How come that the bird never comes in the Dark World when you call it except for this cutscene

How come that the bird never comes in the Dark World when you call it except for this cutscene.


Because it was good game design to put you at the pyramid after that fight and they already had a fast travel cut scene so they just used it.

Because the melody was blocked by the wizard's magic or the bird was too scared to travel the Dark World except for that last cutscene where it finally gathered courage

Shame you don't see more of the Darkworld aside from atop the Pyramid.

It's almost pretty.

>get out of the house and go to a halloween party tonight
>jackbox/quiplash gets played
>"give a classic video game a more 'adult' name"
>"A Dick To The Past"
>the room erupts in enormous laughter as soon as it comes up and it gets all the votes and I end up winning that game due to it

Is this what it feels like to be poplar?

Wish there was more fanart of the Dark World, honestly. I really like the color palette.


I've always loved the aesthetic of this game, especially that off the dark world. It's what makes this, my favorite game of the series.

Please post more if you have.

plot device

This is exactly why I wish we'd get a full 3D game dealing with it. There was a group making plans along those lines for a while on the Ocarina of Time engine but it fell through.

Not much, unfortunately.


What a cool Halloween aesthetic.

That's about all I have for the Dark World. Here's a gif I made of the Jap commercial.

That mockup map for Ura's Darkworld was really cool.

Makes me want to learn sketchup one day.

Appreciate the dump, man.


that reminds me

the lead developer was a lazy asshole who was known to lie repeatedly said his entire family died in a car crash and so he ceased development

Yep. For a moment, it felt like a late night Zelda thread back in 2011-2012.

Those were the times.

Still I have my trusty SNES with alttp right next tome ready to boot it up.



Terada Ketsuya-esque artstyle Zelda when?

I really hope BoTW captures some of this aesthetic and feel

Never ever, just like Square will never make a FF game with Amano's style realized.

>link to the past art getting me in the mood for ye olde player guide dump thread
>have to be up at 7:30AM

I'll blow the load tomorrow night around 7:30-ish PM eastern time, poke around the board then for a little more LttP nostalgia.

I'll be there.

Replayed twilight princess was thinking of doing an old school run either at the orginal or link to the past. This thread made up my mind. Thanks and i also love the art.
This game has so many memories for me. I wouldnt mind playing a 3d version of it.
