Happy Halloween, have a spooky day, Sup Forums

Happy Halloween, have a spooky day, Sup Forums

When did Danny Sexbang become a skeleton?

i recognize everyone except for the skeleton dragon and green skeleton beneath it

>fat skull knight


Wow, the green skeleton is Pugna from Dota and the Dragon skeleton is Stallord from Zelda, nice job, both of them are Sup Forums


>best vidya skelly absent

he's busy

He really let himself go

you could say hes

big boned


What music video is that pink one from?

mystery skulls i think

>no Mr. Bones

they could of replaced some of the anime skeletons with more vidya ones, but overall its still a nice picture

>only 3 animu skelly

That's "Humming" Brooke, one of the Rumba Pirates. YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Who is the guy between Brook and Death

First time I've seen Skulduggery Pleasant on Sup Forums. Time for bed. Today was good.

Why is Sir Daniel hanging out with all those Villains... and Nito?

The PowerLich from HOMM 3, I think