Why did you stop playing?
granted you probably had 1000k hours plus
Why did you stop playing?
granted you probably had 1000k hours plus
Because everyone is a cunt when they play it and it's a game you can only really enjoy with friends.
it's shit
I havent played since 2013
Im installing it right now, dunno if I'll play it actually
>playing mobas
because assfaggots stop you from playing other games
it's a never ending story
community is shit and somehow has managed to consistently get worse and worse. the more i climbed in mmr the more I hated the game.
went back to League
I'm taking a break because the climb to the 4k was too exhausting.
Fuck, what was the name of the website where you could make these?
I played it for about a year, then tried out League and actually enjoyed it more so I stuck with League.
It's been interesting peeking in on all the changes that have happened since I stopped playing though. All those new items, heroes and where shit like Roshan was moved.
All my friends switched to HoS and I really didn't care for that shit, so now I play nothing.
Heroes of the Storm came out and basically cut all the unfun shit out. Just the thought of going back to DOTA2 pisses me off and stresses me the fuck out.
Because my friends only play it periodically. One of them is going through a somewhat melodramatic "phase" where he can't decide whether he prefers tanky initiators or melee carrys, and is in an autistic depression over it.
honestly, because each game takes too much time
I enjoyed the game, but when you might only be able to get one or two games a day in, it's hard to dedicate that kind of time to it
I stopped being friends with my dota friends and playing solo is for autists
I have 800 hours.
I stoped becuase i just didn't feel like playing anymore. Russians and BR combined with no good costom games.
My friends stopped playing.
Because everything in this game either turns invis or blinks away.
Also Its not fun to be disabled for 5 seconds.
there comes a point when you already do all there is to be done and all thats left is to get better at what you already know
if you dont enjoy getting better and playing it seriously, theres no point playing. its the reason i quit dota but still play fighting games
seems like it goes this way:
1. one guy stops playing because the games take too long, he realizes he wants to play other games or he just doesn't have fun anymore
2. friends who played because of that guy stop playing
this game is gonna be dead before 2020 2bh. it's gonna go back to ti2 levels and 50k prizepools outside of ti.
I think hardly anyone's spent 1,000,000 hours alive, dude
That's 114 years which people have lived up to!
I had 4k hours in it. Most of that was from bot games to practice so I didn't make people lose. I was so self conscious about playing the game because I thought I was human waste and didn't want to hurt those proper upstanding russians.
I never touched the competitive when I did play against real people. It was already to much knowing a loss would always be my fault 100%.
I think so much about dota and honestly think its the best game ever made. I haven't played in years but I watch it every day and every where I go. I love it but I just can't hurt those who would be mean with a loss.
It was just taking too much of my free time. I love the game, but I had to let it go.
are you the author of the drow cuckold copypasta?
Because I get mad every game. Maybe I'll come back for the next major patch when everyone is playing fun heroes again. Post-TI period is the worst because every game you have the same fucking heroes. Especially in party matchmaking. I don't get why people super tryhard in that. I understand picking the same fotm heroes in single mmr but nobody gives a shit about party mmr.
Also doesn't help that most of my friends are pretty bad at the game.
Been playing since fucking 2012 and still can't gain enough levels to play ranked.
No but I think I would like to read it. Sounds fucked up.
I lost my WC3 disk and built a new PC back in 2007 so I never played dota after that.
Extremely hostile community.
Hour longs games you couldn't escape from.
Of you die when you're 40 you'll have spent 1% of your life playing this game.
Dota is just way too intense, you have to put 110% effort into it non-stop or your dragging your team down. I play it with my friend and we have fun doing gimmicky stuff together, but most of the time if I play this kind of game I play HotS.
And it's a shame that he hates that game because I'd love to play cho'gall. Dota is really missing a 2 in one character like Cho, Abathur, Empath, or Mina. I guess whisp is like that just a tiny bit, but playing him really sucks.
1.9k hours and 4.8k mmr
i stopped playing it when witcher 3 went on sale and i just didnt bother coming back to it
now im playing wow and absolutely not motivated to replay it
>69 matches in 4 years
Glad you aren't shitting up ranked desu
how the fuck do i rank up faster
Peruvians are worst than russians. its a country simulator at 2k mmr
Because I realized it was dogshit after 2k hours.
I felt I was at the point where I am too good for most of pug teams but didn't want to bother autisming it up with ranked tryharding.
The pay2win map.
my favorite meme
This, mostly
And the problem then became that there's a huge mismatch of skill between my friends & I, and they only want to play ranked, so it's miserable
>wah people said mean things wah
Let me guess, you're NOT voting for trump as well?
Friend stopped playing
Ranked was one step forward and one step back
No real progress besides personal skill
Once you hit a plateau on skill you need a team
I also jumped onto FF14. PvE in Extreme and Savage has atleast some player base in which statics are desirable. Getting a static in DotA2 is really only with local friends who suck of some autistic 'Team' trying to be the next Na'Vi.
t. +5000 hours in DotA2 as a Support/Offlane/Jungler.
I still watch it though. FF14 streams blow in comparison.
play more than 1 game a month?
Valve in general made me quit. Ruined trading, Stop doing events, and patches are fucking slow I mean the first real new hero we are getting outside of DotA 1 is Monkey King in December...
>patches are fucking slow
fuck off, this is a good thing.
reddit is trump headquarters.
>trading and events
good fucking riddance
>1000k hours
>honestly, because each game takes too much time
4739 hours
Played DotA for 5 years then LoL for 4 years now DotA 2 for about 7 months.
Both are really fun games, esp. with friends.
I recently stopped playing DotA2 solo regularly because I tilt and get salty very easily because of my teammates. So many things can go wrong in a game of DotA that I appreciate the lighter, faster and easier gameplay of LoL now.
Didn't have the time/couldn't be arsed to learn a billion characters to play it half-decently,
People can't handle losing in Dota, and I was tired of half my games being people pointing fingers at each other to blame someone for losing.
I still play Custom Games from time to time, but I don't do regular games anymore.
All my friends play lol, convincing them to switch sides is a mammoth task.
The one I manage to convince gave up on that, because too complicated and turn rate.
This region is a fucking lol turf, and I am sick and tired of the cunts and smurfs I encounter in sub 3000 MMR trench with no hope of escape.
My friends started WoW without me so I got kinda bored as well
Will probably start again at some point though
Because no one does casual shitfest better than blizzard, so why play.
removal of damage types
reddit in charge of balance
seems like icefrog is being slowly phased out
Dota stronk. Deal with it.
idk . I have 3k hours on it. I just stopped 6 months ago.
Work, gf and real life keep me busy i guess.
Kind of miss it.
like all ASSFAGGOTS have become. No one really plays them for fun anymore. They play to win. esports have really drawn a new kind of cancer to videogames
One fuck up and most the times someone throws the game, even worse if the team comp isn't perfect they'll throw the game.
Its a shitfuck mess.
Nothing wrong with playing to win though. Even then Dota has always been an 'esport'. It's been competitive since WC3.
Fighting games have better effort/reward
The game is already fucking dying, i expect it to be fully dead by the end of the year
>that fucking player dip
Not really.
I outgrew it.
I've been playing since 2012 4k+ hours.
I still have fun.
I personally think its debatably the best competitive video game ever. If not best, at least a top 5 contender.
3,000 hours plus.
The compendium 2 years ago was so financially demanding that it gave the game a bad aftertaste.
You're joking right? It's literally a new month.
they have been pushing those "battle passes" so hard its not fun anymore
top kek
what happened?
The end dip is because is because its measuring the mean of November 2016, which is half way through the first day and hasn't hit Europe prime time.
Played vs bots for 24 hours total.
Had barely any idea of what i was doing from other mobas.
I wasn't used to the graphics, they always seemed... bizarre.
The jungle was weird, in that i saw heroes coming in and out and taking weird paths, which put me off from trying pvp.
Also, this somewhat. LoL is full of shitters, while HotS is the most fun moba out there.
I don't play mobas often, but when i do it's usually HotS.
He's looking at all time, it rates the points as highest number that month has gotten - November has started and Dota has 500k online the moment it changed.
Also it's a fucking Holiday where people go out and do stuff, of course it's gonna dip. If you set it to 7 days it looks perfectly normal.
>having an opinion on Dota
I have no opinion. Have you read my post?
>77 games played in 2016 Worlds, 57 out of 133 champions contested
>47 matches played in the Main Event of TI6, 91 out of 110 heroes contested. If you count the group stage, you have 105 heroes out of 110 contested in a total of 171 games
What went right
>bizarre graphics
>weird jungle
those are opinions
slowly? they've been doing it since ti3
Sorry, meant 47 games played on TI6 main event
Finals in Dota also had like 10 more heroes picked/banned or something and 1 less game?
Microtransactions : The Game
Also I'm not a stupid 3rd worlder to play Mobas in 2016
I got bored of it.
I had +1300 on record
DOTA is probably the F2P game with the microtransactions that least impact the actual video game.
>most F2P game
They don't impact the game at all. You have 0 bonus effects from them in game.
And I agree, it has one of the best F2P models I've seen.
Well I played 2 games back in the frozen throne days and realized it fucking sucked.
>everything is f2p
>muh cosmetics
I already dedicate myself to learning fighting games so I don't have the time to get good at this game and escape angry shitter hell.
Whenever I want that MOBA fix, I just play HotS now. Nice arcadey fun, even if it's missing some of the hero playstyles I liked in Dota.
I have 1000 hours playing bots with friends.
Literally only cosmetics are able to be paid for
Hand problem, internet drops frequently and peru chimps ruining every game.
I don't get these people who think Dota is just raging, it has custom games.
I go into a 10v10 Dota IMBA match and have a fucking blast all the time. No rage, everyone's having fun and everyone gets gold.
>tfw practicing Invoker in Dota IMBA
I remember how fucking mad early imba 10v10 made me because of how bullshit he made techies for the longest time
>my laptop is shit and it pisses me off to play at 40fps
>my internet is also shit and playing with 200+ ping is not fun
>no real solo que, playing against packs is not fun.
>Is a waste of time and I could spend all that time doing something more productive, like playing other video games
that said I still play but exclusively against bots, is less stressing and a match is usually done in half an hour.
Also I still follow big tournaments.