EVE Online goes Free To Play, November 15th
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Nah, I'm not ready for it.
EVE players who paid for the game all these years better fucking huge bonus.
dwarf fortress tier autism club
Why would they get a bonus for paying to play a game when it was required to pay to play a game?
>sub-babies feeling entitled when their dying game goes F2P
You paid for access to the game at the time. Just because you had to pay years ago and you did doesn't make you entitled to anything.
Dwarf Fortress is fucking great, you shit-eating elf
Why do you guys expect a retarded frogposter to make sense in the first place?
>I paid $50k for a new car
>10 years later, that same car costs $20k brand new
>Why aren't they refunding me $30k?
>yfw the average player age drops from 30 to like 23
>yfw the newbabbies who just want "EPIC HUGE WARS LMAO xD"
>yfw they all quit after a week
Eh, I'll try it and probably quit within a month.
People have been paying for this all these years?
anyone have the greentext on the guy who lost like $30,000 worth of ships in some battle? And didn't some guy join a guild and befriend them for years and get high rank before betraying them and taking everything?
I always hear great stories from EVE, will actually play it now and experience nothing interesting on a personal scale while playing MS Excel IN SPACE
obviously not or else it wouldve stayed p2p
How gimped will the free players be?
They serve as moving targets for subscribers to shoot at and can do nothing.
lol this shit will probably be true
>f2p is just trading via new bottom-tier weaponless cargo ships or whatever
>finally trade your way up to some piece of shit with a crap gun
>it blows up
>back to weaponless shit ad infinitum
so eve is dying?
After the huge disappointment of no man's sky (I feel sorry for even pirating that shit), can this game fuel my space exploration need?
You can pilot an "exploration ship" that gets bonuses to finding randomly generated dungeons that you can't enter without dying or empty wormholes that you can get lost in and also cant do anything without dying
Depends on how much of an autist you are.
Nothing quite matches the sheer terror you feel getting scanned down while looking for goodies after jumping through a wormhole.
Exploration is one of the funnest part of EVE, and one of the most profitable parts too.
Eve isn't really going free to play they're just removing the time limit on the old free trial you're still massively limited skill wise but you're able to at least do shit in game to make money if your sub runs out. So basically if your sub runs out and you're to broke you can keep playing an dealing money till you have enough to buy your Sutton the market.
How much is PLEX cost these days?
To be fair, very few cars will be almost half their asking price 10 years later. It's more like 10-15%
Yeah, they can fly ships that don't suck ass
The bonus is they don't have to spend 10 years training skills obviously
1.1 to 1.2 bil ISK. You can earn that in the trial time if you know what you are doing.
>free to do a boring task
EVE going f2p, meanwhile old subs 5y+ are evapourating at high velocity thanks to disenfranchisement to a game that took too long to evolve, and then started evolving in directions that made it actively worse not better.
Things are improving now but bullshit like the kiting pirate ships and svipuls did more damage to this game than the big blocs ever did.
Another MMO bites the F2P bullet. I'm sorry for your loss EVE-players.
>"F2P isn't the death of a game but a community." - Some user
>five (shit, maybe even more) years of updating skillqueue without actually learning the game
I just can't. There's so much shit to learn. I mean shit, to pvp, you must 1. be able to recognize the name of every single ship 2. remember what the typical ship fitting for each and every ships are 3. be able to compare your own fitting to the enemies and be able to evaluate if you have a chance or not.
How the fuck do you do that.
Fuck it. I played trial few years ago and don't remember when game managed to get me that bored.
Free, You mean Free to become fodders for Vets
check ship class
check if your fitting can beat most common fitting on the other guy
yes? get a tackle on that motherfucker
You can fly ships better than cruisers,you can learn all skills (so for me bye bye gas hauling) and something more.It's not full f2p.You still need subscription for most of the things
I played eve in a variety of goonsquad affiliated corps from 2010 to early 2015. After that I moved and made my own corp which I still run to this day. I skimmed assets from every single guild I was ever in, used light voice modulation to disguise myself (never anything as dumb or obvious as pretending to be a woman) and I have classical opera training because my mother was an opera singer, so while i'm not a professional voice actor, I can hide myself easily.
That said, I never did anything like stole $8000 of PLEX or anything, I mostly took small ships, materials and minerals, and convinced newbies to quit the corp or join another one. General persuasion stuff. The issue was being able to determine between new players, trialfaggots, and smurfs/socks.
Anyway, once I built up a small repertoire of people, I just set up a corp, had a good 40 people join day 1, and we set off as a mining crew. I'm still running scams on alts, but by and large my time nowadays is devoted to my corp.
I was originally going to dump a ton of resources into buying some PLEX to give some of the /eveg/ guys because they helped me out a TON when I first started, but I realized all the ones that helped me quit.
>EVE advertises these huge wars and battles
>but forget to mention how many months of playtime you need to reach there
Since when is waiting offline to gain skills "paying"?
As a 10 year vet I'm fairly happy with new blood. And the new explosions are great.
Also, bye offgrid boosting, I'm glad its getting wrecked.
The best club.
You can get them within a few weeks . You can contribute to battle within a few weeks too, a destroyer, cruiser, all within grasp. sure if you want to have everything optimal 5/5 maxed out for a certain ship it can potentially take months.
Felt good when I could fly a cattlebruiser with all supporting skills maxed out, that was a great day.
pic related.
/eog/ is dead now though
the worst kind of people reside in it now, two days ago a thread died at 681 posts, and that was during eve vegas
CCP are so delusional they believe only thing which prevents people from playing 15 years old game is subscription.
well now that its free some multiboxer can set up like 20 accounts with rifters and gank with immunity
I have been playing for 9 years and my experence with new players has all ways been enjoyable.
You have to find a good Corp and make friends. For space is wide, and good friends are too few.
I've been in my current Corp for three years. They have been an absolute blast. We love exclusively in wormhole space and partake in small gang with a surge size of 28 characters, 14 humans maybe.
We recently had a meet up and I got to cook for one of the directors. We play a ton of games together and plan to go to fan fest in 2017.
I absolutely love this game. Naysayers can fuck right off.
Limit of one, senpai.
>the city of assblasted multiboxers
That's what I mean. I started going there after it first started, a few months after /vg/ was made in 2012, and made some really cool friends, but... It's just sad.
I actually stayed in an npc starter corp(CAS) but we're probably the best starter corp out there, we do everything and have frequently 'combat days' where we get a bunch of people from the starters corp to roam syndicate. for many, their first experience of nullsec/lowsec
shoutout to boiglio and her fat ass
I played the game for a few months, every time through trials and such so I never really got far since I could never afford a subscription.
Can't wait to jump right in again.
Most of the MMO generals either survive through shitposting alone or die.
So, I guess it would be a good time to start a trial to get a headstart in the F2P players or is there an advantage to starting as a F2P?
Look at this casual frogfuck.
Castabouts get a few props from me. Setup corps you can work into are the best though. We recently moved holes and managed to field one of our scariest fleets of 8 vendicators, 4 bhalls, 7 guardians, 2 nestors, 2 tenth, 2 legions, 2 devoters plus 6 in scouts and support. With 12 humans.
Just join vbros in game.
I would play Eve, but only if CCP pays ME to play it.
new explosions
A buff, normie looking collegue recently came out to me as a huge vidya fan (semi good taste overall) and with mad zeal recommended I play EVE, saying he had been playing it for ages and that it was the game that gave him the most memorable moments.
The only interaction I ever had with it was reading the crazy stories that come out every so often about all the shit that goes on, like the huge battles where millions in real life money are lost, the clan espionage etc. Maybe this is a good time to give it a go I guess, if nothing else I get to see what it's all about.
Shamlessly copy pasting that youtube comment
>Fun fact: in EVE Online, the reason ships explode so forcefully when they lose hull integrity is actually power loss. See, EVE Online warp drives work in such a way that once you turn them on, you can never turn them off - they constantly have to be fed power to maintain the core containment field. If reactor power is ever lost, even for a moment, the warp drive loses core containment and violently collapses.
All my m8s are normal people, and the average age of the playerbase is older than most games. Only meet like 4 females in 9 years though. One was crazy for me, one was the wife of my CEO, and another was a resident badass for like a year in my current Corp.
What a pile of dumb shit. That's why I like Space Engineers - there is actually no reason to shoot a spaceship except for disabling point defenses.
Why is that dumb? Its how star trek warp cores work.
But it doesn't. It gets demo mode.
So does anybody have the actual list of disadvantages F2P players get?
I assume its something like you can't train a skill above a certain tier, because that was the only reason to ever login
Implying a gang of 20 caracals is not scary
It's how pleb tier space FX work, and they just pulled a shitty justification for it out of their ass.
Disadvantage is Eve being game about battleship combat. If you don't have BS you are just cannon fodder for corps.
Having read most chronicles and the novels I can confidently say go fuck yourself. The lore and fluff in eve is amazing.
Oh wow! I'll finally get to experience all th-zzzzzzzzzz
>first day of eve with a friend
>he makes me go ninja salvage with his corp
>get an item that sells for 10 billion
>everyone is jealous
>plex costs like 400 mil at the time so I buy like 2 years of sub
>never play anymore after this
Step 1. Join a big noob friendly corp like Pandemic Horde / Dreddit / Brave / EVEUni etc.
Step 2. Go out to null, lose your infinite free rifters in a giant fireball and have fun
Step 3. Be the biggest fucking space jew ever. dont mine or salvage, that shit is for carebears, cheat and steal and lie.
Step 4. Make off with hundreds of billions of corporation assets like me and never have to pay for the game with real life money again or worry about the ingame currency cost of ingame items.
It seems pretty justified desu, they even have articles about it and make references (for example at fanfest) about how something like this could be a real thing. There is an tremendous amount of backstory in this game, and they even got various scientists interested in it.
Are you in the STEM field by chance?
Is it acceptable in EVE for a player to drop in and out of the game, sometimes not playing for a two weeks?
I'm going to give it another go, this time trying to go at it in a group with a corp but I don't want to come off as an asshole if I suddenly disappear for a while due to life getting in the way.
Lmao it's t1 cruiser meta for the last year. Battleships are far too slow and easy pickings for bombers.
I can tell you have never played EVE before and don't know what you're talking about. T2 and T3 fits are all you need for corps, but instead of telling me the exact restrictions you're just giving me your opinion that I frankly didn't ask for because you're not educated or have played EVE at all.
Depends on the Corp.
adding to that, its all about mobility, which is why everything beneath cruisers are so popular
if you were here 7 years ago you would have a point somewhat, but even then it was all minmatar.
Join a big corporation and no one will care. Big corps like Brave and Horde that have 100+ active people in any one system get purged every couple months.
>Eve being game about battleship combat
Battleships do have roles in small or sologang. Or wormholes. We exclusively use the vendi as our main dps platform.
I know, just mentioning the 'meta' that has gripped even for some years now
I usually fly solo and always battlecruiser or bigger.
>playing minmatar for the first time
"You want me to do WHAT with my SHIP? RAM it into them!?"
>with this restrictions
Its a timeless trial and that's about it.
Not sure if you really don't know or you are asking ironically.
Eve trains skills in real time. For instance my main is just finishing up a skill that took 25 or so days to train. My main has 100 million skill points though so I have trained most of the shorter ones which will be available on the alpha clones. F2p accounts only get access to frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. However with the way Eve is structured it's not really that important as it is a sandbox. In the last huge fleet fight like 50% of the ships used were those class hulls.
You can also pay for a full account with in game money if you are good at making it.
>solo pve content
>painting a target onto your ship in nullsec
I want minecraft babies to leave
the official wiki was discontinued(fuck you web 2.0), but info is still being added to fansites afaik
and for the item database;
>solo pve content
Where did I state that I pve solo?
'Flying solo' and 'Wormholes' are all PvE triggers
you cant pvp solo in wormholes? I'm not him btw, nor do I do wormholes
>get an item that sells for 10 billion
>from salvaging
I salvaged to fund my character's living for half a year, there are no items you could randomly pick up from salvaging worth 10bil. Not even Sleeper loot.
It doesn't matter what it is worth if you get someone to pay 10bill for it.
Yes, but when is it going Fun to Play
not him but
400 million plex? thats probably somewhere in 2009/2008 territory, but yeah even officer loot 10/10 instances or wormhole (which was new during those days) were probably give that much. maybe a collection of items though for sure
you scamming fuck, good job
Ga naar bed aub carlos
1 day-a week
You only really need training for smaller things and PVE. In mass-scale blob warfare, you can be a crappy newbie and still have some percentage of impact.
Sub-based games have gone the way of the dodo for years. The new long-term monetization scheme is F2P with bonus microtransactions, usually for cosmetics. One thing I'm seeing a lot nowadays is the buy-to-play option: buy the game once and get everything for life, with minimal-to-nonexistant microtransactions if you want a smidge bit extra.
Hope they do something about Tidi though, that's like the only thing that worries me about the game.
Blob warfare has its own charm but even their millitary grade hardware struggles keeping up Tranquility