What went wrong?

What went wrong?

nothing. it btfo of sjws and remains the boogieman to sjws.

The doctor only smacked your ass.

normies took over with their identity bullshit
the only good thing was that it made the term sjw go mainstream

This. Also there were mild changes to gaming sites

Same thing that went wrong with Feminism and other SJW movements, despite not being similar to them in goals or methods or anything. Just a matter of idiots within the movement spewing shit at other people and attacking random fucks on twitter instead of trying to stand for the actual change they claim to want.

There were plenty of people who just wanted good, quality game journalism with no sex for reviews involved among other things that were a part of the movement and discussed it, just like how there are feminists who just want a better place for females in third world countries where they don't have it. Unfortunately, both movements are completely halted by the vitriolic retards in both camps.

TL:DR, Retards ruin everything, as usual


I wish GG never happened. It marked the downfall of Sup Forums. Sup Forums needs to die.

I don't know, but it was fun for the first few weeks

Like Chanology and the Occupy protests, it got too big for it's own good, got associated with the wrong people and the original purpose was forgotten and co-opted by people who wanted to push their own agendas under the gamergate/whatever name.

incels mad about people fucking while making bad games

They thought personal attacks would help them prove their point when it only provided the perfect defense to deflect all criticism

But neo/v/ hates gg

>wanting to be involved in a retard slap-fight at all

>red flags and fabrications by known professional victims don't exist

Sup Forums didnt start the culture war nor does did it invade every subculture with their pc doctrine trying to change shit

if you are sick and tired of hearing about it then maybe its time to realize whos actually attacking who

>wanting sjws to control everything in the media and shape future games with their crying

There was a good mix of both

user. it's not that people want to get involved. It's that sjw drag you into it regardless if you wanted to get involved or not.

They just throw you into the pit with the rest of us.

you're a frightened little child

>what is Sweden?
>what is South Korea?

>says the side who needs trigger warnings

The one who is frightened is the one who never speaks out.... which is you.


Gawker admitted to losing millions over this shit.

>suppressing dissenting opinions and giving up freedoms for "safety"/a fascist state
You faggots are the ones who are scared. Also the way you fucking bend all the way over for Islam, a warmongering, totaltarian idealology that is significantly more oppressive than the people you go up against? That isn't being scared?

And you're ignoring the point, it's already happened, look at the DoAX3 debacle. Not only did they not release the game in the West due to pressure from SJWs and worries about public outcry due to those types, but they're also worried about releasing VR content for the game, for a game that's not available in the West, because of fear of the backlash from the Western media. The game literally can't even be bought here, and they're worried about the reception that the VR shit will have here.

vivian james is hot and i like her sock feet

it turned from outing polygon/kotaku/etc as hack frauds into a twitter shitflinging popularity contest on both sides. brought in a lot of Sup Forums and waifufags got a hold of it too, at that point there was no recovering it

however it did give us the CSI SVU gamergate episode which made it all worth it

>fallacy of relative privation

Everything. It was chanology 2.0 which paved the way for chanology 3.0- Sup Forums today and its constant leaking all over the hobbyist boards that just want to discuss their hobby in peace.