Can we all agree this is easily GOTY now?

Can we all agree this is easily GOTY now?

nope. it's alright but not great. it would help if all the NPCs weren't voiced by the same guy, whether we're in Paris, Morocco or Japan.

It's easily the best game released so far, so I suppose it is.

Japan is easily one of the best levels in the series.
Looking forward to the new season.
Still wish we had the dual silver ballers and suitcase though..

I dont get this widsepread outcry about the lack of suitcase.

What more could you honestly do with the addition of a fucking suitcase?

suit only sniper runs.
Beside that, I'd also like a suitcase you could conceal other weapons in and maybe rig up as a suitcase bomb.
I assume if they add these things in the next season we can use them in the this one, so I'm not too upset really.

You mean the WA2000 doesn't come with a suitcase?

I actually don't know for a fact, as I haven't gotten that far, but I am pretty sure it doesn't.

>dat feel when pretty much the only high profile release to benefit from episodic releases

It helps the format gels well with Hitman style.

>complete first season

What the fuck? Is there going to be a second season or something now? What's the fucking point? God I hate this episodic meme.

I refuse to fucking purchase anything until the complete product is out, do I have to wait longer until season 2 is done now as well?

Absolutely. It's a PS2-era game with a modern look. For that alone it's my GOTY, but the amount of time I've sunk into is something even I didn't expect. I had my expectations in check, but honestly didn't expect it to be so incredibly well made. No other game even comes close desu.

I'd like Diana to handle me, if you know what I mean.

Devs hardcore jewed by lying about the night missions

"Season 2" is for all intents and purposes another game using the same engine. Season 1 is a complete game.

,,,uhhh, what?


Doubtful since they've been referring to Hitman 2k16 as a "platform" instead of a game.


Always online bullshit.
This is the type of game that if I buy I might want to revisit in a few years.

Well essentially they didn't mention there would be night episodes in their full release just the 6 episodes. So everyone who was buying episodes individually and bought the Marrakech and Sapenzia ones individually got fucked over

Im tempted to get it just for the japan level. It looks fucking amazing

are the other levels as good?

They said 6+1 bonus

Might just be hype but I think Japan is on another level than the others. But Bangkok, Sapienza and Paris are very good as well.

It's a bonus level. Also, who the fuck is dumb enough to buy the levels individually? If you liked the intro pack, you upgraded to the full game, otherwise you didn't.

All the levels aim for a different feeling, but in general, yeah, they all do.

Some uncanny valley shit going on here, she looks fucking weird.

It's more the gun than the case. The lead-lined case let you smuggle long-range weapons pretty much anywhere.

Now you just have to hope you can get them to drop one at a decent spot or you have to sneak it to the right vantage point.

You don't even need to be able to smuggle weapons now that the game has mechanics that can allow you to kill someone at range with regular objects you can pick up.

Is it over? Did they announce a physical release?

Japan > Sapienza > Paris > Colorado > Bangkok > Marrakech

They did a while ago, it's coming in January. They released the last level yesterday so you can get the whole thing digitally now.

Yes, Jan 31st

marrakesh and colorado are the weakest levels. the rest are enjoyable

Would put Colorado below Bangkok but otherwise objectively correct

Thanks, I've been waiting for a physical release before jumping in. Dunno why, physical is practically worthless compared to the PS2 era, but I still rather get it that way.

Situs Inversus>Showstopper>World of Tomorrow>Freedom Fighters>Club 27>A Gilded Cage>House Built on Sand>Final Test>The Icon

I don't like how 1 whole half of Bangkok is effectively worthless for the primary mission.

Also the Lawyer target has the most simplistic route of all targets until you do a scripted event so that's why I prefer Colorado.

>effectively worthless
I thought it was pretty obvious that it was a location to snipe in addition to being set-up for elusive targets.

Also while the lawyers route is simplistic, it's offset by him being in the open and choosing at random which dish to sample (unless you figure out the easy way to kill him, but that isn't made clear right away).

suppose you want to go for a sniper run though , alot of high areas are pretty tricky to get with the gun on your back

Hitman blood money suit never ever for me, well lads i don't know if i should be mad

What kind of atelier do you even have to be to be able to visually tell the suits apart.




yeah IO models always have something off about them
This is a massive fucking improvement over absolution diana though

something about their fucking mouths
they never get it right
K&L2, Absolution, fucking nasty shit.

>IO models
CG was done by Platige Image (the same people who did The Witcher ones) for this game.


>why don't we join our forces and defeat le cheeky shadow client :^)
Fuck off

>fuck off
that's pretty much literally what she said

my bet is on the ICA aligning itself with the client at least as far as taking down providence goes.

Nah, no way is the ICA board of directors going to be on board with working with the shadow client. My guess is the ICA will officially stay neutral, Diana will unofficially work with Hannibal Lecter doing hits for him in exchange for information, she and 47 will learn about Providence doing something super evil involving clones and will turn against providence in season 3, with or without the ICAs help


Post more pantsu!


>Unforgettable soundtrack
>Atmosphere not as good as the previous games
>A handful of voice actors for 99% of the NPCs and foreigners speak perfect english
>No suitcase
If only they'd fix these then I'd be 11/10 GOAT

is it better than BM? Is the level design and choices as complex?

Mechanically there isn't much to add onto Hitman 2016.

My mistake, I definitely don't think the ICA will work with shadow-boi. I think that in an official capacity Season 2 will be Diana & 47 kind of hot on his tail, but ultimately the taste of aligning with providence will be too bitter for 47 and diana, especially as they discover more about 47's past.

They will turn against providence, and my bet is that the shadow client will not end up dead (at least by 47's hand).

>Atmosphere not as good as the previous games
my favourite atmosphere of the games, but the lack of a suitcase is crazy to me and there's no denying the NPC voices thing is fucking jarring.

Soundtrack is really weird to me, because the trailer music is so fucking excellent it baffles me that the in-game music is so subdued.

please respond

The gameplay mechanics are smoother but lack some of the complexity of BM, the level design is better than it has ever been.
Even the weaker levels are great. The best ones, Sapienza and Hokkaido are easily two of the best levels ever in the series or any game I've ever played design-wise.

>The gameplay mechanics are smoother but lack some of the complexity of BM

Would you mind elaborating? Everything else sounds great though.

Better, for both. Level designs are the best in the series. At cost for having the smallest amount of levels in the series.

I'd say it's more complicated than BM though. They removed human shields but otherwise 47 can do more than in BM. More interaction with the environment than BM, deeper disguise system that doesn't make you invisible, better stealth mechanics, better AI than BM

There are is no blood trail detection (likely due to optimisation issues), human shields, suitcase, weapon/item shop and cash, etc.
But the gunplay and other mechanics are smoother than ever.

Shame about the voices, the lack of VAs is annoying but the actual NPC dialog writing is great and the mechanic of eavesdropping conversations to get Intel about the level is very well done

I still think that Contracts has the best disguise system, but ™ system is good enough.

Looks pretty.

This is the absolute worst. Literally what the fuck were they thinking

>tfw you accidentally get SA on your first Hokkaido run

Instead of weapon shop you have point unlocks which is about equivalent as a game mechanic

Why not?

torrent when

My favorite part is how everyone complained about everyone being American in the first level but in the level actually set in America everyone has a British accent.

It is, but I recommend adding a sweetfx on it for it to look best. Without it, it's a little washed out IMO

They were thinking that it's really fucking expensive to voice all those NPCs when each one needs a response to practically anything that you could do. That's also why the filesize is so large.

It's also the same reason they made the game episodic, Squeenix refused to fund another AAA Hitman game after the shitshow of Absolution, the team basically were given a tiny budget and told they had to prove there was a market for the new game by making it episodic and selling it piecemeal up-front


Never ever. Denuvo+Always Online DRM+Steam DRM = uncrackable.

>after the shitshow of Absolution
wasn't absolution only a shitshow by fan-standards?

pretty sure that by publisher standards absolution was god's gift to the franchise. Best selling entry to the canon by far.

I really hate how Diana was so easily manipulated by the Providence dude, especially considering they just took out the ICA director for selling out to them.

I like to think Mr. Providence just slipped Diana a picture of baby Helmut Kruger.

Well it's also the entry that's been sold for $1 the most in the series. They even gave it away free for people who donated to a charity.

I liked it.
>*ducks incoming bile*

Diana has proven to be pragmatic above all else, I really don't see a way to interpret the season's final cinematic as her being manipulated by the providence guy. She's openly contemptuous of what he represents, and I think that with the way he is presented to us the chances of him surviving is pretty much 0.

>after the shitshow of Absolution
Wrong. Absolution turned a profit for Squeenix. The reason it's episodic has to do with the fact that IO's idea for the next Hitman was more in line with Blood Money.

Since Squeenix (nor any other AAA publisher) is going to spend millions of dollars on a PS2-era game, you have the current format, which is absolutely fine. Season 1 proved without a doubt the episodic structure works for Hitman, though desu I had complete faith in them after Paris.

me too

I think it brought a couple of really great things to the series, first and foremost being point-shooting. It worked fantastically, lets me do things with 47 that he's clearly meant to be capable of doing, and made the game look and feel incredible.

You could still 100% silent assassin the whole ting, but if you felt like doing a lethal run the point shooting system made 47 feel like a calm, cool perfect assassin clone. Enter a room, disarm the nearest guard and then in one smooth motion kill the three overlooking a staircase before leaping over a counter and flinging a knife into a 5th guard's eye. I genuinely hope that the point shooting system comes back at some point in the future of the series, or at the very least in another IO game because they did with it what not many other games have managed to do

What this user said is correct,
but it is also true they were given a small budget to test out the concept of this game. That's why concepts of the levels teased in the 2015 trailer were drasticly different or where never even used in the game.
What's nice about that is you can see the studio learning from their mistakes and if they keep up the quality of Japan into season 2, the game would be the GOAT Hitman.

Well we really don't know what she will do. Could be hits on providence or the shadow client, or both maybe.
kek, the Helmut lines and the photos in his room are fucking top tier details

I'm genuinely surprised by how much I love this game considering how ready I was to hate it based off of what I thought would be a complete clusterfuck of a release model.

>Mr. Providence just slipped Diana a picture of baby Helmut Kruger.

I like to think there will be a huge plotwist that Kruger is also a clone assassin

Nah, he'll survive atleast til season 3.
He's probably the mystery man from SA's intro, it would explain how he knows about 47's past. He's basicly the G-man

>considering they just took out the ICA director for selling out to them.

Considering she canonically hates the guy I don't think she took it personally that they had to kill the guy, especially since there's a chance she'll be promoted for uncovering the shadow client/providence conspiracy.

It's spycraft, it's just business.

>"sharpness" filter

nigga I ain't rich, I run a 770.
If I could afford to I'd turn on SuperSampling and i'd be jaggie free.
doesn't bother me though, game looks good.

I definitely expect him to survive season 2, I mean the chances of him surviving this story are 0 (as far as I see it)

he's presented as an unapologetic, smug/arrogant and cocksure antagonist to us by the narrative. The writers are setting him up to make his fall satisfying.


>and maybe a suitcase with an oilrig inside

I don't know, sounds a bit out of character.

there's nothing super wrong with the model besides the hair but the soft lighting they're using in that scene is incredibly fake, simply put soft lighting doesn't exist like that in real life. If they'd shadowed her face regularly and turned down the SSS she'd've looked much better.

Copy that

>My coworker is a straight arrow but I like to live on the wild side

When did 47 become so cheeky?

he does make some delicious tofu, some say its to die for

You were already fucked over in buying individually if you bought them all like that. Why do you havê to be dumb about it?

Is this anything like absolution where NPCs attack you if you get too close no matter what you are wearing and where you play as superman with x-ray vision?
Also how well is it optimised. I have a 3 year old rig which hasn't been updated since.

only certain npc's will see through the disguise. xray is optional and you can play without it just fine.
optimization isn't that great but i was playing it on a 25k with a 970 on low at 60ish fps

Most NPCs will be fooled by your disguise no problem, for each disguise there are so-called "enforcer" NPCs which pay attention enough to get suspicious if you hang around too long. They're usually spread out enough that you can use regular cover stealth and timing to get past them, also once they get suspicious you can run from them and if they lose you they'll give up instead of triggering a general alarm like in Absolution.

Xray vision is still in, it doesn't show sight cones or where the target will go next, it functions the same as the magic GPS you had in previous games which showed you wehre everyone was. Plus you can turn it off and the game is entirely playable without it.

You can see through walls short distances but if you don't like it obviously don't use it.

Some enemies can see through disguises (e.g. if two guys have been talking to each other and you take one of their disguises the other guy will see through it) and if you keep bumping into people they'll get suspicious no matter what you're wearing.

It's not super well optimized but should run alright as long as you don't expect to max it out. I think the big performance knob you want to tune is shadow maps and shadow resolution.