>look mom I posted the retarded lies again
You really love to get called a retard don't you?
Don't bother user, he's clearly from Reddit judging by his stale as fuck, unfunny, 5 year old meme.
Report and ignore, don't reply.
Why are Sony haters always Trump supporters too?
Oh so when the PS4 does it its front page headlines
but when Hillary does it it's an "alt-right conspiracy"
what does this have to do with trump?
I'm a Stein supporter
I remember numerous videos like this when the PS4 originally was about to launch. I wouldn't worry too much.
Oh so you're a retard.
>love sony
>support trump
I picked both. Who the fuck wants a federal criminal over a grade-A pussy grabber?
Mainstream media and elites prefer a warmongering federal criminal.
It's a shitty bottlenecked gimmick that's taking advantage of the 4K craze. I'll gladly live with my 1080p till 8K comes along.
Yeah, I'm not going to trust any of that, one way or another. Instead I'm just going to wait 3 months and see if any of holds water.
Even if the system overheats problems like that get rooted out and fixed with later models . If this is really a problem all I have to do is wait till a later model of the system that doesn't have those issues. Till then I got my standard PS4 and IT no longer ejects discs for no reason.
Easier to blackmail and manipulate I guess.
Still, the FBI wants to shut her down, so that's gotta mean something.
t. Mad sonyyger
>Oh so you're a retard
Just you wait. She'll get 5% or more this election and the Green Party will hit it big. I dream of a day with the Green Party replaces the Democratic Party.
Pre-emptive congratulations on the 1/3rd of 1% of the vote you'll get.
Is there any comparison video showing PS4 XV Gold footage next to PS4 Pro XV Gold footage?
>lying retard getting uppity
lol, here's a (you)
>gold footage
Nigga ps4pro is guilded at best nah sayin lmao
>you will never be tjis befensive about a game console
sonyggers eat shit
Did they have the air conditioner on? No?
Did they have a fan pointed on it? No?
We're they in a room of hot sweaty nerds? Yeah?
Was it playing an experimental game that is running the hardware through loops it wasn't designed to go through? It was?
Then shut the fuck up. I get tired of all these lies people keep spreading about the Playstation 4 being unreliable.
I think I'm going to lie down. I just can't take this.
It's normal PS4 in that video while retard OP lies it's PRO.
Watch the whole video, devs were trying to show some bossfight (not PS4 PRO performance like trolls often claim) and even talked about how stuff would look better on PS4 PRO.
Doesn't stop retards from pretending.
I still don't see what this has to do with donals.
I'll take that as a no.
I think its the way the OP is written. It mimics Trump's writing style
>tjis befensive
Sound like serious issue, better tell your doctor about it, might get nasty later.
guys, thoughts on my gf
Hell, it looks good enough on regular then. I can't imagine the upgrade being worth the extra 400 bucks.