Is sim city 4 actually shit or is it just hated because it was a meme to do so?

Is sim city 4 actually shit or is it just hated because it was a meme to do so?

>buggy launch
>less content than previous sims base games
>dlc for shit that should have been included

You tell me

It's literally just The Sims 2 but with less shit to do. The Sims 3 is still the one with the most content, customization and mods, though you just gotta make sure to use those mods that make the game run better like AwesomeMod or run it on a SSD.

Awesomemod ends up breaking the game in most cases and is no longer supported

Did EA do something that made it not work anymore?

>>buggy launch
>>less content than previous sims base games
>>dlc for shit that should have been included
This has literally happened for the launch of every Sims sequel.

SMALLER LOTS (50x50 instead of 64x64)

Sims 4 is literally simcity all over again

forget that it exists

i don't know anyone who hates sim city 4

You're acting like the amount of DLC matters when everyone pirates anyway.

>Sims 3 on SSD
Jesus christ no don't do that

I guess they did because now it basically ends up killing the AI, like the idle sims will no longer go to work or even meet basic needs. I heard its related to a leak in processor memory

>Sims 4 just released a Nightlife/Late Night expansion that's just Nightlife/Late Night but worse


>less traits
>traits don't actually do shit and every sim feels the same

This killed the game for me, no matter how many expansions they add.

It's shit because it's less and less content while trying to be 'innovating' with changes no one asked for or cares about.

Get Sims 2 or 3 if you want content and loads of shit to buy and such.

I hate the emotion system. The sims all act like simple robots now.

Sims 4 is casualised shit. Less content. Stick to 3 or 2. Maybe 1 if you're on a toaster.

The way the sims talk to each other also seems forced in a way, it's like they're too fucking polite or something. Sims 3 had that amusement, humor factor in their tone.

At least 1 is filled to the brim with charm.

Yeah I played the fuck out of 1 back in the day. It's just inferior now though.

Gameplay wise completely, but none of the other games except maybe early 2 had the charm it had.

game itself was fine but stripped down to the bone content wise, it had less in it the vanilla 2. then EA pretended to be charitable by releasing basic things like pools as "free dlc"

3 is too resource intensive and 2 doesn't have mods which allow unplayed sims to age along with your sims and autonomously get married and have kids.

>still no fucking ladders

And that's relevant how? Saying they did it before doesn't make it any less shitty.

You and people like you are the reason this industry is turning to shit.

This, I never really liked 3 because of it

It's shit.

Only worth playing for making traps and using sex mods.

Go back to tumblr with your end of the industry over-dramatic reaction

It's fun.

for 10 minutes a day.

>making traps and using sex mods.

if you dont wanna die of loading times its not a bad idea

They patched in the option to make traps a little while back.

Search for WickedWhims for the sex mod.

Watch traps get railed.

Never said it was ending you retard, i said it's turning to shit and it is. The music industry turned to shit a long time ago and it isn't dead. Do you actually think microtransactions in full AAA releases and games being stripped of content in favor of visuals are a good thing?

Too bad there are hardly any m/m animations at the moment

>expansion pack
>include new clothes and furniture
>include only ONE new activity item
>charge $10 for it

Bravo EA.

>2 years later
>only 2 xpacs, with 1 more coming soon
>they quit making stuff packs in july
>patches are still adding basic features from 1.

I dont know what the hell happened. Sims has been a perpetual cash cow for EA and they totally fucked the dog. Sims fans are some of the most loyal fans you could ever hope to have as a developer; gladly lining up to throw their money at stuff packs, expansions, and other microtransactions.

Turn off the Gender Restrictions. Most of the vaginal animations look like Anal anyway.

>Do you actually think microtransactions in full AAA releases and games being stripped of content in favor of visuals are a good thing?
>Straw-manning my position when all I implied was Sims was always shit at launch
Go back to rebbit with your sky is falling shit.

It's a game that took one step forward with new content like adding emotions where certain things in the world can effect your Sims mood and the moods they pick up can affect certain reactions to things and how you communicate with other Sims. Multitasking is a thing now, you can drink coffee while eating breakfast while watching tv and texting a friend. This is a complete breathe of fresh air, you can get more things down now. And I honestly think the Sims in this game are the best looking in the series, without a doubt.

But, as always EA without fault, took 2 steps back with the game by not improving upon what they already had. It's basically Sims 2 again where you are limited by hubs, there just isn't much to do "yet" but EA is meagerly dishing out content as if though they are running out of ideas so who knows when Sims 4 will be a "complete" game. And cut content that didn't even fucking need to be content from the beginning like pools not being there upon release, and infants.

You said it in a way that suggested it was acceptable.

>g-go back to t-tumblr
>g-go back to r-reddit
Oh, so you are a retard, never mind.

>Still implying what I say so you win the argument
Go back to gaia with your ad-hominems.


Love making sims in 4. They look so good.


sims 4 showed that every person from the original maxis is long gone and they refilled the ranks with people who both have no idea what they're doing and never played the previous games.

Sims 4 definitely has less content.
But god, I can't go back to those ugly models in 3. Sims 4 just has a vastly superior artstyle.

Thankfully I don't pay for this shit.


I hate how they did eyelashes in Sims 4.

Also Sims 4 male sims have punchable faces for some reason.

I have no idea what is happening to EA, but shit man, I thought this game was going to be milked till the teet was dry. But they have been so laxed with this game. House wives, even my sister, would dump hundreds of dollars on this game just to keep playing the Sims.

Take one look at the Sims general and see what a fucking bombsite this game is

sims 4 has the cutest grills of the series and that's all i care about

To be fair did anyone actually like infants?

Actually the /vg/ thread has been a circlejerk fest for the longest time. Random dumping of pictures with no text all day by the same 10 anons. You could ask a simple question or opinion about the game and it'll be ignored.

every character you can make in sims 4 looks like some obnoxious 2010s american celebrity

Someone post the obligatory swaying butt animations for Sims 4. Female Sims are so thick in this game.

>This has literally happened for the launch of every Sims sequel.
In comparison to the past releases, The Sims 4 does not have the same quality of gameplay or content. On top of that, people do indeed get tired of certain patterns and want positive changes which largely were not made. So really, it doesn't matter if it was the same. The Sims 4 is still worse in those regards.

it was fun for like a week. Then they got annoying and you end up abusing them like an edgelord until child services arrive.

I have the hardest time making a decent male face in Sims 3. Women I can manage besides the omnipresent fiveheads that basically demand bangs.

>Actually /vg/ has been a circlejerk fest for the longest time
fixed that for you


Important: Is there teen and child sex mods in Sims 4?
This'll determine if I pirate or not
Ah hell, why not

You haven't been there recently, huh?

Now its just waifu wars and bitching about how the game sucks. Every few months the thread blows up because one user says or does something to piss everyone off and everyone leaves. The page has never reached bump limit since Sims 4's release.

my mom and sister loved the baby shit since sims 1. god they were fucking pissed when 4 came out.

It's worse with a game that let's you customize the fuck out of multiple characters though.

Sims 4 has the cutest boys

That's literally every thread user.

Don't even go into the /tesg/ steam chat. Literally a circlejerk of those 4-5 people who know each other by name, knows each other's characters posted in the thread, what kind of stuff they kink, what characters they are going to make next, and "lol you are so silly!" ignoring everybody else.

These last 2 or so days, there wasn't even a general up. Good fucking riddance. There was a ton of anons during Sims 4's release, they they scared everyone off.

>The music industry turned to shit a long time ago
unless you mean the moment it was created fuck off to you know where

>ea games being shit is a meme now
neo Sup Forums everyone

i dont even go into /vg/ for games i like. people are totally unfriendly to newcomers of any game and if you dare cite a shortcoming of a game you get instantly hiveminded.

It's total shit. No free-roam exploration, a loading screen any time you go anywhere else(even your neighbors house), no cars, and just a lack of content in general that absolutely should be in the game because it was in previous iterations.
It's very blatant they took their tablet app, ported it to pc, and dressed it up a bit.

It's worth picking up on sale or pirating. The custom content and modding community has grown to a respectable amount for this game. The base game has very little to do, so you'll constantly be relying on DLC and expansion packs to get more out of it.

Just copy real faces. Then tweak them a bit. It's a bit easy for me since I do drawfagging myself.

>sims just stand around like idiots, actions get canceled for no reason
>sims don't have idle animations based on their traits like sims 3
>sims break their kids dollhouses and kick trashcans
>sims acts like like whiny bitches because they need to pee or are hungry.....right after they wake up in the fucking morning

Smarter sims my ass.

This is the only fun thing to do in the game. The fact that you can strip naked and walk around casually.

Well, playing is sometimes the hard part of Sims games. I often get caught up in the skill grind.

>1 sim
eh, I always have 4+ sims. It's more fun that way.

to me, sims was always the most fun as an architecture simulator. i maybe played the actual game 15% of the time and that was mostly to find design flaws with the lots i made.

I have no idea. I pirated it and I can't find any sex mods without having to sign up for something or give private information to some shitty webhosting site.

>you can finally make traps and reverse traps
>game sucks

Even worse when the teens are the same height as adults.

doe the sex mods require anything else other then the base game?

lovers lab


Thanks. Looks like I still have to sign up to download, but considering I can download stuff for multiple games on here. Might as well. Plus it doesn't look sketchy either which is nice.

is this everything you need? does this include traps and all the awesome fetish stuff?

Traps are part of the base game, mate.

no burglars
other than that it's great
if you don't pay for it I guess


Has no one except realised OP said Sim City 4, not The Sims 4?

To enable dicks on your chicks with the WickedWhims sex mod just make it so your FemSim can "pee while standing".

The one thing Sims 4 got right wasn't even done by EA, rather a modder whose made implementing sex mods into a game the easiest it's ever been.

ya'll motherfuckers need the overwatch mod.

don't worry - it doesn't refer to the meme game.

>plays Sims 3
>make sim based on me
>make an attractive sim to be mai waifu
>turn aging off
>win her over
>get married
>have a baby or two with her
>decide to find some random guy and have her start an affair with him
>get her pregnant by the other guy
>get divorced
>move her to her own house
>my sim impregnates as many women I can find
>she gets impregnated by a bunch of different guys
>use the birthday cake to age all the babies into young adults
>divide the children into different factions, those loyal to me, those loyal to her, and random children who choose not to pick a side
>make each children within a faction good friends with each other
>make them enemies with the children on the other faction
>find creative ways to kill children from both sides
>eventually the ones that survive go off and get married
>sometimes they marry their siblings mother and have their babies
>keep making generation after generation of babies, with everyone forever locked as a young adult, only aging with that birthday cake trick
>eventually the bloodline gets so diluted that the game no longer sees these new offsprings as genetically related to me
>pick the cutest one and marry her and have a child with her
>at this point the family tree is too cluttered up with offsprings who I don't really care for
>do a mass pool party killing, leaving only me, my original wife, and my great great great great granddaughter/wife
>cheat on my new wife with my original wife
>reconcile with her and bang her in front of my new wife
>new wife is heart broken, I demand a divorce
>my waifu and I planned it all from the beggining
>then I cheat on her with Bella Goth

>tfw you raise your son to be a qt trap and dress him up in pretty dresses
>tfw once he ages up he loses all the qtness

Better make a ramdisk than kill your SSD for a game.


I'd like to do something silly and convoluted like that, but the lack of asymmetrical relationships in Sims 3 is a little limiting.

which is the best animation pack for lewd stuff?

Nice copypasta faggot.


You're supposed to download all of them

Sims 4 has shit gameplay compared to 3, but it has the most fappable sims ever.

The multitasking and emotions are nice but EA is so fucked up they thought it would justify removing the open world and story progression in your neighborhood.