess its alright. Other games do that much much better though.
Mostly good maps, Operations, great visuals and audio
Biggest fuck up which might be worse by the time all the DLC is out, is its the end of the war and not the beginning years. Lot of battles missed out, potential there for good maps.
>triggered by your poverty
it's literal dogshit for numales. why would you play battlefront 2 over battlefield 4?
decent game
heres how you make it great
>limited ammo on vehicles
>can only repair at base
>give trip mines back to support
>nerf shotguns
>more hacker prevention
So does this game actually feel like WW1, or is it just any other shooter with trenches & old timey tanks?
oh and
>vehicles spawn and you have to run to them so vehicle-fags cant wait all day and only use vehicles
>force spawn after an amount of time so vehicle-fags cant wait all day and only use vehicles
Welfare airships ruin operations.
Being a digger at verdun would have been comfy gameplay.
>so vehicle-fags cant wait all day and only use vehicles
You never played literally any other Battlefield? This doesn't solve shit, they just sit at base. The other problem is just like BF3 and 4, when one team has aerial dominance with how broken jets/helis are in those games, its impossible to get off the ground.
ok then only apply it to tanks. also it is different here because the bases that spawn the vehicles are conquerable
For every step it took in the right direction, it took another wrong step elsewhere, especially with the community server support which somehow got even worse than before. At the very least, the rest will hopefully be polished with time.
Also, I abhor the new conquest rules, but that's just a preference thing.
On the subject of Battlefield, can someone please upload their 2142 Revive game folder somewhere? Revive's launcher has had a crashing issue since BF2 came out for a decent amount of people, and it seems like it's never going to get fixed.
theres a reason they changed it, i like the new vehicle system a lot better then the old spawn system.
If idiots want to only use vehicles all day let them, they are just missing out on points when they dont get their spawns anyways. Also vehicles are shitty why do you want them nerfed so bad?
>giving trip mines to support
yes lets give the medium range class trip mines so we can have even more fun in those cramped bunker situations.
>wanting to nerf vehicles so bad
holy fuck buddy just pick up a rocket gun its not hard
>qq about shotguns
same as any other BF game
>vehicles are shitty
so then you have never seen someone with 50+ kills and 0 deaths with a tank or plane? damage against them is pathetic and they repair from the inside
Assuming the games doesn't go to shit on you and actually let's you fire the guns of your airship.
Of course I've seen it shitters running up to the tank and getting killed over and over again its not hard to get those kills. Its also not hard to actually kill those things now, unless they are peppering the point at long range you and your teammates have so many ways of fucking them over from HE mortars, rocket guns, limpet charges, and anti tank grenades. You and another assault buddy can take down a heavy tank no problem,
Also the reason you repair from the inside is because usually you would have to have a dedicated repair guy or get out and repair the tank in which case some jackass can just take it. The repair system really isn't that OP and takes a long ass time thats interrupted if you take any sort of damage.
Honestly i just see you complaining about all the vehicle fixes they put in the game to try and get rid of all that old BF bullshit
flank rear and at-rocket gun is your friend senpai
>light tank
>flanker package
rips through airships
More classes
Big maps
Destruction to rival bc2
Took them 4 years to make
Unique setting historical accuracy be damned I like the weird guns
Not too grindy
Plays more like 1943 and bf2
Sp basically non existent everything went into mp
Free dlc
Smooth launch
Runs great
Looks amazing photogrammetry is the tits
Vehicles fun as and easy to learn hard to master
Id like custom and hardcore modes back but vanilla is fine
This post is making me want to buy the game for 24 hours and see if I like it.
Is it better than post-fixed bf4? Because I really really enjoyed bf4 by the end of its lifespan when they made it way better. Got it for 10 dollars with all the fly and had an amazing time
As someone that bought BF 4 for 5$ and then bought one get it.
Fixes most of the annoying sniper shit, and guess what? it doesnt have ANY of those absolutely terrible water levels!
>silky smooth 25 fps on conquest 64
>free DLC
Premium is $50.
Anyone else having the bug where you can't aim with stationary or vehicle weapons?
Like they don't register mouse input.
2 entire matches went to shit because the defending team couldn't use stationary AA or field guns.
Meant all the dlc*
Sounds good, thanks user. Gonna give it a go
The AA placings on the maps are so fucking dumb.
The latter.
But it's still fun
Running around blasting germaniggers with my a-10 hunter. This game has been great so far.
Can you give one reason not to have an ammo limit of some sort or require a second person to load the shells? You say that it requires a team to take down a tank, why not require a team to operate them?
>why not require a team to operate them?
Agreed, it was quite fun in RO2.
Have you ever played the game you fucking retard? Verdun is very gamey, it's not a simulator by any means. You pretty much only use bolt actions, that's about as far as the WW1 experience goes.
i will never forget playing in a tank with someone who spoke in broken english typing in all caps yelling at me what to do as the tank driver while he was the gunner.
We started off rough, but eventually destroyed the enemy team.
Last thing I saw him say was "We team good"
The difficulty of using those tanks with strangers was so fucking fun because everyone was forced to cooperate in order to not lose their valuable tank.
just spawn on any kind of tank and the airship is fucked that or get above it with a bomber
I don't really give a shit if you decide to play on an inferior system
when will Sup Forums bigot hivemind leave Sup Forums?
I hate how Scout is the only fun class to play because automatic weapons suck.
But at the same time I fucking love this thunderclap of a gun.
When you shilling faggots stop posting about your trash game pandering to liberal nu-males and niggers by throwing in shitskins and women where they don't belong.
I want the Martini Henry but fucking hell I suck as a sniper, favorite class is the medic tho, I think it has the most historically accurate weapons (also it has the Mondragon rifle for which as a Mexican I have an extreme hardon since it was created here in tacotown)
Mondragon pisses me off because it makes Medics virtual snipers and then they never heal
Have you even played it? It's fun
Remember fun? Its that thing you used to have when you were a kid and didn't spend all your free time in an online safe space
Reported :0)
>Firing for this rifle inside for the first time with surround sound headphones
Is this honestly the only game of 2016 that hasn't been received as a bit of a disappointment?
It's been a real shit year.
>It's fun
It's casual trash made to appeal to retards that can barely work a controller/keyboard.
If you support either Dice or EA at this point you're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself.
What games do you like user?
It's because anyone that calls this casual trash what it is will be either called a CoDfag or a racist.
2016 is a fucking shitty year.
>limit ammo on vehicles
that's all I'll agree with you on. I think the game is pretty balanced as is honestly.
I want to play BF4 now
Reported :0)
>Eastern Front
>Playing through the Brusilov Offensive
>Over 3 million casualties in 3 and a half months
Games that aren't history revisionist trash like this.
How would this work though? Would support have to use a gadget slot solely for resupplying vehicles?
true that, althought it's low fire rate compared to the Sweepper makes it that if you miss you are fucked
Disable origin overlay. Also, you can all tab out.
Well it's easy to be called a racist if your criticisms of the game include the word nigger
>tfw waiting for only bolt action servers
Gonna be comfy tbqh
Go back to your hugbox, Redditor.
Sorry I'm just less inclined to take the opinions of sensitive piss babies seriously
The game should have been only single fire weapons in the first place. The automatic weapons either suck or are annoying as fuck to deal with
Just give Assault a larger variety of shotguns to make up for it and give Support something
Go back to playing with your wife's son, Sven.
>playing niggerfield 1
This, peasant.
This is a marketer thread
Just tag it along with the repair tool.
Go back to playing games that dont offend your delicate sensibilities.
I feel like most support players are going to have a mortor and ammo crate and you would probably never get resupplied unless you're working with a competent squad, which I don't consider a horrible thing- it promotes team play.
Maybe there should be just certain flags that vehicles can resupply at? Infinite ammo isn't much of a problem, but artillery trunks camping on hills is a little annoying and having some kind of ammo limit might inspire smarter vehicle gameplay.
return to main base for resupply
That would make the fucking thing infitinely more useful.
This just encourages tanks to hang back and camp instead of pushing forward
Then you can resupply at any base but the bases have a limited supply that regens over time
then why don't you think of something better, retard
because a separate resupply gadget isn't exactly any better
I roll ammo crate and limpet charge to try and keep up with everyone while still having some decent AT. I've ambushed and taken down a lot of tanks just by tossing a limpet out a window onto them when they don't expect it. Those light tanks are a pain in the ass though, they're tougher to sneak up on since the turret can traverse all the way around.
Light tanks and landships need a buff desu
Woah no need to get hostile buddy, I'm just giving some feedback.
I personally don't think vehicles having unlimited ammo is a very big issue, but if it were to change I'm not sure resupplying at base is the way to go.
I like it being part of the repair tool the best.
Light tanks are fine. They're fucking fast and they only need one person to cover all sides.
its a battlefield 4 reskin with WW1 stuff in it
doesnt make a whole lot of sense but people love it
>give Assault class shotguns only
>give Support the older clunky machine guns they're supposed to have
Fixed the game
>every team has french Renault FT-17 light tanks
>every team has a british landship as medium tank
>every team has a german prototype (5 built) as heavy tank
>every team has exactly the same aircraft too
even Battlefield Vietnam had more vehicles than this garbage
>automatic weapons everywhere in WW1 somehow
they are cashing in on the fact that the general public doesnt know shit about WW1
this is the equivalent of a WW2 game with weapons from Vietnam
you know it Sup Forums
>buy Witcher 3 for Xbone used
>developers don't get the money still
the spotting mechanic doesn't work most of the time, wtf did they do to it?
It does work, you just need to be aiming right at them. It isn't like BF3/4 where you can be looking half a mile away from someone and still spot them.
It's you so can't just spam the spot button instead of actually looking for enemies.
while i do enjoy it they fucked up a lot of stuff, like being able to edit your loadouts outside of a match
gating medal progression through 5 a week and only 1 at a time to give the allusion of extended progression
no testing range like BF4 so people who never make it into planes can at least get a handle on them same with tanks
the super short time inbetween matches to quit and even then if you manage that you might just get stuck in a loading screen and have to wait to get kicked from the server, yes i know they used the aftermatch screen as a loading screen but fucking hell take a page from cod and give everyone a min after a match jesus fucking christ
i am sure there are other minor things i am forgetting but those are the big ones
oh yeah one more thing RNG battlepacks, making it so some people have the worst luck even if they play the quickest matches possible they still wont get anything at least give people scrap after a match jesus fuck
>gating medal progression through 5 a week and only 1 at a time
I was wondering what that was. I just got the game last week. Played a few matches but haven't had much time to look into it. So you can't just achieve a certain medal like before. You have to do the ones they say you can do. Thats fucking retarded. Also didn't even notice there wasn't a testing range which blows.
that's stupid, if i'm already aiming at them i might as well start shooting instead of spotting.
Not if they're out of your range
You can do both if you aren't a retard. People ran around constantly pressing Q in BF4 because it was so broken.
They should have removed spotting entirely.
haven't picked this up yet: is there really more of a focus on melee combat? that shit is probably my least favorite part of recent Battlefield games.
Dreadnought > Dirigible > Train
New conquest system is awful. Medal system too. People already abusing destroying torpedo boats at spawn for xp vehicle disable/destroys.
>They should have removed spotting entirely.
Yes and no, they should have made it Scout exclusive.
not really besides the addition of a bayonet charge similar to the bonzai charge in Rising Storm.
fuck no. keep the spotting mechanic, just explain that you have to ADS for it to work properly.
You're just a casual.