Dark Souls 2 may not have been the best souls game

Dark Souls 2 may not have been the best souls game.
But it definitely had the best armour/fashion

Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Drang Armor Set
darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Llewellyn Set
darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Earth Seeker

Can back this 100%.


yeh, started playing ds2 again yesterday getting bored of ds3, been fuckin with cheat engine thinking about making a modded caster. Dark Souls 2 is much harder, why did they make 3 such a joke?

Alva is fucking GOAT

Yeah, it had some damn cool sets. Shame they fucked up the look of havels.

What was wrong with havels? it looked fine to me

Doesn't look as good as 1's, but its still fairly good.
2's makes it look more rock-like

>No royal swordsman set in 3


The point of havels is that it was carved from a boulder, but in DS2 it has a weird metallic sheen.

ive been diggen the mirrah chain set its pretty nice

Damn shame Hiede knights and the Hiede Knight armor are trapped within DS2. They would've the perfect faith build tools that DS3 is desperatly lacking. Here's hoping they just put it in the next DLC

Any one want to duel around sl 120? ive been playin a full mage


Hiede set is perfect for Paladin/Faith builds.
Ave Maria

cathedral knight armor is ok for paladins but its very lacking

Without a doubt.

How about some new stuff. You can play DaS2 whenever you want. But I'll be mad if they don't give us Ciaran's set :-)

In DS3 I've just started with Hearld and tend to just stick with that armor for the rest of the game
and I feel you man, this is my Pally from DS2. I fell for the Scholar trick, it took me forever to farm that chest piece.

Im pretty salty they had made split damage so shit in this one


I combine it with Mirrah Chain and Lothric Knight for true DEUS VULT

ive been using cheat engine alot lately cus im not farming another damn thing, i have spent to much time on this game and im still terrible i just wana fuck around in hollow arena and duel :p

New stuff is fine too, I just want at least one competent faith weapon that isn't just the Raw ASS or a lightning infused straight sword.

Try Lightning Infused Lothric Knight Greatsword

which armor set is that
not the helm but the body

eh its better to buff it, it will do more damage over all

I just got into it recently and I've noticed that almost everything about it is built to subvert expectations of people who played DaS1 religiously in order to kill them.

I'm enjoying it a lot, aside from the weapon range adjustments due to latency.

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Drang Armor Set

darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Llewellyn Set

Drang is meant to look like the Llewellyn set from 2

On my latest faith character I've been using a lightning buffed lucerne, it deals pretty good damage and I manage to catch most people with the R1+L2+R2 combo.

Too bad it looks like shit in 3.

>Trying to farm for this set in scholars
>Scholars has a mechanic that the more you farm an enemy the lower drop rate they get
>End up farming for 4 god damn hours with champions covenant

There is a new DLC axe that is legit
darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Earth Seeker

What weapons do you guys hate?
i currently hate:
Washing Pole
Followers Sabre
Onyx Bladee
Friede's Great Scythe

that's a fucking mechanic in the sotf!? Why did I buy shit game twice

I loved Creightons helmet and the Mad Warrior helmet, pretty much always wore it as soon as I found it. Have some fond memories on a "hacked" character set to low level, with full set of Creightons gear + ring of life to appear human, character name "Creighton" and all that shit, joining and helping players all across the game, role playing and shit. Was fucking great fun.

Also the Mastodon set. Armour is literally Space Marine God Emperor of Mankind tier, fucking awesome looking cloak and leg armour

no it isn't

Dark Sword, Yhorms Great Machete

this is a great weapons im like 24str and 50 faith and almost 600 ar no split damage

>darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Earth Seeker
just looking at this baby makes me want to warm up the game and fry up some sort of STR/FTH nomadic shaman barbarian RP fgt

nah that's not true man, I remember farming awestones at that hallway with the horse knight statues, as well as farming those giant sentinels in the same area for souls, and by the end of that I had something like 50 slabs, not even kidding

guy is just salty about having no luck, probably didn't even use coins slave clothes and shit

Currently play a mage so the Dank Sword is pretty ez cus my soul great sword hit for 900 after that they run like bitches

Shame the moveset is such hot garbage.

Yeah I rolled a new character when I saw this weapon. Was so fucking excited to feel like a real fucking paladin again.

>Get into arena
>Friede schythe faggot
>Instantly goes into stance and stunlock combo's me to death
>The entire combo has hyper armor all the way trough
Fuck that retarded weapon, Best i can do against it is back away and cast toxic mist.

You'll fucking love it

they made it shiny and clinky

hmm i think its better being 1 handed, make the rolling r1 better

With that cartoonish shit art style? In your fucking ass maybe.

Go away, this is a friendly thread, the only friendly thread on Sup Forums we all did dank fashion souls, show us yours, friend


You can go back to redit if you want your personal hugbox. Fuck off.

I think you walked into the wrong thread

I think he did too. this is for him


I miss Big Hat Logan's Big Hat.

Sorry about your shitty life man. Want to talk about it?

I miss logans diaper/shoes combo. It was the dumbest looking shit and I loved it.

>Dark Souls 2 may not have been the best souls game.
but it was

>but it was
I honestly agree. Sure there are a lot of fucked up mechanics in the game, but outside of that I enjoyed everything in it far more than I did any of the other Souls games.

i never got to pvp in ds2 and i really wish i had, i beat it once in a blind play through

damm straight.

I was so disappointed that there was no Looking Glass knight armor in Ds3.
And Fume knights armor too! just felt like a waste

Faraam set is hideous though, especially in game

The pvp in DS2 felt like a real fighting game. It had footsies and stuff was punishable. You couldn't just heal or roll whenever you wanted. There were footsies.

Elite > Firelink > Hunter > Fluted > Faraam

Yeh in duels on the arena i can heal full hp with unbreakable poise its really had to punish, you cant play super agressive vs Earth seeker, i win like 90% of duels is there any ranked past gold?

better complaint:

>no continuation of the Paladin/Royal Soldier set


also, Morne is a terrible Garl 4.0 and his armor is probably the worst looking thing in the game.

its great for paladin builds- but the problem is it's the ONLY good paladin looking armor unless you try and mix and match, but it's really hard to make a heavy paladin.

Was there any benefit to knights wearing skirts like that?

>better complaint:
>no continuation of the Desert Sorceress set

you know what made me sad about 3? i tried to suicide off the invisible walkway leading to the darkmoon cov chick, just because i wanted to unember, and it has walls on all sides.

What i thought was a trecherous invisible path like in seath's area in ds1 was in fact a totally safe area you can't fall off of.

3 has a lot of hand holding.

This video perfectly demonstrates DSII PvP at its highest. Constant, constant fucking invasions and good times in the bell tower. Nothing but good feelings when I watch this video I swear to god. One of the best summers I had with a videogame.

what the fuck did anything you just said mean

DS2 had way better arena awards, spells and weapons and badass super auras for invading.

When my level 3 wraith appeared my enemies knew they were fucked just by the flames coming off his body.

These new pvp badges are ugly and there's no other reward. It was badly done, i'm sorry to say, and I love souls.

FUCK I forgot to post the video.


>a trecherous invisible path like in seath's area
I wasted so many fucking prism stones on that shit until I finally realized you can just run straight the whole way if you aim directly at the cave opening

what is even happening here?

i thought the darkgiver stuff was all pve

true... but the one in three having invisible walls to keep you safe... fuck, that made me sad.

I do not need walls, let me fall if i'm stupid!

Yeah I fucked up. That webm is something random I posted. As for the content of the webm itself, you can invade in the Dark Chasm Of Old, but the NPCs will also attack you.

Ah yeah the belltower... invading or just exploring, it had some great moments.

For some reason the wolves don't work the same way. I don't know why.

nah if you invaded as a red you became an abyss phantom.

in the looking glass knight area if you invaded you could be summoned by the boss and burst out of his shield too.

I really enjoyed the backstory between these two. It was a DeS tier rivalry.

And the fact that Raime went into ragemode if you wore Velstadt's helmet was a fantastic detail.

DaS3 doesn't do anything like that sadly.

hell, it doesnt do anything interesting or clever.

Maldron was a dickshit cheating NPC, but he had god tier AI.

How do invade in ds2 i have cracked redeye orbs but no idea how to use them

Press Square/X or whatever button it is on the keyboard.

Personal heraldry, possibly identification on the battlefield. Knights were rich as fuck by definition, and had to provide their own equipment, their own horses, their own squire. Wearing fancy shit lets the peasants know just how successful they are.

That's why I ended up liking 2 over 3. 2 wasn't afraid to try new things and because of that, it's far more memorable. Flawed, but good in its own way.



The belltower works on literally multiple levels. You can fight at the fog gate, you can go down the stairs where you have the chance to fall in one of two holes, leading you to the ground level or the square room. You can use these to outrun your opponent, lay traps, grief, etc. Fucking perfect environment for four man PvP.

making him behave like a shitty player was genius.

>expect a generic damage sponge NPC with dumb abusable AI
>hit him a few times
>he runs away into the monsters to heal

fucking genius.

>cockily gestures if he kills you

>Elleum Loyce
>go up the stairs
>"righty ho, friend!"
>what- why can I lock on to him if hes a white phantom... I didnt see invasion text...
>if you open the gate he backstabs you and runs to jabba in the cave

item is grey;d out for me even though i have like 5 of em, do i need to join a cov or somthing to invade?

I'm replaying the series. Just finished DS1, so I'm about to start DS2. I've played most the vanilla content (not some extra bosses like Darklurker) and the first DLC.

Should I go original DS2 or SotFS?

scholar for sure.

>try to fight him on the chain
>unable to roll through me
>teleports behind me and backstabs me with his fedora

Yeah, really impressive top ebin kek. The only reason people think he's so neat is because literally every other phantom in the entire series is made with zero effort. Give Maldron a pair of AI nodes that he tries to path to and perform an action and he's suddenly the greatest thing in the series.

You're either offline or sitting in an area that has no multiplayer. Are you trying to use them in Majula or something?

No you just need to be human and in a place where you can invade. Try Iron Keep bridge.

>tfw cheesed him on a ladder

I feel like I missed something fun

Mirrah chest piece and arms are always my go to

Shit I meant to post this one

Any one want to duel a full mage sl 130 ds3? pass word is vfag