What does Sup Forums think of Grim Fandango? Would you call it a classic?

What does Sup Forums think of Grim Fandango? Would you call it a classic?


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After years of ignoring the game I finally bought it a few nights ago. I like it so far but every time I boot it up I play for about an hour before it's "adventure game puzzle" roots rears its ugly head and I completely lose interest. Story is pretty good though.

You mean the esoteric puzzles?

Using a balloon to scare away the birds was a bit silly. That entire Sanspoof thing which you may or may not have done yet was unbelievably bad


It literally is a classic.

It suffers from the adventure puzzle era of its time where too often the answer doesnt make sense and takes hours to figure out by accident

It's the greatest adventure game ever made, and part of the Holy Trinity of Adventure Games:

>Riven (Father)
>Grim Fandango (Son)
>Loom (Holy Spirit)

Sup Forums has always loved Grim Fandango, and I hate Tim Scammer as much as the next guy, but fuck anyone that shitposts about the game just to spite him. It's one of the only games in vidya history worth of being called "art".

My only nitpick with it was that a lot of my favorite characters from the second year Casablanca homage don't show up for the final chapters, (loved the dynamic that Manny had with his staff and the local law enforcement) and that the big bad at the end didn't have the same climactic confrontation that Manny's rival did.

Its story is a classic

Its gameplay is fucking garbage and aged like milk

Not picking that up

Most of its issues apply to the adventure game genre as a whole, in my opinion. I can't really think of a happy medium between moon logic Lucasarts puzzles and no puzzles at all, like in a Telltale game.
I like to think that point and clicks are one of my favorite genres but slogging through some of the more obtuse games out there for the first time is the worst thing ever.
Would the game have been more enjoyable if the puzzles were done away with?

Sam and Max?
Day of the Tentacle?

This. I don't mind if people shit on Schafer since he deserves it, but most of his old stuff was good and Grim Fandango is a masterpiece.

Sure some of the puzzles are awkward, but they're still very tame compared to most other games from the point-and-click golden age. Most of them make at least some amount of sense, and the amount of pixel hunting is minimal. Keep in mind that this was before adventure games were turned into brainless QTE movies like the Telltale stuff, and "combine random items" puzzles were entirely expected.

So the gameplay hasn't aged all that well and won't appeal to modern gamers in any way, but if you're able to see it with a bit of perspective it's still quite tolerable. Besides, the gameplay shouldn't turn anyone off since gameplay was never the main draw of adventure games to begin with.

The most genuinely cool game i've ever played.

>Would the game have been more enjoyable if the puzzles were done away with?
Might as well just make it a movie then.

Unlike Telltale games it doesn't have the whole " YOUR CHOICES (don't) MATTER~!" thing, so it would just be walking from one location to the next and watching conversations.

It might make for a good movie because I love the story and characters, but I can't see it being a good game if there aren't any puzzles.

I'm behind times, why is Tim Schafer a scammer?

Honestly, I thought the first season of Walking Dead was a solid balance. There were puzzles, but it was more of an excuse to interact with everyone and explore the environment more-so than forcing you to try 1500 item combinations just to progress.

The second season didn't have that balance, skipping hub area puzzles and exploration in favor of something more regularly cinematic, and I think it was worse off for it.

Does Sup Forums like Leisure Suit Larry?

Grim aged like milk

People complain about Broken Age being split into two parts, despite the second half being free to those who purchased it.

And the Space Base project being abandoned while it was still in Beta.

fuck tank controls

The whole Broken Age drama.
>make a kickstarter for a new adventure game
>get more money than you asked for
>miss every deadline
>run out of money
>make another crowdfunding project to get even more money
>miss every deadline
>run out of money
>decide to sell half of the game to pay for the other half
>miss every deadline
>release a shit game
>start a new kickstarter for your next game

I'd love to see a film adaptation, but half the fun was talking to absolutely everyone and exhausting all of their dialog. Not sure how well they could cram the best of it into a movie, heh.

Didn't think people were really that upset about how Broken Age was handled. Despite being mildly disappointed with the game itself, I really loved the documentary. Being able to see so much of its creation was really fascinating.

it is one of my all time favourites, I love it with all of my heart.

There's a lot that's annoying puzzle-wise, in classic adventure game fashion, but it wins me over so far in the other direction with its great story and characters I can't heap enough praise on the fucking thing.

I bought Grim Fandango Remastered in last year's christmas sale and I still never launched it yet.

>Glottis, that was a company car!
>Yeah! And it's even BETTER company now!

Somehow I will always remember these lines. I'm not sure why these lines specifically since they're not even the best or funniest in the game, but whenever I think about Grim Fandango, I think of the company car.

Yeah, I thought Broken Age was passable, but I really enjoyed the behind the scene stuff. I respect them for putting the creative process out in the open at the very least.

they were
Sup Forums was burning with rage over it partially because it was a kickstarter game and a lot of people were hungry for that to fail as a business model, and partially because this was just before GG when anti sjw sentiment was at its peak on here and schafer shocked us all by revealing that an comedic artist/writer from san francisco who still wears his hair in a perm is pretty liberal. I know, it's mindblowing.

>m-muh GG

wew lad

>I really loved the documentary.
Glad they're continuing that for Psychonauts 2.

Call me schmaltzy, but seeing the old vhs recordings of them starting the company from the ground up to make a risky passion project really resonates with me.

this was before GG lad

In it's own right yes.
Need more of that.

And yet you couldn't resist bringing it up again. How pathetic.

The Sam and Max games will always be the best adventure games.

I'd say the pipe puzzle in the woods is much worse then the balloon one. If only because the camera view is hot garbage for that segment.

amazes me that a game like this was even made
>Schafer: hey I want to make a game about an undead travel agent in a noir/mexican day of the dead setting
>Producer: yea, sure fine

Are you sure?

>day of the dead
They're nothing alike.

little big adventure?

It's half as good as people claim desu.

The art direction was flawless though.


the game industry wasnt driven by huge samey AAA hits back then
alot of the most popular developers just did whatever they wanted

Monkey Island?

They are like the Bread and Wine used to represent Christ's body and blood.

They aren't Holy in an of themselves, but they are sacred symbols used to represent one of the trinity.

Old school Tim was fantastic with these things. He always seemed like the kind of George Lucas type creative that needs an entire staff to keep him in check.

It's pretty shit. Never understood the appeal.

DOTT is so much better.

games didn't cost as much to make in the 90s so there was a lot more room for risky projects

I enjoyed it a lot. It's got a great setting and great characters with a lot of good humor written in. I feel that it's kind of a shitty game though as it's literally impossible to fail in any way shape or form. I'd still recommend it to just about anyone. Even if Schafer is a hack he's still managed to turn out a few great games.

Old fag here. Grew up on the good LucasArts games like Day of the Tentacle, Fate of Atlantis and Sam & Max Hit the Road.

I expected to like Grim Fandango but it just didn't interest me. By the time it had come out, I was older but the humour was really not my cup of tea.

Still feel the same way, which is sad because there are other games from that era that I didn't get but I like now including The Longest Journey.

What are you talking about? GG is totally relevant to his story as it helps define why anti-sjw opinions were so proliferated.

>Sam & Max
My nigga


>Space Base

I'm still mad.

>Fucking STARBOUND released into a somewhat playable and complete state
>Tim Schafer can't get his shit together

Did you like the new Sam & Max Games?


i figured out most of these puzzles when i was in high school but i never finished the game then

i replayed it later on and i got stuck on a puzzle i knew i figured out back then, among others

so really the only people who dont like this game are the old types who's imagination organ is atrophied beyond saving

time to step aside, old types, and let the new types take the reins

kid's these days too have underdeveloped imaginations in that they dont bother to apply any of their ideas to real world situations so it's only natural theyd be unable to solve a game as "le complex" as grim fandango

"I bet you can't make another dead eel" had me laughing so hard.

Do you like Manny Calavera?


Yes, he's my favourite vidya protagonist

I finished it the first time as a preteen and i couldn't understand any of the communism jokes, it felt really nice replaying nowadays

Wait, Tim Schafer is a communist?

Great game, but the goddamn diver. God i want to strangle him.

I don't know, but Grim Fandango made a lot of jokes about communism and satirizes it a lot throught year 2

One of the best games ever made in history. Highly rated in normie mags too.

1998 was one hell of a year.

Yep Western videogames used to be good.

I miss the 90's. Truly the golden age of videogames.

So did Japanese videogames.

Unlike today...

i understand that point and click adventure games are a staple among gaming, but as someone who never played one growing up, trying to play one as an adult is so fucking annoying. in this game, what in the fuck am i supposed to do? oh, fill up a fucking balloon with crematory shit and stuff it in the mail thing? well FUUUUCK me. every adventure game is like that, i feel like. tried playing sam and max, same shit. guess i'm just pleb born yo.
but all the dialog in these games are great, its just hearing the same dialog 5+ times gets grating.
especially the >DAS NOT GONNA WURK one. stab my fucking ears

This. Gaming wasn't the billion dollar industry we have today. You could make a game in under 2 years with just 50 people. Nowadays vidya is bigger than Hollywood.

Grim Fandango didn't do very well sales wise though.

Are you sure?



Nah, it's like a test for stupid people who can't put together basic clues across multiple steps. Grim Fandando has some bad puzzles but that one is completely fair and well-hinted.


>gameplay was never the main draw of adventure games to begin with.
Pretty retarded thing to say considering the game the genre came from had a bare-bones plot and the only reason to play it was to enjoy exploration, mapping, and solving the puzzles.

The closest vidya will ever get to getting a Dr. Strangelove.

This game killed adventure games. It killed lucasarts because they were forced the use this shit engine for Monkey Island 4 and butcher it even more to fit the "style" of monkey island (merging items and shit), that's why MI4 was the worst monkey island Lucasarts made and why their entire p&c division died out.

Which Adventure games have the best voice

hardmode: no Lucasarts games.

gabriel knight
kings quest
broken sword

which King's Quest?

loom isnt all that great. the other two are legit though

GOAT ambiance

the second (?) year with the oceanside docks was cancer especially with tank controls but other than that it was a very good game

that one and pretty much from 5 to before mask of eternity
cant say much about mask because i never actually played it
also dont know much about the new episodes

the tank controls is hardly a factor

it's not like it was an action game where surviving depended on your perfect control of the character

It's well hinted, sure but it's just a lame numbers puzzle which requires you to go around examining random shit
